Thursday 12 December 2013

7:15 A.M.

This episode mostly revolves around the relationship between Snow White and Prince Charming and how it parallels with the growing chemistry between Mary Margaret and David as they can't be together because David is married and Charming is engaged and will be killed if he doesn't marry Abigail. I liked seeing Snow White being conflicted with her feelings for Charming and in the end, she decides to selflessly let him go and take a potion which makes her forget about him, unknowingly when the wedding is called off. The acting was amazing from Ginnifer and Josh, with none of the romance feeling forced at all and they have great chemistry onscreen! I liked seeing Red and Snow's friendship as we haven't seen Red since the Pilot and that King George is really a cold hearted man, who's pretty much a corrupt tyrant! I did find it strange with Mary Margaret wanting to release a pigeon (by the way, am I the only one who noticed the error with what kind of bird it was), but I will say that it was good when her and David confessed they still had feelings for each other and the reason why they go to Granny's at 7:15AM is to see each other. So, overall, I liked this episode more than I thought I was going to! Definitely one for Snowing fans to watch!
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I wonder what's in the box...
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Nice LOST reference!
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Never thought I'd see Snow White wielding a spear...
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OK, now Rumple is just beyond creepy....
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OOH! Not the best thing to pick up Mary Margaret while helping Kathryn...
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Stop sticking your nose in other people's business Regina!
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My God, that castle looks beautiful!
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How convenient that David volunteers at the Pet Shelter...
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Aww! What a sweet love letter!
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Wait a minute, they can't recognise the princess even though they can clearly see her face?!
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Nice parallel of 1x01 with Emma and Leroy's meeting!
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Wait, there are 8 dwarves?
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Woah! How's she gonna get out of this if she doesn't have any of Snow's badass moves?
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Oh, right David followed her!
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NO! Looks like there are now 7 dwarves...
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...I hate you!
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Clearly trying to resolve their tension even though he's married....
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ARGH! Who is this hot guy?!
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OH! A typewriter...? Not so mysterious as I thought!
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See! Told you about the different type of bird!
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No, they're really not doing this! They are the whole 'I'm pretending I don't love you to save you thing' but I'll admit I've seen other movies & TV shows that have done it much worse! I mean, you can see how heartbroken Snow is!
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Loving Red's outfit!
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Love the set design for Snow's room!
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Looks like the start of an affair (well, in the cursed land anyway, technically they're still married)
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I hate you Regina!

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