Friday 29 August 2014

Dirty Little Secrets

In this episode, we get to learn more about Cyrus' backstory with his brothers as we get to see how they became genies. When their house is torched after a game of poker goes wrong & their mother is left badly burned, they go to a to the Well of Wonders in the hopes of finding a cure. However, the Nyz that guards the well tells them that their mother's fate has been sealed & that she will die. In desperation of saving their mother, the brothers steal the water from the well & save her, revealing that she's Amara (Jafar's mentor) & the price of them stealing the water is them becoming genies, therefore explaining why she wanted them in the first place. In Wonderland, the group split up as Alice & Cyrus try to find the Well of Wonders in Wonderland while Anastasia & Will go off to the White Rabbit's for help. This leads Anastasia to the Jabberwocky, who kidnaps & emprisons both her & Will.
What I liked about this episode was how surprisingly dark it was! Rather it be the Nyx from the Well, the Jabberwocky getting into Anastasia's head or the mere fact the she plucked out Lizard's eyes from her corpse! I liked seeing Cyrus' backstory as we get to see a more smarmy side of him compared to the noble genie he was when he costs the lives of himself & his brothers to save their mother. I even liked seeing Cyrus attempt to make up to the Nyx about what he did & that both him & Alice could finally be honest with each other. I loved seeing more of Anastasia & to their credit, the scene with her & the Jabberwocky when she's locked up was well done as the Jabberwocky was actually pretty terrifying when getting down to it. I did have a feww issues like some cases of hammy acting, sometimes the writing can be a bit awkward & I thought Amara being Cyrus' mother was pretty predictable & obvious, but it didn't stop me from enjoying this dark twist of Wonderland!
So those are his brothers! 
That's just cruel!
Seems that they'll be splitting up!
Still really creepy!
Sad that she's dying!
About time that she asks him about his past!
The least he can do is open the door after he helped save his family!
Nice to see Anastasia apologising for what she's done to the Rabbit!
This is scary...! I mean, from a psychological perspective!
Leave her alone Jabberwocky!
OK, bit of an odd riddle!
OK...that is very very scary! Seriously, it looks like something out of a horror movie!
Interesting that he only answers yes & no questions & is lying! Nice riddle!
Interesting form of torture...
What the hell has he done?!
Oh God, not her again!
Great, more nightmare fuel!
Not surprised Amara's their mother! Must say, she looks young for someone that has 3 adult sons!
Wait, she's still alive despite being turned into Jafar's serpent staff?!
So that's how they became genies. Well, it's a fitting price that they help the desires of others after they stole the water for their own desires!
AHH! So she's Anastasia from Cinderella! Not gonna lie, didn't see that coming despite her name & Ashley's cameo in the Pilot!
This is just getting freaky!
Bloody hell! Stop making her use her wishes! 
'I wish for you to stop' too bad that she wasted her other two wishes thanks to the Jabberwocky otherwise that one would've been a good first one!
Poor Will trapped in there again!
Oh my God, are her ears bleeding?!
Very heartwarming of him to try & save her given the circumstances!
Finally! It's about time that she told him about the asylum! 
This cannot be good..

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