Friday 29 August 2014

Heart of the Matter

In this episode, Alice & Cyrus decide to find Will's heart as that's the reason why Jafar's spell isn't working, where they learn that it's in Storybrooke in his apartment, which they head off to with a little help from the White Rabbit. They eventually do, but Jafar manages to take it, but not before Alice & Cyrus learn that his staff is in fact Cyrus' mother Amara, and now their plan is to take her out of the spell. Meanwhile, as both Ana & Will are locked up in Jafar's prison, they reminsice about the times they had together & we find out her ultimate goal with wanting to go back in time so that they never went to Wonderland. However, the Jabberwocky puts Will's heart back & now loves Anastasia like he used to years ago & to make matters much worse, Jafar kills Anastasia right in front of a helpless Will to check if his heart 'is still working.' & because she's no use to him anymore. In the flashbacks, we see Anastasia getting used to the high life & meets none other than Cora (guest star Barbara Hershey) who teaches her magic & rips Will's heart out to take all of the pain away of their relationship because she likes to do nothing but screw up people's relationships & lives for nothing else but being a selfish & evil bitch. That's about it, sorry, the flashbacks had a simple story this time round!
I loved this episode from start to finish. Even seeing Cora again was refreshing as she is technically an Alice in Wonderland character & it was interesting to see what happened between her & Anastasia with teaching magic & that she saw her as the daughter she never had (even if she already has 2 daughters she completely disregards). I didn't like that she had to ruin another couple's happiness by ripping Will's heart out & manipulating innocent Ana to marry the king & keep the crown, but that's mostly because I hate Cora herself! The scenes between Ana & Will in the prison cells were really well done with the acting from Michael & Emma, managing to make me feel really sympathetic towards them, especially at the end. I really enjoyed seeing Storybrooke again along with some subtle cameos, but I wish we could've seen some other characters from OUAT like maybe Emma, Gold, Regina or even Jefferson. That's just nitpicking & I loved how funny it was seeing Alice & Cyrus reacting to electricity at Will's apartment & it was nice to see the plot with Will's heart come to an end despite the very tragic cliffhanger at the end! Overall, I love this episode for the writing, acting, dramatic & comedic moments along with great character development.
About time he gets the compass back!

Smart plan shrinking Alice!
Interesting incantation...
Nice to see you again Cora...!
'My own daughter's been a disappointment to me.' Uh, you do realize Regina's already a frigging queen & that you ruined her life Cora?! 
Nice to see Tweedle send a message from Anastasia!
Haha! 'I'll save you some time. Water, hairy spiders, being stabbed in the head, and, uh, raisins. Grapes are fine, but raisins, no, thank you.'
Ugh, why must you intefere with every relationship Cora?! 
Really heartwarming to see Alice & Cyrus reunite with her!
Nice to see her stand up to Jafar!
LEAVE HER ALONE! I'm reminded of why I hate you Cora!
Looks like we're off to Storybrooke!
*Sighs* How I've missed you Storybrooke!

Wait, is that Gold's Cadillac?!
And Ruby's car?!

Even the Rabbit Hole bar! Feels so good to see all of this again!
HAHA! Love their reaction to electricity & Cyrus' fixation of the lights! 
I don't know whether to find this funny or sad...
Love this scene between them! Can't help but feel sorry for Ana in this bit!
About time they find his heart! 
Rather valid point with when she wanted to go back in time!
Looks like she's taken some of Rumple's teaching methods to teach Anastasia magic!
Are they implying Cora killed the Red King?!
Nice to see Jafar's staff/Amara is now working against him!
Well, at least he's figured out that his mother's the staff!
Ooh! That's really gotta hurt!
Poor poor Will :'(

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