Tuesday 10 December 2013

The Thing You Love Most

Following the pilot episode, I like how this episode shows how Regina was able to enact the curse and we got to see a sympathetic side to her shown through her relationship with her father who she loves most, before she killed him. I liked seeing Maleficent (Kristen Bauer van Straten) and it's kind of sad this would be the only episode the actress appeared in and we barely get to know anything about her, until the Alice in Wonderland spin-off! The Storybrooke scenes were also pretty good as we get to see the start of Emma's rivalry with Regina over Henry, Emma's cynicism with the curse and the growing friendship between Emma and Mary Margaret. Henry annoyed me again (expect that thought throughout the entire season because I cannot stand him. I know he's a kid and I shouldn't be harsh, but I think it's how he's written as annoying, thinking he'd always right, selfish and inconsiderate) and the effects aren't really as good as the Pilot (I know, it's a TV show & they have a budget, but trust me, it gets worse) Besides them problems, I enjoyed this episode and is a pretty good follow up to the Pilot!
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Nice shot of the town!
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Creative design for the Magic Mirror!
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Maleficent?! Didn't think I'd see her and the Evil Queen be friends!
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Haha! Instead of a pet crow, she has a black unicorn! Bit silly, but I'll take that!
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Rather creative set!
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Hmm, so this is the Storybrooke version of the Magic Mirror. Pretty funny his last name is Glass!
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Um, those are Red Delicious apples, not Honeycrisp apples!
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Nice streaks Ruby (get it, Ruby, red, haha!)
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Hmm, hot cocoa with cinnamon sounds delicious!

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Bit of an odd title...by the way that is a title of a British newspaper here (I live in England)
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Can anyone see the error with the clock tower? Look through the shop window reflection!
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Love Mary Margaret's dress! And it's nice to see her teaching, I wish we saw her do that in S2!
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Love the design of the room! Has a very quaint charming feel to it!
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So Emma is about 5ft 6. Hmm...
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Pretty extreme way of picking apples, Emma!
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Could he be any more creepier than he already is?!
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Wow! That's low Regina!
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Nice seeing Mary Margaret and Emma bonding! Just feels so odd how their friendship has changed since her memories have been back & they're mother & daughter!
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Rather symbolic! And nice that Emma is keeping the fantasy alive for Henry even if the curse sounds crazy!
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So that's where Regina got the name Henry from!
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I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS CHARACTER! Why is he so interesting yet creepy yet mysterious?!

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