Wednesday 13 July 2016

The Price

Following the last episode, we see the group starting their quest to find Merlin in Camelot only to quickly reveal he's been cursed inside a tree. With that, Regina steps forward & pretends to be the Savior to hide Emma's identity as the Dark One from Arthur & a grand ball takes place in her honor (where Henry starts a little puppy love romance with a girl called Violet). However, things go array when Sir Percival, one of Arthur's knights, reveals he recognises Regina from her Evil Queen days & tries to kill her, only for Robin to take the blow. This ends in Emma being forced to heal him since Regina's magic can't work as the sword Percival used was enchanted to kill her. And to add insult to injur, Emma reveals she enjoyed using her dark magic despite using it for good & Arthur & Guinevere (played by Joana Metrass) are wary of the newcomers & are aware of the Dark One's prescence in Camelot. In Storybrooke, a creature called a Fury tries to take Robin to the Underworld & is revealed to be the price of Emma reviving him in Camelot, which Regina tries to use to prove she can be the Savior that Emma doubts she is. And it's defeated anticlimactically after everyone destroys it together, but then we see a cliffhanger where it's revealed Emma has Excalibur & wants to put the dagger & sword together in order to snuff out the light, for an unknown price
While it wasn't really as strong as the previous episode, I still enjoyed bits of this one. It was interesting to see more of Emma's dark side both in the flashbacks and Storybrooke scenes as the former show her slowly being corrupted by her new-found power despite the reasons behind using them while we see her in full glory in Storybrooke which was fun to see (and about bloody time she found her own place) & the cliffhanger involving her being in possession of Excalibur was interesting. However, without a doubt, I found the flashbacks more fun & interesting because the set-up with the ball was very well done. From the beautifully crafted costumes, set designs & heartwarming moments (ESPECIALLY the Only You dance sequence, Emma & Mary Margaret's mother/daughter moment, Henry FINALLY getting his own little crush & Charming teaching Regina how to dance), it was easily the highlight for me in this episode! But to be honest...while it was a huge scene & really saved the episode for me, the rest was more so-so.
The Storybrooke scenes fell flat for me mostly because while I enjoyed seeing a bit more development from Regina, I didn't really like how she felt like she needed to prove to everyone & herself that she can be good when she's already proven that time & time again & yet still craves for more. However, I will say that I liked it when Emma called her out on blaming other people for her problems. But another thing I can't forgive it how stuck-up she was when she pretended to be the Savior because of immediately abusing Emma's trust with the dagger & wanting her to save Robin for her own reasons (even if I can understand why.) And the Fury, while the design itself was original, it's purpose wasn't because it could've been replaced with a Wraith & nobody would bat an eye because they're pretty much exactly the same! Oh yeah, and Hook's plot was annoying with trying to do True Love's kiss when it was obvious it wouldn't work & I really don't like him developing a friendship with Belle because he still hasn't sincerely apologized for all the hell he's caused for her & Rumple & the only thing they have in common is their significant others are/were the Dark One!
So while there were flaws & they were kinda big, I still enjoyed this episode because what's good in it is REALLY good. Despite weaker side-plots & Storybrooke scenes, the heartwarming moments, interesting twists & beautifully done flashbacks really make up for this edition. It's most definitely not bad, but just a bit of an inferior follow-up compared to a VERY strong season premiere.
Nice parallel with 2x02!
Poor lad! Well, at least it's not Sneezy this time round...
Woah! Didn't see that coming!
Must say, this Guinevere really is a stunner!
Thank you Regina for avoiding us having to endure her whining & complaining!
Wait, Merlin's stuck in a tree?! Well, at least we didn't have to wait for half a season to find him!
I'm sorry, but I didn't like the way Regina declared she was the Savior. Just doesn't feel right even if Emma wants her to save her!
Ugh, don't remind me of their first (beautiful) kiss & why it went wrong!
'It is far easier to hate the Dark One as it is to love them.' She's right, you know! And before you say Belle hates Rumple, she loves the MAN behind the power!
Well, at least Emma's getting a taste of what Rumple went through having a son who grew to hate the person after being corrupted by power!
Hmm, curious over what this problem in Storybrooke 'that only a Savior can solve...'
HAHA! 'What do trees eat?' 'Sunlight?' 'He'll like tacos.' 'Yeah, how the hell do we give a tree a taco?'
OK..this is getting pretty bizarre!
Well, at least the truth is coming out over Emma's identity...
How nice of you Regina, abusing the power Emma entrusted to you!
How much more could you want Regina?! EVERYONE has already forgiven you now & you proved it!
What the hell is that?!
About bloody time that she found a place of her own!
Eww. Didn't particularly want to see that! And why am I not surprised it didn't work?
Regina, calm down! I get you want to save Robin & prove you can be the Savior, but your wellbeing is equally as important!
Very lovely necklace! 
GOD, that dress is gorgeous!
I may love the Evil Queen attire, Regina, but it's not really the most...appropriate outfit for a ball & the 'Savior'.
WOW! The costumes are absolutely stunning!
Aww! Didn't expect this to be so heartwarming!
What's with Sir Kay?!
AWW! Such a sweet mother/daughter moment!
What a gorgeous ball! If only Rumple was there to dance with his Belle...
Regina, why are you blaming Rumple for your corruption?! He wasn't the one who made you hold a grudge against Snow for years & killed your boyfriend!
Very interesting information about the least it's better & more original than the Dement-I mean Wraith!
AWWW!!! 'You know what I see when I see that rose? Hope.' God, Leroy is such a good friend (and Rumbelle shipper!)
Aww, sweet seeing Charming give Henry dating advice! 
My little baby is all grown up now! His first crush & they already have a song (Only You by Yazoo)!
Haha! Love Regina immediately going into overprotective mother mode seeing Henry & Violet together!
Can't help but feel a bit sorry for Sir Kay given that Regina massacred his whole village & family! At least somebody managed to recognise her!
Oh shit...and let me guess, nobody's gonna bring up the fact Charming killed Sir Kay!
Thank you Emma for calling Regina out on her blaming others for her problems!
How convenient Regina's magic isn't working cos the sword was enchanted to kill her!
Haha! Love seeing Rumple's sass!
Yeah, Emma does look pretty crazy talking to thin air from everyone elses' perspective!
Yeah, Regina better be grateful if she finds out what Emma did for her!
Eww...and good point Rumple bringing up why Hook's kiss didn't work!
Is it me or does that boat look eerily similar to Hades' from Hercules...?
I take back what I said about the originality! Why didn't they just make this a Wraith?
Well, that was an anticlimactic way to solve it!
Aww! Sweet seeing them fall in love again!
Can't help but feel a bit sorry for her being left out even if everyone's worried for her!
Bit strange Arthur is so forgiving despite her being the former Evil Queen!
Wait, they're not making him a villain if he knows the Dark One is with them, are they?
*Sighs* The more Mind!Rumple, the better while the real one's in his coma!
At least that didn't last long!
They're really making Belle & Hook friends?! SERIOUSLY?! At least Rumple's right that Belle has NEVER given up on him after everything!
Hmm, very curious what the price is if she wants Excalibur whole to snuff out the light!

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