Thursday 14 July 2016

The Bear & the Bow

Named after the original/concept title for Brave, in this episode, we get to see Belle's adventures in Camelot after she's kidnapped by Merida, revealing that she helped her save her 3 brothers from the clans through breaking into the Witch's cottage. However, it turns out Belle had switched the potion to prove to Merida that she doesn't need magic to intimidate the clans & show that she can be a leader. Turns out Belle's right & Merida manages to save her 3 brothers and the two part as Merida returns to Dunbroch to become it's rigtful queen. In Storybrooke, Rumple manages to escape from Emma & manages to find Belle, but little do they know that Emma has controlled Merida to try & kill Belle in order to make Rumple save her & be a hero. When he tries to get them out of town to keep her safe, she calls him out on his cowardice & comes across Merida again, but this time turns herself into a bear & chases her in hot pursuit. But thankfully before Rumple comes along just in time and uses the potion on Merida meant for the town line to transform her back. With that, Emma forces Rumple to pull Excalibur out (not before he makes a deal to do it in exchange for Merida's heart & information over her brothers) which he successfully does. However, while that's going on Regina, Hook, David & Mary Margaret enlist Arthur's help in using the Crimson Crown to communicate with Merlin, only for him to burn it (yet fails since Crimson Crowns don't burn). They discover his deception & end up using Henry to help them as he's the Author, only to discover a message from Merlin revealing only one person can help them stop the Dark One: Nimue.
As always, I enjoy Belle/Rumbelle centric episodes and this one is definitely no exception. With more character development coming from both characters past and present, this is without a doubt a solid addition. Belle & Merida's friendship was enjoyable to watch as they both bring out each other's strengths in how to save the latter's brothers despite their contrasting opinions. The same can sort of be applied to Belle & Rumple as they both try to stop Merida while she goes on a wild goose chase to make Rumple become the hero Emma needs. It felt like a breath of fresh air, really, as they FINALLY discussed issues that have emerged in their relationship after everything they have been through & for Belle to still not give up on him. Not only that, but the chemistry between Robert & Emilie was (as always) strong during the emotional scenes and they felt very genuine, especially when Rumple thanks her for standing by him after everything and when he reveals his thoughts on why he injured himself long ago. Oh yeah, and I really should mention that I LOVED seeing Rumple become pretty badass saving Belle from Bear!Merida & actually succeeding in pulling out Excalibur for Emma. This alone makes up for the ridiculously lazy flanderisation of his character back in season 4 and I really can't wait to see more of it in the next episodes. The plot progression in the subplot was also pretty strong as the heroes FINALLY learn of Arthur's (pretty obvious) deception & discover that only a woman named Nimue can help stop the Dark One now.
If I had any issues, it'd probably be that, like the Frozen arc, some of the Brave characters don't really translate well into live action because of their more cartoony looks & to be honest, at points Merida came across as a bit hostile and close minded while all Belle was trying to do was help her in her situation. Still, it was nice to see Merida learn her lesson and it didn't stop me from enjoying their friendship at all. Speaking of, it's pretty sad thinking about it that Belle's friendships with the princesses of the arcs don't seem to last long... and that nobody else in Camelot acknowledged her disappearance at all!
Anyway, this is easily one of my favourite episodes in this arc with solid acting, character and plot development, some fun & badass action, and of course, plenty of Rumbelle!
Pretty epic opening!
Yeah, the least they could do is free her after the whole Emma-ripping-her-heart-out situation...
Thank you Merlin for acknowledging Belle's intelligence! Haha! 'Ah! Aren't you the clever one?' 'Glad SOMEONE noticed!'
Too bad Arthur's evil otherwise communicating with Merlin would've been a piece of cake!
Thank you Belle for mentioning that Rumple can help them in all of this & calling them out on their double standards when he was equally as seduced by the Darkness as Emma!
Aww! 'Forgive me Belle.' Wait, what are you doing...?
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! I guess it's better than 2x12 cos it actually has a purpose...
Seriously?! How many more times does poor Belle have to be lied to, kidnapped, almost murdered or locked up?!
Really Emma?! I can't believe you'd go as far as making Merida kill Belle just to make him a hero!
Good on you Belle for not putting up with being a victim! Haha! 'I didn't mean to hurt you!' 'Tell that to the bump on my head!'
About bloody time they were reunited!
'God, Belle. Thank you.' 'What?' 'I meant...I meant when...When I was in the coma. All I wanted to do was let go. After all I'd done, why did I deserve to live? And then I heard something: your voice. After all the things I've done to still stood by me. Belle...if it wasn't for you I wouldn't still be alive. Thank you.' AWW!!!
Hmm, good recreation of the Witch's cottage from the movie!
Really...wasn't that worth another take?! You can clearly see her wig moving!
Well, they certainly look...older than they did in the movie!
OK, that's pretty funny!
Well, I guess it's good for the baby...interesting punishment!
So Emma's really bribing Zelena with onion rings?!
AWW! 'Do you know how my leg was broken in the first place?' 'Because you broke it so Baelfire wouldn't have to grow up without a father. Rumple, you may have made many mistakes in your life, but this isn't one of them. I have ALWAYS seen the man behind the beast, all right? But I see something else too: a hero. And just need to learn to see it too. '
Now THAT is badass!
'As my father said: Lass, if you remember what you're fighting for you'll NEVER miss your target.' 'Well, looks like it was good advice.' Couldn't have said it better myself!
'Merida, you don't need magic to change fate.' 'How would you know that?' 'I've just seen you shooting arrows without blinking an eye! You can make you own fate. All you need is your wit and bow. Isn't that a better way to prove to the clans that you're worthy of being their queen? Pretty fgood advice there, Belle!
Haha! 'See? I knew you could make it!' 'I should've known better than to argue with you by now.' Ya think?!
Oh crap...
Yeah, definitely wouldn't have trusted Arthur to use the Crimson Crown alone...and surely they'd notice sooner or later that he did that!
Aww, bless them!
Well, that was easy!
Interesting information over her father being killed by a knight in battle...and pretty sweet of them bonding over blaming themselves for their parents' deaths.
Wait, they're leaving the town?! Well, at least they won't be turned into trees...bit cowardly though running away when there's people who love them!
'Running never made anyone a hero, OK?' 'Belle, don't you get it? I'm not a hero!' 'Well, you've been brave before!' 'When? During the first Ogres War? Let me tell you the truth about that day. I didn't cripple myself to get back to my son. I did it because I was scared. 'Rumple-' 'I joined the army to prove I wasn't a coward. But when I had seen the wounded come back from the front lines, I didn't want to die. I'm a coward Belle...and that's never gonna change.' They really retconned his reason for leaving the Ogre Wars?!
'You should've followed your wee sweetheart over the town line. 'He's not my sweetheart and I'm not afraid of you.'
Oh shit...I think Belle's face sums it up!
Good on you Belle for switching the potion!
Well, the clan's sons look...different from the movie!
OK, THAT was badass right there!

AWW! 'NO! NO,SHE'LL KILL YOU! RUMPLE! RUN!!!!!' 'No Belle! I'm not running this time!'
OOH, that's gotta hurt!
'Do your worst.' Can he really think of himself as a coward now after taking on a bloody bear?!
Pretty lucky that potion worked...
'I knew you had it in you! You saved me.' 'Actually, I think you saved me.' AWW!!!
Aww! 'So what will you do about the man you love? Or loved?' 'Still don't know. All I can do is hope that I get home and find a way to save him. But I do know one thing: I won't give up.'
Nice callback to the season premiere. Was a bit confused how Emma didn't recognise him...
Pretty fair deal him pulling out Excalibur in exchange for Merida's heart & info on her brothers!
'Belle...just in case this doesn't work I want you to know that I am sorry for everything. If I had to do it all again, I would that sure that I was the man you deserved from the very start. I would change everything for you.' 'It's never too late.' AWW! Pretty optimistic outlook for them!
Am I really seeing this?! Rumple is actually a hero now?!
'Now you may have Excalibur, but  you've made one mistake in all of this. One terrible mistake: you've turned me into a hero.' 'There are heroes all over this town and none of them have been able to stop me yet.' 'Well, that's because none of them are me.' BOOM!

Well, at least they know Arthur lied to them now! And good idea, Regina, to get Henry to do it since he was technically chosen by Merlin to be the Author!
'There is only one person who can help you defeat the Dark One now. Her name is Nimue.' Hmm, curious over who she is...and what the hell did Emma do to him in Camelot?!

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