Monday 18 July 2016

Last Rites

In this episode, following everyone sans Hook returning to Storybrooke, the group try to convince Zelena that Hades is up to not good, continually failing every chance they get. Hades decides to use the Olympian Crystal to protect him & Zelena in the mayor's offer, only for Robin & Zelena trying to infiltrate the building to get his baby back. After Emma is sent a message from Hook in the Underworld via the book, they realize the only way to kill Hades is to use the Olympian Crystal. However, once Hades realizes what's going on, he tries to kill Regina, only for Robin to take the blow, killing him instantly and preventing him from going to the Underworld or moving on. Realizing the truth about Hades' intentions, Zelena ends up killing him with the Olympian Crystal and both sisters mourn the deaths of their lovers. At Robin's funeral, Zelena reveals she has named their daughter after him, and after helping the others from the Underworld and redeeming Arthur (Hades killed him & realizes the broken kingdom he was destined to fix), Hook is rewarded by Zeus by being revived and reunites with Emma. However, with Hades gone, Rumple takes the full Olympian Crystal, eager to use it for a new plan of his...
Given that this is the episode before the 2 hour finale, it's no surprise this would be a biggie. While, yes, it has a LOT of twists and surprises, they have their own reasons for...not being so good. And I'm mostly going to go over 2 of them! I may as well start with the big elephant out of the room to get it out of the way: Robin's death. I have to admit, for the most part of season 5, I felt he has mostly been useless other than being Regina's love interest & the father of Zelena's baby, but the way he was killed off was just insulting. Not only is it awful that he can't even go to the Underworld let alone move on to a better place, but it felt like a huge waste of his character because I really wanted to see more of his past. And it also completely destroys that it gave Regina a second chance of hope and love and Roland is now orphaned just for drama. I feel so sorry for Sean Maguire because of him being promoted to a regular and yet not being given much to do only to be killed off in a needless manner.
But what's possibly even more needless and insulting in all of this is Hook being revived. I absolutely loathe the writers changing everything just to benefit Hook & 'CaptainSwan.' But this is probably their biggest crime yet they've committed yet because Emma could've had an arc over learning to accept Hook's death and grieving properly. But nope! After the most insulting usage of Zeus I've ever seen, Emma's rewarded by being given her perfect boyfriend back! It only accentuates how selfish Emma has been throughout because of Hook & only cares about him!
Anyway, I'm still intrigued with Rumple's new plan with the Olympian Crystal (probably thanks to Moe needlessly being a dick by refusing to wake up his own daughter) & I actually liked seeing Zelena do something right for a change by killing Hades after realizing the truth about him. And seeing the Arthur & Merida back was also a pretty good move (despite waiting way too long) & I liked that Arthur has been given a chance of redemption through trying to fix the Underworld of Hades' tyranny. And while the twists were probably 2 of the worst ones I've seen, the emotions surrounding them were so genuine & heartbreaking thanks to the execution and acting, ESPECIALLY from Lana. This is possibly one of her best performances in the show yet and that's saying a hell of a lot!
So with incredible acting, very solid emotions and more plot progression towards the finale, this isn't bad by all means. It's the twists themselves that ruin it for me because of how disgustingly insulting they are to the characters, continuity and plot. While I've said thousands of times of my disgust for CaptainSwan & Hook for hogging screen time & being 'perfect' while actually being severely flawed, this is the one where they turned into an annoying callous couple to an evil couple. Anyway, I am still intrigued for the finale despite all this because it looks like Captain are FINALLY gonna be taking a back seat for it!
'Zelena, you really trust me with your baby?' 'I trust you with anything.' No offence Zelena, but I wouldn't even trust him with your safety let alone your baby's!
Oh, so now they decide to bring Arthur back into the mix! But late after half a season!
Well, that was a pretty easy way of giving him the axe!
Oh nice to see you again Merida!
Yeah, Zelena, no matter how much you try to defend him you really should listen to your sister!
Bit sad that Rumple doesn't mention his grandchild though... 
'NO, NO, NO, NO!!!' 'Denial, grief, anger, can we get to acceptance?' OK, that was funny!
Poor Merida, not being able to avenge her father's death...
Please stop making EVERYTHING about Hook even if Emma should have time to grief his death!
I know the Olympian Crystal is meant to look like a lightning bolt, but is it me or does it look a bit...phallic?
Well, at least Regina's already thought of a plan to break in!
Yeah, I kinda get why Robin's been annoyed at her trusting Zelena!
'She needs her father.' You're right. And that's why I'm not gonna do it. Not for you.' 'You hate me so much, you'd leave your daughter in a sleeping spell?' 'Better than the spell you put on her. Convincing a beautiful girl to love you. So until you're gonna for good, she stays asleep.' Oi! He's the one that's stood by her and saved your grandchild from the Lord of the Underworld! Pretty clear you're not her True Love if you're refusing to wake your own daughter just cos you hate your son in-law (God, it feels weird calling him that!). Still sad Rumple didn't mention the new addition to their family & I don't really think it's the best idea to try & beat a kiss out of him...
How nice of you Emma wanting Rumple's help when it only benefits you! And yeah, he's right, it is your fault you're in this mess with Hades!
Hmm, great minds think alike if both Arthur & Hades hid their most valuable possessions in their thrones!
Haha! 'Thought you'd come back! I smell the bromance...table for two?'
Why am I not surprised Cruella destroyed the phone booth? And bit convenient that Hook came up with the idea of sending Emma a message via the book!
Seriously, Emma, just cry it out & then find a way to stop Hades instead of making yourself a huge wreck!
Well, at least Zelena's getting suspicious over why he wants to rule the town when they can just be happy together!
OK, why does Rumple need a piece of the Olympian Crystal...?
'If being with you has taught me anything, it's that people have the capability to change. And the future is not written by our past. Regina? You are my future.' AWW!
Wait, the book was under their noses this whole time?
Wait, why didn't they attack anyone beforehand?
Of course Hook saves the day because if it weren't for him, all would be lost!
*Sighs* For God's sake, is that pirate ALL that's on your mind?
Of course he managed to get the message to Emma, cos yet again, the one handed pirate is the only one to give credit to!
OK, how are they gonna get in without them noticing?
Well, clearly love has brainwashed Zelena!
WHAT. THE. HELL?! You know what I hate most about this?! He may have been useless for the most part & have made some stupid choices, but the fact he can't even go to the Underworld let alone move on! Could the writers be any more cruel tearing Regina away from her second chance of love & hope and Roland of both his parents (let me guess, they didn't even consider Roland when they decided to kill him off)?!
'Robin died to protect me. That's what True Love is. It's sacrifice. It's giving up everything for the person you love. But Hades won't never give up a single thing for you. Like he said, he wants it all.' LISTEN TO HER, ZELENA! I mean it this time!
'All I ever wanted was love. You told me that was enough for I realize, NOTHING EVER WILL BE!' Thank you Zelena for doing something right for once!
At least they finally have each other to comfort.
Hmm, seems Arthur's loophole of his prophecy to fix the Underworld as his broken kingdom has given him redemption!
No offence, but this version of Zeus is NOTHING compared to the Disney version...or any version for all that matter!
Of course we have to focus on Emma & Hook before the death that actually matters in all of this!
Ah, there we go! At least Robin has have the proper send-off he deserves!
GOD, I wanna hug poor little Roland, now!
'He never even got to name his daughter.' 'There's only one name that I can think of that's fitting: Robin.' 'Robin. Of course.' Lucky that Robin is a unisex name!
Burn in hell. CaptainSwan. Burn in the fiery bottomless pits that Hades can't control now...
Thank you, a plot I'm actually interested in! And why does he want it?!

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