Sunday 17 July 2016

Her Handsome Hero

In this episode, Belle & Rumple try to find a way to save their baby from Hades, with the use of dark magic being forbidden. However, Hades enlists the help of Belle's ex-fiance Gaston (now played by Wes Brown) to kill Rumple & keep him as his prisoner, leading to Belle to try & convince Gaston to move on to a better place. When that fails, Hades makes a deal to Belle that if Rumple or Gaston threw the other into the River of Lost Souls or vice versa, the contract would be nullified, which she rejects. However, once Rumple attempts to do this after she tells him, Belle manages to stop him with the dagger, accidentally pushing Gaston into the river in the process as she stops him from shooting Rumple. And in a sad loophole, since Belle was the one who threw Gaston into the river, the contract still stands. Meanwhile Emma has a dream of a tornado hitting the Underworld while she attempts to magic off the names on the tombstones. However, a mysterious beast ends up killing Snow. Once the dream starts to happen, Emma tries to find ways to prevent the end of it, leading her to believe it was about her failing everyone. But in the end, it turns out the beast was really Ruby in her wolf form after the group shoot her down. The flashbacks meanwhile reveal the start of Belle & Gaston's arranged engagement, where they both find an ogre trapped in the forest. The former believes it means to harm while Gaston wants to show it to her father. She ends up discovering a Mirror of Souls in her library and decides to use it on the ogre to see if it's intentions are good or not. However, after Gaston pretends to be injured, they decide to attack, only for Belle to stop them and the mirror reveals Gaston's intentions were in the wrong. With that, it's safe to say their engagement started off on a rocky note as Maurice convinces her to do it for the good of the kingdom.
This Belle centric episode is yet another favourite of mine. Probably even more than The Beat and the Bow this season. Seeing her & Rumple's conflicting views on how to save their child from Hades was interesting to see, especially considering her double standards on what qualifies as 'dark magic' & his defense that it depends on points of view come into play. It was enjoyable to see more chemistry from Robert & Emilie during their adorable bickering as they both take on a much more active role. And I'll admit, it was pretty funny seeing Belle get a sort of comeuppance for her more romanticized & optimistic attitude towards the situation through pushing her ex fiance into the river and being forced into an unwanted arranged marriage in the flashbacks. That's not saying her intentions or methods were bad, but when she's up against the Lord of the Underworld & her child's life is on the line, if I were in her shoes I'd do ANYTHING to stop the contract. Anyway, seeing Gaston again was an interesting change as his personality compared to his first appearance and the Disney film is a bit toned down and humanized as he tries to get to know Belle in the flashbacks despite the occasional moments of hammy acting. Wes Brown did a good job with the material given, I will say that, but given his first appearance was only about 4 lines, he didn't really have much to work with. And with references to LeFou and the mirror in the flashbacks, it was pretty nice to have a bit more of a lighthearted tone compared to the edginess of the Underworld scenes. Although Hades' loophole...not cool!
Honestly, the subplot involving Emma's dream & preventing it from happening was nowhere near as interesting. Despite the reveal of Ruby being the beast at the end, besides that it had little connection to do with anything and it felt like filler compared to the much more compelling Rumbelle arc.
Despite that tiny nitpick, I still really enjoyed this episode thanks to more character development from Belle, really good acting from the cast old and new, blurring the lines between hero and villain and PLENTY of Rumbelle, there's no doubt this will be on my best list!
Didn't expect them to actually reshoot Gaston's flashback scenes...
Nice to see you again Maurice!
Nice to see you again Gaston! Sorry, I can't take it seriously that his last name is LeGume! For those in need of a little French lesson, it means vegetable!
'Well, that's the thing with dark and light. Depends on your point of view. In the end you do what you can to protect those you love.' He's got a point there.
Uh, what's going on?
Oh, it was just a dream...but why is she sleeping on a roof?
Rather strange way to get through a protection spell...
Seems somebody's still head over heels for Zelena...
So the greatest hunter of his kingdom is punished to work in a dog shelter...?
Well, I'll give it this much! At least Gaston's trying to get to know Belle before she's forced into an arranged marriage! By the way, nice mention of LeFou!
Aww, poor little ogre. Well, not LITTLE, but I think you get what I mean!
Haha! 'These books are full of light magic. There must be something in here that can help us!' 'If we wanted to boil a pot of tea, yes.' 'So every time you do something nefarious it's a smashing success, but when I ask you to channel it for good, you fail.'
Well, given that Dark Ones have a knack for catching arrows firing at them, it was pretty obvious that wasn't gonna work!
HAHA! 'So you killed Gaston, my fiance and NEVER thought to tell me?!' 'It was an arranged marriage! I was doing you a favour!' And I get both sides, but maybe letting Gaston move on is the better option for everyone.
Bit scary the dream's actually least Snow isn't dead!
At least Regina's making an effort to act like a sister towards Zelena!
Pretty creepy...
Haha! 'Can you magic this open for me?' 'Well, I certainly can. Are you sure you want me to?' 'Of course I'm sure. Why wouldn't I be?' 'Well, using my power to steal another man's property, wouldn't that qualify as dark magic?' 'This isn't murder, it's opening a locker!' 'Oh, so you get to be the judge of when the ends justify the means. I see. As I said, it's all about points of view.'

Bit confused how she's his unfinished business...and bit odd he has her favourite book!
What a coincidence they have a book about every magical item & creature in the kingdom just in case an ogre decides to attack!
'Her Handsome Hero! Interesting. I wouldn't have picked you for a fan of cheap romance!' 'No! No. This is not like that! This book is about compassion and forgiveness...the things that truly make a hero.' 
Interesting info about the Mirror of Souls!
Stay the hell away from Belle & the bump, Hades!
'Take it from me. Love can make you do crazy things.' Now, where have I heard that before...? By the way, good on you Belle for not accepting his deal over Rumple, Gaston & the baby's safety!
Well, at least she's finally realized how stupid both her plan was and bringing Henry to the freaking Underworld!
Good thinking there, Belle!
'But Rumple isn't your real enemy, Hades is! 'Why are you so defensive about Rumplestiltskin?! He kidnapped you. He made your your servant. You should want him dead too!' 'Yeah, well I don't!' 'Why? not' 'He's my husband!' BOOM!
OK, bit obvious he's faking the attack!
Haha! 'Belle, what Merlin said about a man that can control dark for good. I really want to be that man for you. Just...not today!' Regret telling him about the deal now, aren't ya?
Well, well, well! Why am I not surprised?
'This creature isn't the monster. You are! ' Very nice reference to the Disney movie!
'I just want to tell you I've always known who you really are. That's why I love you.'AWW!!!
Oh crap...
Bit of an awkward marriage proposal given what happened not 5 minutes ago...
Fuck you Hades with your loopholes!
Pretty obvious who gave that to her...
Wow! Good aim!
Didn't expect to see her back again this season!

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