Friday 15 July 2016

Broken Heart

After Hook realizes he's now a Dark One, he immediately turns on Emma, fully embraces his powers & evil and decides to have a duel with Rumple for revenge. However, Rumple wins and despite proving to Belle that he's the man she deserves, she ends up dumping him for stupid pointless drama. Anyway, Emma ends up gaining everyone's trust to help her over Hook and returns everyone's memories from the dreamcatchers she used to extract them. She ends up revealing that Hook's plan to snuff out the light is to summon every single Dark One from the Underworld using a portal summoned by Rumple's blood, as he's the only person who's literally been to hell and back. In Camelot, after Hook becomes the Dark One, initially he and Emma try to find a way to turn save each other. However, Hook is revealed to have been lying and ends up killing Merlin for his heart in order to create another curse to get everyone back to Storybrooke (Mind!Nimue was used as the person Merlin loved most to make it work) so he can get his revenge on Rumple. However, Emma ends up using the dreamcatchers to extract everyone's memories and the curse ends up sending Merida (who was in Camelot to get her revenge on Arthur for her father's death), Arthur & Guinevere to Storybrooke.
Since this immediately continues from Birth, I just found it downright bizarre how Hook IMMEDIATELY embraced his dark powers after discovering what Emma did. It just feels so sudden & the Hook that came out was an absolute bastard: taunting Emma (despite her stupidity), pointlessly dueling with Rumple despite changing his ways, being a manipulative dick and copying Rumple's mannerisms (seriously, he couldn't even be original at all). The fact he took over so much of the Dark Swan (AKA EMMA THE MAIN CHARACTER) arc just makes me facepalm in disbelief that the writers completely threw away an interesting arc and character development all to make Hook's hog even more screen time over more deserving characters when in reality not everyone cares about him (I didn't say nobody because I know he has fans. It's not his fans I hate, it's Hook himself)! Anyway, the flashbacks also didn't fare any better because all they showed was stupid CaptainSwan bickering one minute to lovey dovey crap the next up to the point that Mary Margaret had sided with Emma & expects us to go along with it. And Hook killing Merlin...seriously, that's unforgiveable because he was such an interesting character after Nimue & is one of the most iconic Arthurian characters EVER. To see Hook kill him off for his own selfish reasons was just reprehensible, especially considering the fact he just wants pointless revenge on Rumple which was buried long ago!
And as for Belle dumping Rumple...what the hell? Seriously, despite the fact he's FINALLY proven that he can be the man she deserves, she decides to leave him because 'they've been through too much'. That just feels like incredibly lazy writing!
So was there ANYTHING good? Well, the cliffhanger was interesting incorporating more of the Underworld & seeing all the Dark Ones enter the town was scary in a good way. And seeing more of Emma with Henry and getting him to trust her was good...and Regina trying to get through to Zelena over her insanity despite failing. And I really shouldn't forget Rumple being badass managing to defeat Hook in his duel (GOD, that man is good with a sword).
Given that it's the episode before the midseason finale, I really didn't enjoy it. With so much Captain Dick hogging the screen being a bastard the whole time, it REALLY left a horrible taste in my mouth this time! I guess seeing the Dark Ones at the end will be interesting to see, but this really has put the nail in the coffin with Hook taking over this potentially compelling Camelot arc!
See, the moment Hook realizes he's the Dark One, he fully embraces his evilness! This is the man fans have been rooting for!
Surprised people didn't get seizures in this bit!
OK, this was pretty funny, but that's mostly cos of Mind!Rumple!
Thank you Regina for calling Emma out on her stupidity!

No, no, no Hook! Only Rumple can do those mannerisms, speech patterns and call people 'dearie'! You can't even be original with how you act as a Dark One!
Oh boy, I'd pay top money to see Rumple kill Hook with Excalibur!
Nice to see EVERYONE think of a way to deal with Hook!
Yeah, compared to Regina & Rumple, Emma hasn't done a whole lot wrong, Henry! You should trust her by now!
Well, at least they now know about Hook's powers...
Mary Margaret's really siding with Emma on this?! SERIOUSLY?!
Haha! 'She's still a Dark One, no matter how ineffectual she is!'
Aww! 'You don't have to prove anything to prove anymore. You saved me from Merida. You're a hero now!' 'But that doesn't erase a lifetime of cowardice. Nothing can. Belle, I know that I've hurt you in unforgiveable ways. But I also know that not wanting me to die isn't the same thing as wanting to be with me. So if I survive this, I want to do better by you. I want to love you in a way I never could before. With honesty and courage. Let me be the man you deserve. The man I swore on my son's grave that I would be.'
Good preparation, Regina!
Given that she ripped her heart out & controlled her, I'd say Merida guarding Emma is a fitting punishment!
'Of course I still have feelings for you: Anger, hatred, disappointment.' 'You don't mean that.' 'When you tethered me to Excalibur, you opened my eyes. And now I see you for what you really are: an anchor. Ha! And I see clearly now that you were nothing more than a pretty blonde distraction. But guess what, Swan? I am a free man now and you will never hold me back from getting what I want again.' ...'Why are you doing this?' 'I want to hurt you hurt me.' This is textbook emotional abuse!I can't believe girls aspire to be like them. They're on par with Bella & Edward and Christian & Ana for creepy abusive relationships!
Yeah, I get why he's pissed off at her cos she did go against his wishes! Still doesn't change how horrible he is, though.
Hmm, kinda get why Rumple doesn't want to help Emma given his feud with Hook has lasted hundreds of years.
'Once you go green you'll never go queen.' OOH! Should've punched her there, Regina!
OK, pretty fair deal given that she is her mother.
Well, looks like Operation Cobra Part 2 is on!
Yeah, all of these speeches on how they're gonna stop the darkness together is pretty pointless given they're both clearly still Dark Ones in the present!
Come on, Rumple! Kick him to the curb!
Fuck. You. Hook!
OOH! Still good effort, Rumple!
Weird place to store the dreamcatchers...

...I hate you Hook.
Really can't believe how much he's taken over this arc in the span of one episode!
BOOM! Go Rumple!
Aww, bless them!
'I love you. And some part of me will always love you. But you've broken my heart too many times. There's just- there's too much broken trust.' 'But I've changed! My heart is pure now!' 'Yeah, you have and it is! Ypu're the man I always hoped you would be.' 'Then why are you doing this now? Now we have a chance to make this work!' 'I don't know if I want to make it work. I do know if I'm gonna try and figure it out, I need to do that on my own. I have spent too many years trying to mend your heart. Now I need to protect my own.' Wow. Laziest. Writing. Ever.
Aww, poor guy!

Clever idea extracting everyone's memories...
Here we go again!
About time they got their memories back!
So his plan to snuff out the light involves summoning every single Dark One from the THAT is scary!

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