Thursday 28 August 2014

Heart of Stone

As Alice still has to find a way to find & save Cyrus while Will is still a statue, she & Anastasia team up to find magical dust from a cliff where only the pure of heart can go across in exchange for Anastasia telling Alice where Cyrus has been kept prisoner. However, it quickly becomes a test of moral as Alice falls into a hidden area & encounters a twisted version of herself as a child, convinving her to kill Anastasia after how much she has made her suffer. Being the kind not to kill, Alice passes the test & is allowed to get the magical dust to find Cyrus. However, it turns out Anastasia lied to Alice that she'd tell her Cyrus' wheareabouts & keeps the dust, only to see that she wanted to use it to free Will while Alice saved some dust & now knows where he is. In the flashbacks, following 1x03, Anastasia & Will head off to Wonderland together despite her mother's disapproval so they can be happy. However, once there, they realize it's not all that it's cracked up to be, but go to a ball at the Red King's castle, where they get caught for stealing. However, Anastasia has an idea to steal the crown jewels & sell them when they go back to the Enchanted Forest as they've had enough of Wonderland. However, once at the castle, the Red King convinces her to marry him in order to retain being at the top rather than be with Will, breaking his heart in the process.
I surprisingly liked this episode, mostly because of the relationship between Will & Anastasia, which was well done partly thanks to the chemistry between the actors & that they're actually handled more realisitically as they discover that they can't live on love alone. Also, it felt very refreshing to finally hear Anastasia's proper voice/accent after a long time of hearing her false stuck up posh accent & Emma Rigby's performance was actually pretty good. I also liked seeing Alice & Anastasia working together, despite the end along with the test of morals being very well done & surprisingly creepy with the young version of Alice! I even liked seeing more character development from Anastasia as she still has a bit of the woman she was on the inside like when she frees Will from being stone. I did have a few issues like the Red King wasn't very likeable & it was a smidge on the predictable side, but I still enjoyed it nontheless!
Bit of a bad time to interrupt!
'I wanted a queen for a daughter' Foreshadowing! 
Wouldn't wanna go down there, if I were her!
OK...a bit random!
Pretty interesting Anastasia's the one offering to work together!
Looks like Wonderland isn't all that it cracks up to be for them! 
'You and I are nothing alike.' 'We both want something we don't have, Alice.' Seems they're more similar than they think!
You'd think he's try & speed up trying to escape!
How nice Rabbit continuing to double cross Alice!
About time he escaped! At least Alice doesn't have to find his prison now!
"The pure of heart shall make the leap."...pretty obvious it's Alice!
Very pretty dress & hair despite looking modern!
So that's the Red King...
Why am I not surprised they got caught?
Well, at least they got something out of it!
Haha! 'How do I know this isn't a trick? That you intend for me to fall? Then I'll have to use one of my wishes to save my life.' 'If I wanted you to fall off the cliff, I'd push you.'
Interesting that it's an invisble path!
And...I spoke too soon! 
Creepy place...
Bit of a sproadic decision to steal the crown jewels!
Very noble of Cyrus wanting to free the other prisoner!
Thank you for the nightmare fuel!
Good choice Alice!
So that's the dust...Hmm!
How nice tricking Alice after she spared her life! 
I wonder where he's going...
So he's pretty much blackmailing her to marry him?! What a nice way for a relationship to start!
Clearly this is how she started her facade!
Poor Will!
Seems that she does still care about him!
OK...seems that he's up in the air!

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