Friday 8 August 2014

The Stranger

In this episode, we finally learn the identity of August. It turns out not only is he an adult Pinocchio (which was my other guess when it turned out he wasn't Baelfire), but also the seven year old boy that 'found' Emma as a baby that left her in the foster system due to it being cruel & a kid managing to steal money so that they can get out of there. Also, it turns out the reason why August is dying is because he's turning back into wood as he broke his promise of looking after Emma and being selfless, brave and true. Emma, not believing his story or the curse, pretty much tells August that she doesn't want the responsibilities of being the Saviour & decides to take Henry in the middle of the night away from Storybrooke. In the Enchanted Forest, it's also revealed that the wardrobe that sent Emma to our world would actually take two people instead of one, originally planning it so that Snow & Charming would go through. However, concerned with what could happen to his son, Gepetto makes a deal so that Pinocchio is given the first spot with the Blue Fairy lying that it can only take one to the others. And to make things worse, obviously Snow goes into labour like in the Pilot, but Gepetto reasons with the Blue Fairy that Emma needs a guardian, not a mother, and still puts Pinocchio in the wardrobe promising to take care of Emma.
Overall, I loved this episode! It was nice to see them finally reveal who August was and his backstory was really well done. And the fact that the wardrobe would really take two people instead of one was a nice twist, even if a tad predictable with the factor that August remembered everything from his land. I mean, what kid isn't selfish at one point in their life? If I had an issue, it would be the subplot with Regina & David as she tries to seduce him for no reason whatsoever & it goes nowhere. Also, Regina/David? Ew! And Emma all of a sudden kidnapping Henry was just too selfish & I felt that she was pretty stupid not thinking about the possible consequences of her actions (not just the established fact of bad things happening when people try to leave Storybrooke). Also, the fact that she still doesn't believe in the curse after tons & tons of evidence given to her proving it to be true & the fact that the audience knows it's true from the very start of the show just makes her come across as unlikeable. Anyway, I still really enjoy this episode for it's great writing, very well done flashbacks & making August a much more likeable & sympathetic character. Too bad he had to have his life retconned in season 2 which was unforgiveable!
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Interesting design for a lock!
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Hmm! So August added Pinocchio into the book! Perhaps his story?
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OK, I would be lying if I didn't say that the effects look pretty good in this scene!
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Thought so! And eek! That's gotta hurt!
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I'm sorry, but Henry really annoys me in this scene with talking about the curse!
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So it seems Gold now knows who August is!
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How nice of Pinocchio to tie up his conscience into the clock! Then again, what kid doesn't misbehave at one point in their life? 
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Honestly, I don't blame him for not wanting to help Emma get custody of Henry!
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Why the hell isn't David angry at Regina despite all the hell she's caused to Mary Margaret?! 
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So that's the same kind of tree used to make Pinocchio...?
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OK, I can understand his concerns as a parent, but he really should consider the possible consequences!
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Nice Beatles reference with their 'Magical Mystery Tour!'
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Oh my God, could David be any more idiotic having dinner with her?! And looks like Regina's lasagne will be her trademark recipe!
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Seriously Regina?! Stooping that low?!
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So he seriously thinks a seven year old kid can look after a baby!?And surely 'lying for the people you love' can often cause more pain than good!
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So that's where Emma was found!
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Isn't that the same newspaper clipping Emma had in her files?
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So Emma can't see his leg...I'm sorry, but I'm really not liking her at this point because despite all the evidence proving he was the boy that 'found her' & the curse, she still doesn't believe in it!
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Anyway, I salute August for at least trying!
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Why is the show so set on portraying the foster system in a negative light?! 
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Pretty sweet Marco has the whale despite not knowing the reality behind it!
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This is probably one of the best scenes in the episode considering despite Marco not knowing who he is, at least August is still trying to atone for his mistakes!
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This is our hero ladies and gentlemen! Kidnapping a kid!

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