Tuesday 10 December 2013


Since I'll be reviewing OUATIW in the hiatus, I'm going to go back to the beginning and review all of the season 1 episodes since this blog was made just before season 2 began! So, let's start with the Pilot episode and it's actually a good introductory episode to the show! The structure is easily established with flashbacks in the Enchanted Forest detailing the events which lead to the curse being enacted, and present day in our world in the cursed town Storybrooke and centring on the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, Emma Swan, a bailbondsperson who had a kid at 18 and has a shady background in the foster system. Her (annoying) son finds her and takes her to Storybrooke to break the curse which she believes in while being adopted to the cursed Evil Queen, Regina Mills! I love the characters and the twists the writers bring to them like Snow being badass, Rumple being a creepy sorcerer and psychic and the fairytale characters being in the same world! I also loved how it established Emma's past and how it's made her a cynical woman and we can actually sympathize with her because of the reason why she gave Henry away. I loved Rumplestiltskin, Robert Carlyle does an amazing job despite the little screen time and it's clear he'll be a mysterious character to look at in the show! The set designs and effects are very creative and pretty to look at, the cinematography almost made it look like a movie, it was that good! The only issue I have is Henry, I just find him annoying, even if he's central to the plot and I've seen much worse kid characters (Jake Lloyd, anyone?!) Overall, and amazing episode and reminds me of why I fell in love with the show in the first place!
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From the very first shot, I knew I was going to love this show!
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*Sighs*, the happily ever after we all know and love!

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And the fairytale wedding!

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And...the Evil Queen?
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Never thought I'd see Snow White holding a sword in a wedding dress!

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Nice illustration! By the way, in case you haven't noticed, the style is completely different in future episodes! 

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Pinocchio reference! Remember? 'When you wish upon a star...'
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Can you see the 'cast a spell' bit on the door? Nice foreshadowing...
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'She poisoned an apple because she thought I was prettier than her' NOT TRUE! I'll get to that later!
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ARGH! He's just...creepy, is this a horror movie?! (this was how I felt before I found him attractive)
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Love the yellow Bug!
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Nice LOST reference!
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Wow! Every fairytale character. Together. Never thought I'd see that!
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*wolf whistles* DAMN is the Sheriff hot!
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Ooh! Creepy wolf...
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Nice LOST reference!
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Nice hair and eyebrows Mary Margaret Blanchard who is obviously Snow White!
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Wow! Didn't think we'd see the birth!
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WOW! The effects look amazing!
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How the hell can he sword fight with a baby in his arms?!
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Nice bonding moment for Emma and Henry!
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WOW! Very good effects!
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Haha! Nice twist on Red Riding Hood!
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Wait, that's Rumple?! He looks...different! A good different (this was my first reaction when I first saw him)
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Love the design of the key!
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Finally, the clock & time are moving!

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