Friday 29 August 2014

Lady of the Lake

I know, I already put it on the worst list in my Top 5 Best & Worst OUAT S2 Episodes list, but I may as well explain why! It was mostly because of the pointless & boring Snowing flashbacks (which would unfortunately become a thing after this for them), the dull writing & acting, wasting a good character (Lancelot in this one) with lots of potential by killing him off after one episode (which would also become somewhat of a running gag in season 2) & the plot holes with the barren curse which was also entirely unecessary as we knew Snow would have Emma ever since the Pilot! I mean, since it was a curse, it could've been saved with True Love's Kiss which breaks ANY curse rather than having Ruth sacrifice herself so Snow could have children again! I get that it relates to the themes of the love of a mother & parallels with Mary Margaret & Emma, but the flashbacks should also have a point to them & progress the plot, & these ones don't! Anyway, the CGI is also a noticeable downgrade with the obviously fake ogre along with the bad green screen of the castle & overall, I just don't really care about this episode. There are a few good things like the scene with Emma & Mary Margaret at the nursery was well done with the acting from Jennifer & Ginnifer & the private & intimate wedding between Snow & Charming was also cute!
OK...pretty cool fight scene! 
So Lancelot is now disgraced from the Round Table...
Seriously Emma?! Could you be any stupider mentioning Henry to Regina's mother?!
Aww! Nice to see them reunite! 
Haha! Love Emma's reaction to the food in the Enchanted Forest!
Nice to see you again King George...
'You poisoned her.' 'I cursed her!' Thank you Captain Obvious!
Love Mulan's reaction to a gun!
Hi again Jefferson! And Henry, stop butting in on situations which have nothing to do with you!
Wanna say this is Regina's only scene in this & her being asked to leave is never mentioned again!
Oh God... 
Bit crazy Aurora!
Haha! 'Ogres...?' 'RUN!!!'
Could that look any more fake?!
So Lancelot was disgraced because of a woman...I wanna see that if OUAT ever go to Camelot!
Haha! 'What kind of corset is this?'
Kinda sad that the curse damaged the castle that much!
Looks like that was the consequence for Charming killing the Siren!
Henry, stop being stupid & putting your life at risk! 
OK, I will say that this bit is well done!

Aww! Sweet wedding!
Poor Charming losing is mother. :'(
At least Mary Margaret is smart enough to figure out that he's really Cora!
I'm sorry, but I can't stand the bad green screen here!
Haha! 'We're going to have a child!' 'Is there something I need to know?'
AWW! 'I'm not used to someone putting me first.' 'Well get used to it!'
Aww! Can't help but feel sorry for Mary Margaret!
I wonder what she's planning on doing with that sparkly dust...
AWW! So sweet to see them finally reunite!
Aww! Nice to see them bonding!
I wonder what he's planning...

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