Friday 29 August 2014

We Are Both

Since I didn't really do a proper review when this first aired, I thought I may as well do one along with 2x03! What I liked about this episode was the origins of the odd frenemy-ship between Regina & Rumple, starting off as a student/teacher relationship (not that kind of relationship) before they became enemies yet joined forces in some situations...anyway I liked seeing more of Lana Parrilla as Young Regina as she becomes conflicted with being good for her mother & marrying King Leopold or rebelling against her by using magic. I loved Rumple & his new voice, with the same charisma I enjoy him for as well as some pretty funny moments. Same goes for Gold with his funny snarks towards everyone as he's clearly interested in some other goal he's hiding from everyone & doesn't care about anyone else's problems. Henry annoyed me a lot, again, like always, but I'll give him credit when he talks to Regina about the fact that everyone would fear them & he'd be alone if he stayed with her. At least Regina takes a step to redeeming herself by letting him go with David. Anyway, I liked David's speech at the end partly because he made fun of himself in season 1 being a huge douchebag, & convincing the others to stay & combine their past memories with their new ones as both. I was a bit bothered Emma & Mary Margaret didn't have as much screen time, but clearly they'll be the focus of the next episode & this one was a segway into it with the ending. And also, I liked seeing Jefferson return despite his limited screen time & I really wish he appeared in more episodes than he did overall! Anyway, still enjoyed this episode as I like seeing more of the Storybrooke residents & the flashbacks were enjoyable with Cora being the second season's villain.
OK...what's going on?
Woah, looks like the Wraith caused a lot more damage than expected!

Looks like August is alive despite being wood...
Nice to see you again Cora...
HAHA! 'Are the nuns still nuns? Or can they, you know, date? Don’t say it’s me asking!'
Pretty fitting price for crossing the town line! 
Nice to see Bailee Madison again as Young Snow! 
 Plot hole: Cora met Rumple after she met Henry, not before! Unless that was a lie on Cora's behalf!
'I don't care if they turn me green!' Very subtle foreshadowing...
Interesting new voice Rumple!
'You know the curse was broken was cos of me!' No Henry, it was Emma's love for you that broke it!
Haha! 'It appears when I bought that closed sign I was just throwing my money away!'
OK...didn't take the bad news very well!
OK...pretty weird...
Nice to see you again Jefferson!
At least Granny's prepared for the worst!
OK, that was pretty badass!
Looks like she's always one step ahead!
I don't think giant cupcakes are going to solve the fact you're crazy & everyone fears you Regina!
HAHA! Love him in the mirror!
Thank God that speech worked!
So this is how their off frenemy-ship began!
At least she's taking steps to redeem herself!
Seems it'll be interesting to know why he wants to leave so badly (maybe to find Baelfire...?)
Haha! Like grandfather, like grandson!
OK...a bit unecessary!
Interesting Lost reference with the pit!
Don't trust her Emma!

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