Monday 18 July 2016


In this episode, we finally get to see a bit of Regina's childhood as she accidentally injures herself using Cora's magic wand to bring her doll to life. Since Cora herself can't do it as, she enlists the help of a pre-teen Zelena without telling either of the girl of her real relations. After the two of them bond and discover through Zelena opening Cora's wand box via blood magic, they figure out for themselves that they're sisters, but Cora separates them because 'love is weakness (AGAIN!!!) & erases their memories of all the events. In the Underworld, Regina gets Cora to help her over Zelena's situation with Hades by using water from the River of Forgetfulness to make her forget about him. When Zelena realizes what's really going on when Cora apologizes to her, Cora decides to finally tell her daughters the truth over their past and that there was a time where they both loved each other. And with that Zelena & Regina reconcile, Cora's unfinished business is finally settled and is allowed to move on to a better place (despite all the horrible things that's she's done). Meanwhile, after James masquerades as David to set up an ambush for Emma & Hook with Cruella to get Robin's baby as ransom for Regina, the twins finally meet each other face to face. In a duel to the death, it turns out James' unfinished business was really just killing his brother, but then David accidentally pushes him into the River of Lost Souls, mourning the loss of his brother despite the bad blood between them. And finally, Rumple starts his quest to wake his wife up and ends up getting help from his father Pan, ending the episode with them kidnapping Zelena just before she goes off to a date with Hades.
Given that Zelena is being given a more sympathetic edge in this half, it's not really a surprise that her & Regina's sibling rivalry should finally bury a hatchet as it was implied. And while I still can't forgive Zelena for her insanity & her change felt too quick, I have to admit, it was pretty well done and it was about time that she let go of her childish and bratty hatred toward Regina. Cora finally having the heart (no pun intended) to be genuine to both girls about their past lead to some genuine emotional moments, in part thanks to the acting from Barbara, Bex & Lana. But seeing her move on to a better place was admittedly a mixed bag for me as she still did a lot of dreadful things in her past and her grudge against Snow for killing her or her complicated past with Rumple aren't even touched upon as unfinished business. But still, at least we'll never have to see her again (at least in present scenes)!
The flashbacks can also be applied as finally seeing a part of Regina's childhood was pretty interesting along with her sweet sisterly bond with Zelena, thanks to the wonderful chemistry between Ava Acres & Isabella Blake-Thomas (both of whom are dead ringers for their adult actors). Although it was obvious that Cora would use the water from the River of Forgetfulness (seriously, how many memory wiping devices are there in the Enchanted Forest?!), at least it was a...decent explanation as to how they didn't remember the events.
And as for the cliffhanger with Rumple teaming up with Pan for revenge on Zelena...BRING IT! I'm just surprised he's that willing to save his child & wake his wife up that he's teaming up with his evil as hell father of all people! But still, it's so much fun seeing my favourite season 3 villain take on the more inferior one!
If I had a problem, it would probably be the subplot involving David & James, as while they kind of connect to the sibling themes, it was fun finally seeing them together onscreen and Josh playing both roles, it just didn't interest me and it felt pointless. Still, it was surprisingly sad when David mourned the loss of his brother in the River of Lost Souls as even after all the bad blood between them, he was still family at the end of the day.
So overall...I loved this episode despite the pointless subplot! With very solid acting, heartwarming flashbacks, character development from all 3 Mills women and high emotional stakes, it's definite that this will be on my best list!
Rather romantic date, if I say so myself!
'Zelena, will you make chaos with me?' Is that meant to be like a marriage proposal...?
Smart way of checking up on your sister!
Wow! She really looks like Lana!
Pretty sad Cora never really spent any time with her as a child...
Yeah, maybe this is why you should leave your wand somewhere only you know, Cora!
AWW! 'It's me, Belle. It's time for me to fix this. I know how you would want me to do this. How to would want me to use light magic, but I can't. I'm sorry Belle. I really don't wan't to let you down, but there's only one way to save our child. I have to do things my way now.'
Christ, is there anything that hook can't do?!
Hmm, not bad casting department! Not bad at all! But bit confused how Zelena can't remember any of this now...
Only just realized this is the first time they've met despite being twins!
He may be a good actor, but not really the best at actually knowing his brother's life! Well, he got lucky Emma mentioned all the curses & time jumps!
Bit extreme making Zelena forget about Hades!
Well, to say that she's a fast learner is a bit of an understatement!
Let me guess, she used this water from the River of Forgetfulness near her house in the Enchanted Forest on Regina & Zelena! 
Yeah, I think Emma's face sums it all up!
HAHA! 'That's for killing me, darling!
OK, this is pretty cute!
Well, it's about time Cora explained truthfully why she gave Zelena away & apologized for it!
'You know, it's funny. I imagined this day thousands of times. Finding you, hearing that you're sorry, that you really did love me. It almost feels like a dream.' 'Me too.' 'There's just one thing that's different. See, in my dreams, your apology was genuine. I never thought you'd try to poison me! Regina, you can come out now!' Yeah, she's definitely not as stupid as you think, Cora!
'Don't worry, Zelena! No matter what she does! We're sisters! A nothing can change that! I will find you, I promise!' Pretty sad that there was a time they did love each until Cora forced them to forget it all!
God, NOTHING'S going to stop this sibling rivalry, is it?
I stand corrected!
How nice trying to kill your own niece!
Thank you David Ex Machina!
Aur revoir, James! Never causing hell to David again!
'I'm sorry Dad, but some people just can't move on.' 'I know. But he was still my brother.' Bit sad even after all that, he still wanted a relationship with his twin!
'In the real Storybrooke, when I died...we never got the chance to say goodbye. And we (Zelena) never got to say hello! I love you both' Aww...
Yeah, not surprised given all she's done to fuck everyone's lives up...
Wait, what?! So even after abandoning one daughter & abusing/manipulating the other (including killing her boyfriend), killing so many people & fooling Rumple nearly gaining his powers, she's allowed to move on to a better place?! To be fair, she did apologize for all that & has her heart back making her more kind & loving...
Well, at least something good has come out of it...despite the fact I can't forgive Zelena for the awful things she's done!
'I hear you're wicked. But I'm much worse.'Oh boy, can't wait to see 3A' villain outdo 3B's!
HA! Joke's on you, Zelena!

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