Friday 29 August 2014

Nothing to Fear

Following the events of the midseason finale, Alice & Cyrus have reunited, Will is now a genie, Anastasia is now a good guy & Jafar is planning a war to get the genie bottle to complete the spell. Now, Jafar enlists the help of the Jabberwocky, who in here is a woman who can get into people's heads, torment them & eventually kill them to help with the war he's planning against Alice, Will, Anastasia, Cyrus & all of Wonderland. Meanwhile, Alice, Cyrus & Anastasia go off to find Will not before she's taken by a mob & plan to leave her as dinner until Alice & Cyrus manage to track her down but are then left tied up along with her as they can't pay the ransom they offered for her freedom. However, they manage to find a way of escaping & find Will, only for Anastasia to discover Lizard has died thanks to a thoughtless wish in the process & that he's trapped in his bottle. She decides to take it & have him as her genie & joins forces with everyone to save Wonderland from Jafar, unaware that he's also now joined forces with the Jabberwocky.
While this episode is mostly OK, mostly because there's no flashbacks, some parts were pretty pointless, they killed off a character with lots of potential & I have doubts over their version of the Jabberwocky, some parts were pretty good, including Lizard's character despite her death as mentioned. I liked seeing more of Anastasia as she finally wants to make up for everything she's done & has completely gone out of her Red Queen facade which infuriated me in the first half of the season. Seriously, she has gone from being my most hated character to my favourite character in the show & she now isn't the Regina rip-off  I expected her to be! Anyway, Alice & Cyrus were OK, if not a bit boring as they haven't really discussed much of what happened when she was at the asylum, I did enjoy seeing Will as a genie which lead to some comedic moments before the tragedy of Lizard's death & I will say that a more psychological villain is actually pretty interesting coming from OUAT with the Jabberwocky, even if she doesn't come quite on par with other OUAT villains like Cora, Rumple or Peter Pan! Overall, this one was good & I am intrigued to see more of the war in Wonderland, Jafar & the Jabberwocky being allies, Anastasia helping the group & I would also like to see more about Cyrus with his brothers.
Nice to see you again Lizard!
Haha! 'Mistress mine, my will is thine. Tell me your wishes three. Bollocks!'
Haha! 'Ugh. You two are even more insufferable together!' 
This can't be good...
Hi again Caterpillar!
Love Alice's outfit!
Interesting first wish! Free beer for everyone!
Can't help but feel bad for her being kidnapped & held for ransom!
OK, now that's even more disgusting!
Seems that being a genie has more perks than Cyrus made it out to least from Will's perspective!
Interesting that Cyrus made a tracking spell by scratch! 
I wonder who the Jabberwocky is in this version if he wants it so badly...
Actually kinda sad that she can't think of anyone who'd pay the ransom!
Aww! Rather heartwarming they're willing to pay it! Bit in a sticky situation though that theyey don't have money!

OK, that Gilligan cut was pretty funny!
What the hell are those?! 
Could he be any more oblivious to the fact she's in love with him?!
Woah! She looks stunning!
I wonder what's going on... 
OK...pretty creepy!
AWW!!! Sorry, that is adorable!
'I just...I just wish you could at least feel something for me! Anything!' NO!  
NO!!! I liked her! But wait, I thought genies couldn't kill people! :(
Not the best position to be in poor Will!
At least Anastasia has compassion!
Why am I not surprised she's keeping the bottle? 
So Cyrus' 2 brothers are the other 2 genies trapped in the bottles Jafar has!
I actually like that she wants to atone all the mistakes she's made by staying with them!
EWW! So this is out Jabberwocky...not what I was expecting at all!
OK...this is very creepy!

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