Thursday 28 August 2014

Who's Alice

In this one, we see more of Alice's past as we see the year prior being taken to the asylum, where she discovers her father has a new wife & daughter, essentially replacing her & her mother. As she attempts to adjust to the new changes in her life, she has nightmares about Cyrus & is unhappy with her stepmother's attempts to make her get married. Conflicted between his wife & daughter, Alice's father makes her choose to stay & forget about Cyrus, or be sent to an asylum, which she of course, chooses the latter of as he doesn't believe in her. Meanwhile, as Alice now knows where Cyrus is, she follows the path there which leads her to the Dark Forest & then to the Boro Boro trees, which have memory loss scent & people would eventually turn into trees themselves. Will arrives to snap her out of it, which he eventually does after a lot of effort, & they continue their quest to find Cyrus. However, Anastasia is already one step ahead of them as she finds him the moment he discovers Jafar's lair is on a floating island, but decides to jump into the ocean. Meanwhile, Jafar finds out more about Alice at the asylum, goes to her house & kidnaps Edwin & send him to Wonderland.
What I liked about this episode was the character development from Alice & seeing more of her past with her strained relationship with her father, being forced to adapt to the new surroundings with her stepmother & stepsister as well as trying & failing to move on from Cyrus. I wish we could've seen more of Alice & Millie bonding, but what was shown in the episode was pretty good! Sophie Lowe's performance was surprisingly good in both the present scenes & flashbacks, even when she has to act mad in the Wonderland scenes. Speaking of, I even enjoyed seeing the rather crazy side of Wonderland with the Boro Boro trees as they definitely reminded me of the drug related correlations of the Lewis Carroll book people associate it with. Even seeing more of Anastasia's search for Cyrus & Jafar in Victorian England was fun to watch, but in a way I felt they slowed down the episode, even if that's just nitpicking from me. Overall, I liked this episode thanks to the good character development, but I'm not sure if it's quite on par with the character development in OUAT!

Why is he in Victorian England...?
Why does the outside of the asylum look so fake?
Poor Alice! 
Pretty big bombshell for her!

Haha! 'Seems like an awful waste of wood, when one sign would do.'
OK...really creepy!
This is very bizarre...
'Alice wherever you really were whatever really happened, these things are best forgotten.' 'So I should just sweep him under the rug, like you did with mother and with me?' Poor Alice!
'DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN OR CAN'T DO!' Nice Lost reference!
'What the bloody hell is going on here?' My sentiments exactly!
Haha! 'Right, don't worry about the man with the sword & scary grin!'
Bit too quick to talk about marriage the day she's returned!
...She's gone nuts!
OK...this is getting weirder & weirder!
Pretty sweet seeing Alice & Millie bond!
I really can't stand Sarah!
She's mad!
Why the hell does she want Cyrus so badly?!
Mr Darcy certainly looks handsome!
Poor Alice!
Oi! Leave Will alone!
About time that she bloody remembers everything!
Oh God...!
I really can't stand how manipulative she is!
So he had his heart ripped out!
What the hell is he doing?!
Oh God!

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