Sunday 8 December 2013

The New Neverland

Finally, after 9 long episodes in Neverland, we are finally back in Storybrooke, which I have missed so dearly! I loved this episode, especially the first five minutes seeing everyone reunite! Of course, the Rumbelle one was my favourite and that kiss! Oh my God, it was so perfect! Even if there was no proposal, it was so nice to hear Rumple say all he wants for the future is to be with her! I liked the conflict with Regina and Emma over 'Henry', considering it wasn't as dramatic and they now acknowledge that they're both his mothers! And as for the popular character dying, revealed to be Blue/Mother Superior, it may have seemed pointless, but I shall miss her even if she was a bitch to Tink and separated Rumple and Bae and was manipulative...wait a minute! Surprisingly, I liked the acting with Jared and Robbie being each other and the way Henry was able to convince them he wasn't Pan, even Gold apologizing for doubting him!
As for the flashbacks, they may seem pointless since the Snow and Regina wanting to kill each other thing is getting old, but I like that Snow realizes there's no point & she shouldn't be worrying (on her own honeymoon as well, she needs to relax). I liked the mentioning of 2x10 when they stopped Regina's execution and it finally explained why Snow wanted to stop Regina: so they could have a child and Regina wouldn't be a threat to it (well, her!) That's all I have to say on the flashbacks, they were my problem as well as the CGI on Medusa! And as for the twist with the new curse, this is going to be a very interesting new turn if it is cast (which is most likely judging the promo and I seriously doubt Rumple will die) and we shall have to wait until next week's winter finale!
Love Belle being so supportive to Ariel!
N'aww! Nice to see Ariel get her prince after everything she's been through!
Aww, nice to see Ariel & Snow reunite!
AWW!!! The way they look at each other!
Why did Felix come with them again? And where are the Lost Boys going to live?
AWWW!!! How I've missed their hugging!
Sorry, I can't help it, they look so cute together!
AWWWW!!! The Stiltskin family together! So much floofiness!
Aww! The Darling family together at last!
Don't blame Belle for sticking by him!
Finally, Regina getting the credit she deserves!
I'm sorry, I don't like Snow's wedding dress!
Perfect opportunity to look at his butt in them leather pants!
Despite the obvious continuity error, AWWW!!!! I seriously think they had sex inbetween him changing from his leather outfit to his suit with the way they're flirting & her adjusting his tie!
Aww, her face bless her! Loving her new hair!
AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! Please excuse me as as I cry with happiness! Who bets they didn't go to the party at Granny's cos they had sex?
Love Regina sticking up for Tink!
Aww! Nice cape to conceal Ginny's pregnancy!
Why can't they see it's not Henry?
Nice to see Gold keep his end of the bargain!
Poor Neal! :(
EMMA'S RED JACKET! *Sighs* How I've missed it so after over a season of not seeing it!
I think we have a new ship... 
Meh, glad she's dead! Never liked her anyway!
Despite the CGI, the design of Medusa looks pretty cool!
Hands up if you think he'll be revived! All of you? OK!
Thought so! Nice mention of Frederick (Remember? Abigail's love who was turned to gold!)
Nice to see them all together!
Aww, love Belle linking her arm with Gold!
Nice nightgown! Looks cosy!
Hmm, so this is why they were filming in the graveyard!

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