Thursday 28 August 2014

Bad Blood

This episode shows more of Jafar's backstory as we see him learning from his dying mother that his father is really the Sultan of Agrabah, working at the palace as a servant & being forced to hide his true identity from everybody. Unfortunately, he slips up in front of both him & his other son, leading him to be beat up & his father attempting to drown him, thus igniting Jafar's hatred for the Sultan. Meanwhile in Wonderland, Jafar takes Alice's father to Wonderland, thus having proof of it's existence after not believing Alice for so long. Jafar goes to Alice & Will in disguise as Edwin to try & fool them & make her use her second wish. Thankfully, Alice deduces it's not her father as he didn't say grace before eating, something she knows he always does no matter what it is. But when Jafar reveals himself, he forces Alice to use her second wish to take her father home, leading him to think they everything was a dream. Anastasia & Cyrus didn't do much to contrirbtueu the plot, but Cyrus is now finally off the floating island & will hopefully reunite with Alice soon. Oh yeah, and the other prisoner with Cyrus was Jafar's father the whole time!
Although I said 1x04 was pretty good, I find this one to be much better when it comes to Jafar's backstory as it makes him much more sympathetic than prior, and I his actor is pretty good! I hated the Sultan & his other son, especially when the Sultan tried to drown him. But now it just feels weird to think that the cruel heartless sultan is the same person as that man in the cage! I liked seeing more of Alice & Will's friendship along with her calling her 'father' out on everything & actually being smart enough to be able to tell it's not him. I even liked seeing Edwin's development with finally believing his daughter & that he actually admitted his mistakes to her & confessed he blamed her for her mother's death, as harsh as that sounds! The flashbacks were also pretty good with the acting & visuals, along with the devlopment of Jafar & his hatred for his father, & honestly, I can understand why he hates the Sultan due to his sadisitic & cruel behaviour towards him & essentially disowning him! I do have a few issues like Cyrus & Anastasia were pretty much useless this time round, some scenes could've been cut out & some of the acting, especially from Naveen Andrews again, being very hammy (you could argue it's intentional). And I wasn't surprised the Sultan was the prisoner at the end, but I still liked this episode better than The Serpent mostly because of the plot & character development progressing better!
Poor Jafar! :(
So he still has his father's ring!
Haha! 'If you're just going to show me off, was the bag really necessary?'
Well, at least she finally knows where he is!
Haha! 'Have you ever considered the possibility you're a lazy imbecile?' 'Is that a rhetorical question?'
Uh...what is that?
Nice cameo of a key from Granny's from OUAT! 
A BirdBark Tree? Never heard of that before!
So that's the Sultan in this version...
Poor Jafar being forced to work as a servant!
What the-?!
I think that's the right reaction after everything that's happened with them!
Good on her for calling him out even if that's really Jafar!
Rather embarrassing when the illegitimate son is the more intelligent one!
That 'True power comes from fear' quote sounds awfully familiar...
Good on Will for telling 'Edwin' to try & be a good father!
Looks like the hot air balloon will be useless now! 
Interesting that Alice knows a lot about physics! 
OK...what is that?!
Maybe next time you should make a spell that also changes your reflection, Jafar!
That's just downright sadistic & reprehensible!
At least Edwin knows he's been a harsh jerk!
Looks like she now knows...
Well, at least he doesn't have to disguise himself anymore!
Nice Lost reference!
Yeah Alice, I think this time round it would be best to make a wish to save your father's life!
At least his wrongdoings & I'm glad he told her about Cyrus escaping!
Oh yeah, I forgot about you, Sarah!
Honestly, it didn't surprise me when I first saw this!
OK, that's gotta hurt! Then again, he deserved it, the bastard!
'My only regret Jafar, is that I didn't hold you long enough in the water!' Wow. That's cold!
Not surprised that he's alive!

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