Tuesday 19 July 2016

An Untold Story

In the second half of this finale, after Belle is taken from Hyde through the portal, Rumple tries to use the Crystal to summon another portal to get her back. However, after discovering the others are trapped in another realm (AGAIN), Regina distracts him by pretending she's back to evil so they both can create the portal & find out where they are while Emma can get the crystal. After he discovers the obvious ruse & reveals he needed a lock of Regina's hair (AKA something close to Zelena) to discover their location, Henry uses the grail to destroy magic at the worst possible time. After meeting with the Dragon (who had survived from being 'killed' by Tamara), they discover that while Henry destroyed the magic Rumple had brought to Storybrooke, there's still magic all around them if they just believe. With that, Henry gets people in New York to help them save his family by creating a portal through wishing in a fountain (I'm not joking), which ends up working despite the public thinking it was all an act. And after Jekyll & Hyde are separated with a serum, Rumple jumps through the portal while nobody's looking & ends up making a deal with Hyde for the ownership of Storybrooke in exchange for information of how & where Belle can be woken up from her curse, leaving the town in danger as Hyde brings everyone else from The Land of Untold Stories along with him. Meanwhile, Regina ends up using the serum from Jekyll to separate her and her Evil Queen self for good, but it turns out in a massive cliffhanger that she has actually survived, is now in control of the Dragon and plans on starting a war against Regina.
I definitely think between this and the first part of the finale, this is the more superior one. I think in terms of action, emotions and story, it is much more interesting to watch, especially with the character development from Regina. While I didn't really like the cheap way of her literally separating from her Evil Queen self to let go of the bad karma, I still thought it was well executed thanks to Lana's acting on both ends of the spectrum with subtlety and hamming it up. But regardless, the scene between her & Rumple over them not being wholly good or evil was a good one for both of them as it shows that she'd still have to.
But despite that, there are quite a few problems I had. Mostly to do with Henry's inconsistencies from one minute believing magic is the source of all their problems & being so determined to get rid of it, to trying to get it back the next once he learns of the consequences of his actions. And the resolution by getting the people of New York to wish in a fountain was honestly the cheesiest & most childish idea the writers could've thought up of. It felt like something out of them after school specials where the message of 'believe in magic' is so hand fisted that it made me bang my head against a wall at how cloying it was. I  get the good intentions behind it & they really tried, but because of the execution & idea of it just left me sniggering in embarrassment. But anyway, one thing I still liked involving Henry was his little romance with Violet looking like it's going to be continuing into season 6 as it's revealed her father was actually the main character from Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court & will actually be staying in Storybrooke.
And this leads to the other big problem I had with this finale: messing up continuity with the whole 'Land Without Magic' actually containing magic. While I definitely understand what they were going with by magic having to be believed in in order for it to work here, it just makes it feel strange given that Regina specifically chose to curse everyone to here because there's no magic & most importantly, so did Baelfire. It just feels like it's lost its actual purpose even if by the end of The Corny Henry Mills Show that everyone believed it was just a simple parlor trick.
With the ending, I'm actually intrigued over what stories from The Land of Untold Stories will be coming into play next season now that Hyde has taken over the town thanks to Rumple (doing it all for the safety of his wife!). While it does feel a bit confusing over what exactly qualifies as an 'untold story' (my wild guess is a more obscure story or one that's not really as told as much as popular ones while being in the public domain), this is an interesting turn for the show despite the formula of a villain taking over & I do hope that there are actually a few...heroic additions to Storybrooke. Who knows? Maybe we'll FINALLY see Aladdin & Jasmine in season 6!
As for the final minute with that cliffhanger...OH. MY GOD. I am SO happy that the show's next main villain is without a doubt the most popular one & it really feels like they're planning on going back to their old roots. While it may not be as...life altering as Emma becoming the Dark One in season 4 & Mr Hyde is also going to be a villain, I actually feel this cliffhanger was better because 1) nobody saw it coming and 2) Given that The Evil Queen entity part of the real Regina, it may actually be a bit more difficult to defeat her in comparison to other villains. But still, I absolutely cannot wait for season 6.
While this may admittedly be the weakest finale in terms of stakes, execution or the epicness of the others, I can't say it's bad! While it may have easily the cheesiest resolution to sorting out the main conflict ever & Henry feeling really inconsistent, with amazing acting, intriguing concepts a very compelling cliffhanger, given that season 5 is admittedly one of the weaker seasons for me overall, i think this was the best way to finish it off.
Rather courteous of his split personality to explain why he left him in a straitjacket...
Wow! Very...intriguing world!
Pretty sweet of Violet to stick by him while he's acting needlessly stubborn.
Too bad you weren't subtle about where you were hiding, Rumple!
Hmm, gotta love a bit of Rick Springfield in the soundtrack!
Yeah, I'd be thinking 'What the fuck?' if I saw that in a hotel room!
Yeah, that doesn't look like spaghetti bolognese to me!
''I'm so sorry. I can have that fixed right away, sir!' 'No need. The meal is irrelevant. Is this sterling silver?' 1) Why didn't he just ask for a tray instead of pointlessly ordering room service? 2) Why did he need it in the first place? 3) What a waste of food!
Very generous tip, Rumple...better than killing him to keep quiet despite the obvious storm cloud hovering above your room!
'Things might get messy.' OK, that is without a doubt the funniest innuendo in the show so far! And funny Rumple chose to stay in a hotel which means 'gold' in French...
Funny that their reaction to their family being trapped in a realm isn't 'Oh my God', but rather 'Not again!
Hmm, smart plan to convince him you're back to the dark side...
Why do I get the feeling this serum 'to separate the good from the evil' will come into play more than just separating Jekyll & Hyde?
Ugh, not again!
'What's he saying? Who's Mr Hyde?!' 'You know what they say: Shoot first, questions later!' With you on that one, Zelena!
Did you really think Rumple would fall for your ruse, Emma?
Oh, the irony of Henry destroying magic at a time they need it most!
Kinda ironic separating the two has made things worse!
BOOM! Go Snow!
So Storybrooke isn't in any real danger without its magic & apparently the Land Without Magic does & doesn't have it...? I'm so confused!
Lucky she found him in the one place he'd go to when he was upset in their life in New York! And about time he realized how stupid his plan was as it cost him not seeing half of his family again!
'Look. Let me give you a piece of advice. Partitioning the darkness inside won't help you become the woman you want to be.' 'It worked so far.' 'Has it? You know, I once thought I could contain the darkness in one tiny corner of my soul. First for Baelfire, then for Belle. And I always failed. You want to know why? Because I like the darkness. It's as much who I am as is the light. Why can't you grasp it's not either/or?' 'Because I'm not like you. I don't like the darkness.' 'You can tell yourself as much as you like. But deep down, the Evil Queen is who you are. And the more you keep her locked inside, you more you're gonna suffer.' He's definitely got a point that nobody is fully good or evil & it shapes who you are! I'm glad he's being more aware about himself in that way! It's time Regina realizes it too.
Nice to see you again Dragon! Wait, how did he survive Tamara's tazer & make it from Hong Kong to New York...?
About time they discovered where their family is! 
'Just because the boy destroyed Storybrooke's magic, it doesn't mean there isn't any in this world.' 'Oh really? Because I think there's a reason this place is called The Land Without Magic!.' 'Yes, because that's how it appears. There's magic everywhere if you're willing to believe it.' So that's what we're going with? OK then!
So wishing in a fountain is gonna solve their dilemma? Seriously?! Pretty sweet though even Rumple took part given that he had doubts!
HAHA! 'Is there a reason your evil alter ego doesn't look like you?' 'And is ten times as strong?' 'Everyone sees their worst self differently. Some as a mirror image some as a literal monster. However, the mind conjures it.' Well, perhaps next time try an aggressive bunny rabbit!' A reference to a certain rabbit from a certain movie voiced by a certain OUAT alum, perhaps?
'People of New York City! My name is Henry Mills, and I need your help! My family's in danger, but we can save them with magic! I know how crazy it sounds, but magic is real. It's all around us. You just have to be willing to see it. You have to be willing to believe. And I know how hard that is. I once let my own belief waver. But I was wrong. We need magic. It can make the world a better place. I know it seems...impossible. But think about it... at some point in your life, every one of you was once a believer, and at some point you left that part of you behind. But you can go back to it. So what do you say? Will you make a wish for us? Will you help us return magic to this world?' He may have the heart of the truest believer & I don't mean to sound cruel, but I can't help but snigger at this.
It's actually working?! OK, at this point, I'll buy anything as long as they get this cheesiness over with!
OK...probably the cheesiest way of solving a problem in the show's history!
Well, they're back! Wait a sec...where's Rumple? Seriously, he was with them a minute ago!
'They think it was all an act. That it wasn't real.' 'It's OK. It's the only way they can understand. But for a moment, you did the impossible. You made the world believe.' If by world you mean the large group of people in minding their own business front of the New York Public Library.
Woah, calm down Hyde!
AH, that makes sense! And good for you Rumple not taking his shit! And wait, there is a way to wake Belle up...WHERE?! Sucks this is his last scene so guess we're gonna have to wait until season 6!
OK, that's pretty funny!
'We forgive you, you know.' 'The problem is as long as she's inside me, it doesn't matter. Her baggage, her karma, call it what you will. It will always be there.' Sweet to see Snow look out for her stepmother & about time Regina was aware of her karma!
Not gonna lie, this does feel like a cheap way of Regina getting rid of her problems instead of living with them like any normal human being. Still, feels so weird seeing the two of them onscreen together!
Ah, so Violet's father is Hank Morgan from A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court! Good enough reason to have her stay!
AWW! Young love...
So the only development we got out of CaptainSwan this entire season was just saying 'I love you' casually...? Really? 
So Rumple gave up the ownership of his town to Hyde so he could find a way to wake Belle...on one half that's romantic, but on the other THE TOWN IS NOW DOOMED (AGAIN)! Then again, curious to know exactly who these forgotten characters are!
Uh...what is that?
'The Queen...is back.' YES!!! This has just made me more excited for season 6 to come!

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