Sunday 17 July 2016

Our Decay

In this episode, we finally see the connection between Hades and Zelena, where it's revealed that they had a little romance while she tries to find a now adult Dorothy (Teri Reeves) in Oz so she can get the Scarecrow's brain for her time travel spell. However, it goes array as Hades needs True Love's Kiss in order for his heart to start again so he can leave the Underworld, and Zelena refuses as she believes he's going to steal her idea of time travel to stop his brother Zeus. In the Underworld, it turns out Hades wanted Rumple to make a portal to bring him Zelena's baby. While it does send her, it also ends up sending Belle & Zelena (who has returned from Oz for her child), where the latter figures out Hades wants the baby to enact the time travel spell. And given that she can't be trusted, Belle runs away with the baby and reunites with Rumple, where she discovers her pregnancy, the deal Rumple had made years ago and that he's the Dark One again. However, after Belle leaves him (refusing to make a choice whether or not she wants to be with him), she finds the others and gives Zelena the baby to bond with. After she accidentally hurts her with her magic, she ends up giving the baby to Regina and Robin to protect from herself and Hades. However, it turns out Hades was after the baby to protect her from the others and had created the Underworld as Storybrooke so she could have everything she dreamed of. But Zelena still refuses to trust him even after all these years and he leaves, not before finally revealing her birthday, April 15th (yeah, she never knew when it was & had always celebrated the day her mother abandoned her). Oh yeah, forgot to mention that Snow & David send a message to baby Neal via haunted phone-box!
After the last episode, this one is definitely a marked improvement for many reasons. It did a really good job of moving the story forward and adding in more character development and action from almost everyone, in particular Zelena. While she's still easily my least favourite character, I was genuinely surprised by how sympathetic she was throughout because of the love she has for her child. Rebecca's acting was amazing, especially when Zelena gives up the baby to Regina. And speaking of acting, the chemistry between her and Greg in the flashbacks was pretty sweet and believable. It has definitely been the best we've seen of him so far due to showing more range as the more suavely adorkable man compared to the present scenes. While they're not really as interesting as the Underworld scenes, they're definitely not the weakest I've seen & they at least serve a purpose. And I'll admit, it was kinda funny seeing more of the mythology of Oz, including finally seeing the Munchkins and even the Scarecrow popping up!
And speaking of the Underworld, I liked that we finally got to see Rumple be more self aware about himself and that Belle discovered the truth about everything from him. While it was a bit harsh of him to force her to chose whether or not she wants to be with him, at least she stood her ground and refused to make any choices or put up with him not giving power for her. And yes, it is the sad truth in a way that she (and fans) fell in love with him because there was a man and a beast. Because it shows that while he can still do pretty dick-ish things, he still has that soft and loving side to him.
If I had a few issues, it would be that Hades and Zelena's love story felt WAY too rushed! While Zelena was aware of how little time they had spent together. Still, it didn't ruin the fact they had chemistry and quite a few common interests. And to be honest, they way they depicted Dorothy as a generic tough action girl just felt so sudden compared to the kind and sweet little girl we saw in 3x20 with no explanation with why she changed. Oh yeah, and hauntings via phone-boxes? Really?!
Hmm, funny seeing both Mills sisters celebrate their birthdays this season. 
Didn't expect the Scarecrow to exist in this version of Oz...
Nice to see you again Dorothy!
Those aren't the same slippers from 3x20...
Funny reference to opening the curtain! And bit confused with why Toto's here now & not when Dorothy was younger...
So he needs Rumple to open a portal to get somebody in...?
Well, at least Belle's kind enough to look after both babies while their parents are gone...and good preparation before her little bundle of joy arrives!
OK, how did she get back?
Not so sure I'd want to go through that portal...
Pretty brave of her to do that given that she doesn't know where the portal leads to!
Good on you Belle for not trusting her!
'Have it your way Boq!' Interesting reference to Wicked of all things!
Haha! 'Who the hell are you?' 'Who the hell am I-that question is much more appropriate than you know.' And interesting the Lord of the Underworld of all people is offering his services to the Wicked Witch of the West...
Bit depressing they're now regulars at the diner of the Underworld...and can't help but find it funny that phones are used for hauntings! Well, at least they remembered their son...
'Oh, so you're an Author? Everyone's a writer. Everyone's got ideas. I'm doing my best! Maybe if you just laid off a little bit...' He's got a point there! And cut him some slack, Hook! He's just starting out!
'Is it your birthday?' 'I didn't know the King of the Underworld was so nosy. I don't know the day I was born, but thanks for reminding me!' 'That's actually a sad story.' 'I only know the day that my mother abandoned me.' 'Oh, getting sadder. So this is, what, celebrating Abandonment Day?' Bit depressing, actually! And funny that they both have a sibling complex!
'What did you do?' 'My boy was sick. In exchange for Baelfire's life, I made a deal to give up my second-born child.' 'But you don't have a second-born child.' 'It happened Belle.' 'I-I'm pregnant?! We're gonna have a baby!' Can't help but find that hilarious on a meta level given that Emilie was close to popping out at this point! Still very sweet!
'A baby that you've already sold!' 'Yes, but we can fix it! I'll use all my power! We can fix this' 'Power? What...You're the Dark One again.' Yeah, say that she's beyond a bit upset now! At least Emma didn't have to tell her!
'See, the thing is I love this dagger. And I also love you. Both are possible. Look, you wanted me to be a better man. And you've done that. But if you want me to be a different man, I'm sorry. This is who I am.' 'You weren't always.' 'Yes, I was. Even when I was a coward, I craved power. The only difference is, now I have it. And I won't let it go. Not again.' 'Right. Not even for me?' 'Belle, there's something you must realize. Falling in love with the man behind the beast isn't what really happened to you. You fell in love with me because there was a man and a beast. Neither exists without the other.' Well, at least he's telling her the truth & is more self aware!
Sweet idea singing Neal a lullaby! 
'Before we find my daughter would you please have the courtesy to share whatever horrid name you've saddled her with? Probably something dreadful like 'Brittany', 'Nancy' or...Oh God, not 'Marian'! 'Zelena, I haven't named our child because I need to know her first to find out who she really is, which I haven't been able to do because I've been to busy protecting her from you!' 'You weren't protecting her at all! You just left her to go on some heroic quest. I mean, how is finding some handed pirate be more important than our child?' 1) HAHA! 2) Do you really need to 'get to know' your child before naming them?! 3) She's got a point how selfish he's been!
OK, this was sweet haha! 'It's like broom on wheels!'
Wait, where did Regina get the hat? And either Belle's gonna have a really big baby or they couldn't find other ways to make Emilie's bump look just a little bit smaller!
Well, about time they let her bond with her own daughter despite her insanity...
'My magic did this...I did this. I'm sorry.' OK, never expected to feel sorry for her!
'Take her. You can protect her but I can't. Now down here. My magic's unpredictable. I don't care if you never let me see her again! You have to save her! Regina, please! It's more important than what happens to me.' 'We'll do everything we can to protect her.' Goodbye little one. Mummy has to let you go now.' Never expected my heart to break for the wicked!
Well, at least they know baby Neal got the haunted phone call!
'You can't tell me you don't feel something too.' 'Yes, but we just met!' 'I know, I know. But when we were on that bicycle and I had my arms around you, I felt something I haven't felt in eons. My heart fluttered. Just for a moment. And I truly believe once we kiss my heart will start again. I'll be free. And we can be together.' Sweet speech and all, Hades, but she's got a point that they've just met! How does that constitute them as True Love?
So actually wanted her baby to protect her from the others, made the Underworld look like Storybrooke all for her & has never stopped loving her? That's...weirdly romantic. 
'April 15th.' 'What?' 'Your birthday. Just thought you might want to know.' 'How do you know that?'
'Tortured it out of a miller's daughter. Well, at least she finally knows her birthday!

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