Tuesday 10 December 2013

The Evil Queen

Here's my second belated season 2 review, The Evil Queen! Now this one, I thought the flashbacks were some of the most pointless I have ever seen. Why did it have to show Regina trying to kill Snow if it would be obvious she wouldn't? I'll give it credit that Regina does consider repenting everything she's done, but we've seen that before! The only good thing about the flashbacks was Rumple and Regina's funny interactions and Lana's acting! Now as for the Storybrooke scenes, I liked seeing Emma and Henry doing a stake out spying on Neal (poor guy) and Tamara and Emma possibly still having feelings for her ex. I thought Henry was annoying (big shock) and the CGI Maleficent was terrible! I actually felt sorry for Regina in the Storybrooke scenes and I don't blame her wanting to leave the rest of the residents dead after how horribly they've treated her! Seriously, if Snow wants to redeem herself after killing Cora, should she try making amends with Regina instead of leaving her alone while the rest go back?! Honestly, I felt this was just filler before the two part season finale! By the way, again JUST LEAVE GREG AND TAMARA!
Oh, hi GoldenLace being sidelined while we focus on annoying and unnecessary characters!
'Snow White was here. Now she's gone!' Thank you Captain Obvious!ouat0220hd-0482.jpg
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST MIRROR! Sorry, it's just it looks like the one in the movie & Belle is his maid around this time!
'I'm about as regal as a potato' I have to admit, that was bizarrely funny!ouat0220hd-0733.jpg
No wonder they're laughing at you, Regina! You do realize they can't see it's you?!
So Neal told Tamara who was who and made that list...not the brightest idea!
*sighs*, how I've missed you Bandit Snow!
Nice CGI(!)
So Regina must be a Flintstones fan if she pretended her name was Wilma!
OK, I have to admit, I like the stakeouts Emma and Henry do! Bit annoyed he made Emma change the codename!
Haha! 'Oh hell no, I taught her that! Emma!'
Who wants to bet £5 that she won't shoot her?
Haha! Still love Rumple's snarks! Pretty much the saving grace of this episode!
Ugh, it's as if they want us to care! They are so pointless & annoying, it's unbelievable!

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