Friday 1 August 2014

Top 10 Rumbelle Kisses!

Since there has finally been 10 Rumbelle kisses in the show as of season 3 (nowhere near enough if you ask me), I thought I may as well rank them from the best!

Click to view full size image10) The 2x04 kiss AKA Belle's dream kiss. Not much to say other than that it's pretty cute despite the fact 1) it didn't actually happen & 2) what happens afterwards...yeah! Probably the main reason why it's at the bottom for me is because it wasn't really significant in any way compared to the others & isn't that memorable.

Click to view full size image9) The 2x12 kiss AKA the memory attempt kiss. Unlike the last one which had little to no significance & didn't actually happen, this one is quite the opposite as obviously, it's Gold attempting True Love's Kiss to get Belle's memory back, despite the fact that his love isn't reciporacated. And again, what happens afterwards with the screaming & (temporary) death of chip (Have never forgiven them for that!) is why it's not higher up on the list!

Click to view full size image8) The 3x21 kiss AKA the casual one? Well, I love this one mostly because it's more of a casual one in comparison to the rest of this list (other than number 10 anyway), but still managed to be sweet & meaningful as they're discussing their wedding & how far they've gone as a couple. That's all I can say really if I can be honest!

Click to view full size image7) 2x22 Kiss number 1 AKA Reunion kiss number 2. After I'm not joking, half a season of Belle being sidelined thanks to the stupid & poorly executed memory loss plot, it felt like a huge breath of fresh air when they finally came back in the finale despite the stupid deus ex machina mouthwash-I mean 'magic potion'. Anyway, I think what I love most about this is that despite Rumple being a complete asshole to people & her seemingly being aware of it, she just doesn't care cos she's back with her love again.

Click to view full size image6) 2x22 kiss number 2 AKA the goodbye kiss! Yeah, honestly it was pretty hard to choose which kiss from 2x22 was better, but I ultimately went with this one due to the context & higher emotions in the scene as Rumple believes he's going to his death in Neverland while Belle has to stay in order to look after the town. I just love how much it shows their love for each other, not that the other ones already shown didn't prove otherwise! Anyway, I'm thankful this wasn't their final one because it would've really annoyed me after how much they've been through!

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5) 3x10 Kiss AKA Reunion kiss number 3! Unlike the other reunion kiss where it was when it was possible they were gonna die, this one is at a moment where, well, they were talking about their future together in possibly one of the most romantic & sweet moments between them in the show so far. Oddly enough, I just love how Rumple has become more confident in their love as he has no trouble believing they will be together & is the one to lead the kiss with no problem whatsoever when he would normally be a bit shy & flustered.

Click to view full size image4) The 2x01 kiss AKA Reunion kiss number 1 (Boy, there are tons of reunions with this couple)! Considering being split up for about 30 years & Gold thinking she was dead, this smooch was pretty much needed for both of them! And considering how badly their last kiss ended, this one just makes it that much more heartwarming to watch. I won't lie, this is pretty much the main reason why I watch 2x01 whenever I want to!

3) The 3x20 kiss AKA the proposal kiss! Do I really need to say why for this one? Considering it's easily the most passionate kiss between them so far, it's very fitting that it occurs after the famous proposal scene! I don't even know what else to say as just looking at it alone is evidence enough as to why it's in the top 3 kisses between them!

2) 1x12 kiss AKA their first kiss! You have no idea how hard it was to choose between this and the one I chose for number 1 (pretty obvious what it is now since they've had 10 onscreen kisses!) It's just so sweet considering it was pretty much what made them confess their love for each other & the factor that it was a True Love's Kiss, it already goes up to at least the top 3! The events afterwards including Rumple kicking her out were what avoided it from going to the top. Despite that, still a very iconic kiss for this couple, which is fitting since it was their first!

1) 3x22 kiss AKA the wedding kiss! This one is just perfect in every way! No interruptions, no conflict going on (well, from Belle's perspective anyway), nobody to judge them, it's just them expressing their love alone in a beautiful & intimate ceremony. It's actually very simple why this is my top one: it shows how far they've gone with their displays of affection compared to the start of their relationship. This one (well, the whole wedding scene actually) never fails to cry/get me teary eyed when I watch it & the emotional stakes are up to the max with them!

And that's all I've got so far for my Top 10 Rumbelle Kisses! With their marriage starting in season 4, I can't wait to see more great smooches between them as a married couple, until she discovers the truth about the dagger, maybe dump him, but get back together again! Hey, I wouldn't blame her for doing that once she finds out, but I still have faith in them! By the way, can't wait for the Rumbelle honeymoon and, just announced, Beauty and the Beast dance which I am so so excited for after so long of waiting for that iconic scene to be re-enacted by my favourite couple in the show!

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