Wednesday 11 December 2013

That Still Small Voice

This episode, written by Jane Espenson, details the story of Jiminy Cricket and, well, how be became a cricket after an incident caused by his con-men parents that he wanted to fix involving a young Geppetto. I liked seeing the parallels of Jiminy and Archie standing up for himself despite being meek and not wanting to dissatisfy the people around him, with the flashbacks involving his parents, and the Storybrooke scenes with Regina. Henry really annoyed me trying to go into the collapsing mines trying to prove that the curse is real when he could die & put other people in danger! I liked seeing Emma and Regina trying to work together to save Henry and Archie from the mine, also tying in with Emma being a part of the sheriff's station and working with Graham, who seems to have feelings for her. I also liked seeing Jiminy and how his close friendship with Gepetto began, after he ultimately decided to transform into a cricket to be free of his parents and be there for the boy when his parents are gone. I hated Jiminy's parents, they were just too mean spirited and such terrible parents, only caring about themselves. The episode itself may seem overtly schmaltzy and syrupy, but I enjoyed it because of that and it was written really well.
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Aww, what a cute puppet show!
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Aww, young Jiminy looks cute!
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Nice sheriff uniform!
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How nice, Regina, wanting your son to be bluntly given the 'truth' and make him out to be mad!
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Aww! Pretty sweet scene!
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Pretty harsh, Archie!
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Pretty stupid move, Henry!
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Hey, nice to see you Rumple, who somehow lived for several years!
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Well, a responsible adult would say 'kid, it's none of your business, you could die in that collapsing mine!'
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Oh, how nice conning a lovely young couple who helped you!
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...I hate you!
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Wow, those puppets look creepy...
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Poor kid! :(
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Jealous, Mary Margaret?
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AWW! HE LOOKS SO CUTE! And his name is Pongo, nice 101 Dalmatians reference!
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Looks like that umbrella can really come in handy!
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Wait, if he is clearly seen talking to people in English, how come he's speaking cricket here?!
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So he had them the whole time...
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Explain Regina. EXPLAIN!

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