Monday 16 December 2013


...Where do I begin? I hate this episode with a passion. It is THE worst episode of the show, well at least my personal worst, and if you can't take an opinion that's not yours, then I suggest you look at something else because you won't like what you're going to hear! So, what else can I say, if you've followed me of Twitter, you fully know how much I hate this episode. Now you're wondering WHY I hate it so much! So that's why I'm doing this review, I'm going to explain why I hate this episode. The writing is just beyond lazy, juvenile and stupid! It's as if the writers were high and decided to see what it was like if a 6 year old wrote the show! Dreamy was just annoying, even if Lee Arenberg really tries and Nova, the clumsy love interest is just irritating throughout the entire episode! I know they're trying to make it like 'her awkwardness is endearing' thing, but in this case, she just acts like an idiot throughout and Amy Acker puts on this really annoying and shrill voice! Same goes to Astrid by the way! The 'love story' and I say that very loosely, was also handled in a childish manner! It happened way too quick and was just tedious and uninteresting to watch (at least Ariel & Eric in season 3 were handled better despite them being a bit rushed) I mean, the only other time they're seen together is in Good Morning Storybrooke, and that was stupid since she still wanted to be a fairy godmother despite being human and not having powers! I mean, come on! That's such a pathetic excuse! Well, it doesn't look like they'll get back together any time soon! Speaking of Storybrooke, the scenes were just as ridiculous and cliched with Mary Maragret and Leory, a homewrecker & the town drunk, having to sell candles to earn money for the nuns, which Astrid coincidentally is! Leroy lies about the candles so she could be her hero (she actually says that). It's the same fricking story except with a stupid liar revealed cliche which is predictable while the focus should've been on Emma & Sidney investigating Kathryn's disappearance which was insultingly sidelined! Just ARGH! I hate this episode so much, even my mum does she never wants to see it when I ask her if she wants to watch the season 1 DVD! As for the next one...tune in next time cos it's a completely different story to this crap episode!
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Ugh, this episode is already disgusting in the first 2 minutes!
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What the fuck?! Who came up with this stupid idea, 5 year old children?! Hell, 5 year old children have more creativity than this!
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'You can do anything as long as you dream it' WORST LINE EVER!
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Oh, let's go to what the episode should focus on, KATHRYN'S DISAPPEARANCE! Seriously, there's no segway into this!
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ARGH! This is just ridiculous...
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That's not a slip up, that just being stupid!
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Why does her costume look ridiculous life sized?
Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Doing the 'woe is me' routine?!
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I'd like to point out this was the closest I got to laughing in this annoying episode!
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Poor Belle, being wasted!
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Firefly inspired!
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Wow, even Ariel would find this romance ridiculously quick!
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*sighs* Thank you Mr Gold for putting the only bit of seriousness in this episode! Too bad it's for 2 minutes!
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OK, this is beyond ridiculous!
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First sign of the Blue Fairy being manipulative!
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Why didn't they just do this beforehand?!
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'What makes us different from any other fairy or dwarf out there?' 'Our love' This isn't love, this is a stupid infatuation which lasted about 45 minutes!
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Oh, how sad! I was rooting for those poor kids even though they knew each other for under an hour(!)
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How shocking(!)
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Oh, well after that act of kindness, everyone all of a sudden accept her forgetting she had an affair with a married man!
Oh, I completely forgot about that plot they should've focused on!

New York City Serenade Promo

This episode will air on March 9th after the 12 week hiatus, and is a new chapter in OUAT. The villain will be The Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz and will be played by Lost actress Rebecca Mader. It appears that the flashbacks will explain how the group got back to Storybrooke in the space of about one year, while the 'present' scenes are the flashforwards involving Emma in New York and Hook convincing her to go back and help her family. I cannot wait and I bet Rumple is alive since we never saw the body and I'm guessing he could've been transported or lost his powers after being stabbed.

Going Home

After 10 episodes, we're now onto the midseason finale before a 3 month hiatus when OUAT comes back on March 9th with a new story arc involving the new villain of the season, The Wicked Witch of the West, played by Rebecca Mader. What did I think of it? I loved it! Now I know people reading this will go 'WHAT?!' but let me explain! The Storybrooke scenes were amazing, including one which is probably the most controversial scene in the whole show, even though it surprisingly worked! And it's (SPOILERS) Rumple's 'death' (I don't think he is, I think that's what they want us to think) This just showed he'd do anything to be rid of his father, including taking his own life, and I can understand why! His dad never wanted him and even tries to find a way out of dying by claiming he wanted a fresh start. And I think that scene was such a pivotal moment for Rumple and his character, he's defined the anti-hero character perfectly (the 'villains don't get happy endings' line was delivered amazingly)
As for the flashbacks, they were more like little segments rather than a cohesive narrative, but honestly, I didn't mind! They all had one thing in common: hope. The first one with the Blue Fairy convincing a pregnant Snow to have hope with the curse, Hook in Neverland meeting Tinker Bell hoping to kill Rumplestiltskin, Rumple doing a remembrance of Bae's birthday and Belle convincing him there's hope of finding him, and finally, Mary Margaret finally giving Henry the book so he could have hope! I liked them all, but they were nothing compared to the second half of the episode! The emotional stakes were amazing from every character, and I could really feel for them all, including Regina, Belle, Emma, everyone! I did not see giant twist at the end coming at all, where it's revealed that once Emma leaves Storybrooke and the curse is enacted, she will lose her memories of everything that's happened in the past two seasons. This causes Emma to change her mind in the past, deciding to keep Henry rather than giving him up, revealing a year after the curse was enacted in Storybrooke that Emma and Henry (I bet she probably changed his name since he was named after Regina's father) live happily in New York. And it looks like they found a way back because Hook finds Emma and tells her that her family is in trouble, even though she doesn't remember anything. I loved this twist and it feels very refreshing to see a whole new narrative with the flashforwards, and it seems that the new flashbacks in the second half will reveal how the group came back from the Enchanted Forest! This episode makes me so excited for the second half of season 3 because this season is just getting better and better. (have faith in Rumple, I think he's alive)
Interesting twist with the thing he loves most (in this case, loyalty)
I'm just wondering if Snow's baby bump is really Ginny's!
Aww! Love the little mother/daughter moment!
Sorry, I just find it sweet with Belle taking Henry in!
SMEE! How I've missed you!
Nice moment for TinkerHook shippers!
Wait, she's alive?!
Finally! I've always wanted to see Mary Margaret give Henry the book!
So this is when he started to believe...
Aww! Nice little Rumbelle moment!
Rumple, do NOT CUT YOUR HAND OFF! You're better than this!
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I doubt he's dead, Bobby was seen shooting for 3x12 & he has a 5 year contract!
Poor, poor Belle! :( This will be the entire Rumbelle fandom! But I have hope with the new interview!
Why is no one comforting Belle?! 
No wait, if you look, you can see Emma hugging Belle!
Nice parallel with 1x01!
NO!!!!!!!!!! :(
Goodbye Storybrooke, how I'll miss you! :(
So Regina did it that Emma changed her mind & kept Henry!
8:15 again!
Nice seeing Emma and Henry together in New York!