Wednesday 11 December 2013

True North

This episode is really the first bad episode I've watched in season 1. Why? Well, the characters Hansel and Gretel annoyed me real fast! Seriously, Hansel was just an idiot eating a cupcake when he was clearly told not to eat ANYTHING at the Blind Witch's gingerbread house. Speaking of the house...while the design is creative, the CGI really brings it down! It makes it look like something out of a video game I will say the interior design does look very colourful and the performance of the actress as the Blind Witch (who by the way, sounds like she's having an orgasm every time she opens her mouth) Also, we never see them again! No, we don't know what happened to them just before the curse was enacted or after Michael takes them in! And his reasons for not taking them in are just stupid and pathetic! Also, why didn't anyone suspect anything with 2 young children being seen in an abandoned house stealing food and essentials? Henry, obviously annoyed me again, but these kids were just worse! Come on guys, you can write kid characters, look at Baelfire! Sorry, I mostly rely on the characters on how they're written and directed, not really on the acting because I get that it'a hard for kids to have the same acting quality as trained adults, so I'm judging the kids on how they're written rather than how they're acted! But the biggest problem I had was the portrayal of the foster system, with Emma saying 'there aren't good foster parents'. Uh, yes there are, just because you weren't the luckiest of kids in the system it doesn't mean all foster parents are horrible! And why did Emma have to lie to Henry about his father (later on revealed to be Neal/Baelfire) maybe you should realize that if this kid can live in a cursed town where his adoptive mother thinks he's crazy, surely he can take what really happened to his father! So, yeah, I don't like this episode, but it's not the worst (we'll get to that later into season 1)
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Nice product placement(!)
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Not the best of liars...
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You only figured out now, Henry that they would frame you?
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OK, I will say their dad looks hot! Not as hot as other male characters in the show, but still!
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And I'll give them credit that the hair and costumes look good!
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Love Regina's outfit and cape!
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Hmm, nice house!
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Is it me or do they always eat  candy in the background? Not so subtle reference to their fairytale!
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Hey, it's Mr Kryzowski...who we never see or hear of again after this scene!
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Told you about the CGI! Guess they couldn't afford real candy to make it or to build a set!
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Third art shift in the book!
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Pretty elaborate lie, Emma!
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Hey, it's the blanket from the Pilot episode! Looks really pretty!
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No, remember what she said...
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OK, those do look delicious, but I wouldn't be stupid enough to eat any of that sugary sweetness if my life was at risk!
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She even looks like she's having an orgasm when she talks!Click to view full size image
Boy, those bones look pretty fake...
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Nice CGI...
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So the Mirror is also like a TV...
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Oh, could this mean their dad is coming?!
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I have to admit, I liked this scene!
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*Wolf whistles* he looks HOT!

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