Wednesday 11 December 2013

Desperate Souls

This is the first episode to prominently feature Rumplestiltskin and his past, with this one detailing how and why he got his magical powers. Once an ordinary spinner, Rumple's son Baelfire, is about to be drafted to the Ogre's War, as the age to fight has been lowered to 14.  Robert Carlyle does such a fantastic job, he performs this with such believability and rawness, it's amazing! And seeing him as three versions of Rumple makes it even more incredible and we really get to sympathize with him after 7 weeks of finding him very creepy! It's clear that ever since this episode he's been my favourite character in the entire show and I still do to this day (I'll expand on this for the 1x12 review) The Storybrooke scenes were also really good, showing Emma trying to cope with Graham's death and attempting to take over as sheriff once Regina tries to put Sidney up in an election. Mr Gold attempts to boycott it by starting a fire and making Emma out to be a hero by saving Regina, knowing he'd be exposed at the debate and everyone would vote for Emma because they all fear him and it shows her honesty. I LOVE this episode because of the character development we get from Rumple and I can't wait to see more of him during these season 1 reviews & rewatching the episodes, which is quite strange now because of how much everything has changed in 3 seasons!
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Aww! Baelfire and Pre-Dark One Rumple look cute!
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HAHA! 'You in here?' 'Well it is my shop!'
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You have to admit, the walkie talkies suggestion was sweet!
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Nice seeing Emma trying to be optimistic to Henry about Operation Cobra! 
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Love the design for the sheriff badge!
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Pretty extreme way of expressing your anger of getting fired, Emma!
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'Two people with a common goal can accomplish many things. Two people with a common enemy can accomplish even more' how right you are Gold!
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...I hate you Duke!
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Poor Rumple! :(
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Haha! 'Sidney will be running.' 'I am? I am!'
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Now I really can't help but feel sorry for him! Poor guy, he really loves his son & is the only thing he has! :(
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'Never underestimate someone who's acting for their child.' you should really listen to him Regina!
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OOH! Not the best thing to find out about your birth mother & where you were born!
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WOAH! Did not expect that!
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EH! WRONG! She fell in love with Hook & ran away with him! Tell him the truth!
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Haha! Love how pissed off Regina looks!
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Love Ruby's outfit and gloves!
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Love Emma's smile at Henry!
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'I do hope you're not going to break my little bell!' Very subtle foreshadowing!
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Not very cowardly breaking into a burning castle to get a dagger!
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Liking the flyer! Oh, and Mary Margaret's hat and coat!
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So that's the origin of his infamous dagger...
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Haha! Reminds me of the blooper 'And...Emma Stone!'
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Now there's the creepy Rumple we know!
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'I know how to recognise a desperate soul' nice title drop!

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