Friday 15 July 2016


As the title suggests, in this one Zelena finally gives birth to a baby girl (with Emma using magical onion rings from 5x06 to speed her pregnancy up) & the others need to protect it since Emma also needs the cries of a newborn child to snuff out the light. However, it turns out Emma was really after Zelena as she actually wants to snuff out the darkness, tether it to Zelena and destroy her for revenge. And throughout, she hides what really happened in Camelot from Hook, and it turns out despite obtaining the Promethean Flame, she still doesn't want to give up her power because she's scared of losing Hook. After taking on Zelena and Arthur & getting Merlin out of his control, they attempt to put Excalibur & the dagger back together, Hook starts to die because of a nick he got from the sword despite Emma healing it (yeah, the sword is that powerful it prevents immortality and even the smallest cut can kill somebody). Finally, it's then revealed that to prevent Hook from dying, she uses the Ember to get rid of Merlin's darkness and tether Excalibur to him, making him become another Dark One.
This God, it wasted so much potential for Emma's arc! It could have seen her slowly being corrupted by the temptations of dark magic. It was so so close to actually succeeding after all the progress in her development in this arc. But was all ruined. Why? One answer: Hook. I absolutely detest what they did to Emma by making her a selfish cow who only cares about her boyfriend & nothing else up to the point she'd make him become a monster despite his pleas to let him die & Merlin warning her about the consequences after the amount of effort EVERYONE put in to save her. And I do feel bad because the acting from Jennifer was excellent, even if the scene where Emma tethered Excalibur to Hook. You could see all her heartbreak in her face & fears for her future despite the awful material given to her. And I refuse to believe they'd be that in love they'd move in together despite not being together nearly as long as the more interesting couples! Not only that, but it really made her arc feel redundant because she hasn't even done anything that evil or malicious because of her plan actually being the opposite of what we expected. 
Oh yeah, and it's still hard to take Arthur seriously using Merlin to do his dirty work and teaming up with the Wicked Bitch of the West making them become the new Greg & Tamara!
So besides that, was ANYTHING good in it? Well...seeing Dr Whale back was pretty funny, Rumple giving Hook some good advice was interesting, Regina trying to break down Emma's walls was another good piece of character development & we finally ended to stupidity of Zelena's pregnancy even if the baby is born to an insane bitch of a mother and her aunt's lover!
So, yeah, this episode really is a bad one because it has ruined the potential for such an interesting arc now because of CaptainSwan bullshit & turning the main character into a selfish bitch! Despite a few interesting moments of character development, this episode REALLY left a bad taste in my mouth!
Good idea to immediately confront Arthur!
Yeah, that's pretty badass and all, but I'd rather have just left Hook for dead!
'YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY I'M DOING ALL THIS?! I'm doing this for you.' 1) That technically doesn't anwer his question 2 ) Of course the writers make it just about Hook! It's not like there are other characters in her life that matter more-oh yeah, HER PARENTS AND SON!
Uh...what's going on?
Emma, you should really listen to Merlin!
Not so sure brute force is gonna get information out of Arthur which he doesn't even know about!
I get that you want to help, but at this point, you should
Aww, bless Belle being all protective with Rumple! 
'It's not about what you did. It's about what she did.' 'You sure of that?'  'I've seen the look many times before. One that I only know too well. Regret. I became the Dark One to save my son. Committed countless sins along the way, convinced myself I'd atone for them all once I'd found him. Things never work out the way you think they will. If you want to find out what Emma Swan is after, find out what she's atoning for.' 
Hmm, he does have a point that she hasn't done anything about lighting the Flame if she's so determined to let go of the dark magic...
So Henry & Hook found the house? And really?! He really thinks they're that far into their relationship that he thinks she'll move in with him?! 
Are you really that cowardly, Arthur, that you're using Merlin to do your dirty work?
She's reading Hansel & Gretel...? Interesting choice of story for the baby, Zelena!
What. The. Hell?!
So Hook is THAT determined to summon Emma he'd jump off a building?! That's not just stupid, that's insulting! This is the relationship that fans are rooting for!
Wait, Hook has killed people for petty reasons & Emma's OK with it?! Of course cos Hook has 'changed', he's completely forgiven, but when it's someone like Rumple, it's unforgiveable!
How is looking at the ocean a clue as to what happened?!
HAHA! 'Just stay calm and breathe!' 'SHUT UP! I was a fake midwife. I know the drill!' 'Zelena, why would Emma do this?' 'I have no idea!' 'Well, are you sure it was her?' 'Just know when the Dark One offers you onion rings, ARGH, don't eat them!' Wait, the ONION RINGS did this? The writers came up with 'magical onion rings' to speed up Zelena's pregnancy?!
Nice to see you again Dr Whale! And a very...odd dye job. I know it's cos of David Anders being in iZombie, but it doesn't suit Whale's character! Haha! 'You know, the last time I delivered a baby, you tried to steal it. But why steal one when making one is so much more fun, right?'
So Emma also needs the cries of a newborn child in order to snuff out the light...
Man, that is one angry baby waiting to pop out!
Go Emma!
'You have to fight it!' 'I can't!' 'You are the greatest sorcerer who has ever lived and if you cannot fight the darkness, no one can!' Good point, Emma!
Of course Hook has to be the one to save everyone!
Ah, looks like Belle's back fromn wherever she was!
Nice to see Regina looking out for Emma over her impulses.
I get that she wants Emma to break down those walls, but not so sure using the dagger is gonna help!
Aww! It's a girl despite the circumstances over the paternity & Emma being after her!
Wait, she was after Zelena?
And her plan was to snuff out DARK magic?! Then what was with the get-up, terrorising everyone & blaming everyone else for her 'corruption'? Then again, she hasn't really done anything...evil. Then again, the only good thing out of this is getting rid of Zelena!
Right, and she's also refusing to let go of her magic because of Hook. Christ, is there anything that she does that's not about her boyfriend?!
You're seriously letting her go?!
Uh...what is she doing?!
How didn't that kill him?!
Why am I not surprised the dreamcatcher came back into play?
Come on...just waiting to see what goes wrong!
Oh, for God's sake, he's clearly alive in Storybrooke, so why are they dragging this?! And would Emma really would go as far as to use the Promethean Flame to release Merlin from Exaclibur & tether it to Hook to make him become a Dark One?! SERIOUSLY?!
'I'm not as strong as you are...or Merlin. I'm weak. The things we've done...I've done. I've succumbed to darkness before in my life. And it took centuries for me to push it away. I don't know if I can do it again.' 'But our future-' 'I'll just be happy knowing that you have one.' 'THAT'S NOT ENOUGH FOR ME!' SHUT UP EMMA! If he wants to die, let him die!

REALLY?! This could have been an interesting arc showing Emma slowly succumbing to darkness like it looked like it was going to. But HAD to make it all about Hook because you think he's worth so much more than actual character development & it's OK for Emma to be a selfish bitch & blame the others for 'failing' when all they've done is try to help her. And how didn't he notice his powers beforehand?! Seriously, this is probably the biggest middle finger to the fans ever & the worst twist next to Zelena returning!
Nice to see it all come back to bite her in the ass!

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