Saturday 12 April 2014

Witch Hunt

Hey guys! I am so so sorry for leaving these reviews to this long, but I am back! I had some complications after installing a new browser & my security settings which meant I couldn't access my Goggle account to get to here, but now that's sorted! Following the previous episode, This episode shows Emma being back in Storybrooke trying to investigate the goings-on in the town and as to who and why the suspect cast the new curse. Meanwhile, Mary Margaret meets Zelena, the incognito Storybrooke counterpart of the Wicked Witch of the West who claims to be a midwife and agrees to assist her pregnancy. Pretty obvious she wants the baby, but it hasn't been explained yet why! In the flashbacks, it is revealed that The Wicked Witch of the West is in fact Regina's half sister, being Cora's first born child (and revealing that she was in fact the first born in her former deal with Rumple)
What I loved about this episode was how the story for this half was immediately established and the pacing is excellent. I was worried it was going to be a filler episode judging the promo and synopsis, but it worked! Seeing Emma and Regina work together after the past seasons of being enemies felt very refreshing, especially now that Henry doesn't even remember Regina and they both have a mutual enemy! Mary Margaret, I personally felt, was a bit on the idiot side with immediately becoming friendly with a stranger claiming to be a midwife, and can't even notice she wears black & has a green emerald on her outfit! If I were her, I'd ask if she had any proper qualifications instead of immediately trusting her and confiding in her! The flashbacks in the past year were good, seeing some chemistry and bonding between Regina and Robin Hood, and establishing Zelena & Regina's hatred for one another mostly due to Zelena's jealousy & being abandoned by their mother, Cora.
I think the thing that surprised me the most was how early into the second half they revealed the major spoilers that Zelena is Regina's half sister and Rumple is in fact alive (Come on, did you really think he died in 3x11?) so it looks like the mysteries for now is as to HOW he came back from the dead, and the whereabouts of Neal, Henry's father & Rumple's son! Well, we'll have to see in the next episode, The Tower as to whether any of these mysteries will be investigated!

Get your green bony body out of Regina's dress!
Red & Snow. Talking! When was the last time we saw that?!
AWW! Regina may be 'evil', but she'll always have a soft spot with children!
RUBY!!!!! I've missed her so much!
Haha! 'What were you in for?' '...Banditry.'
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Liking Robin's Storybrooke style!
Liking Belle's outfit!
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Gee, I wonder who that could be(!) 
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Aww, I think OutlawQueen are gonna be one of my favourite ships!
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Can I jsut say? I love Regina's smile at Emma? Not a SwanQueen shipper myself, but
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Step away from Mary Margaret you witch with a b in place of the w!
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Wow...she really isn't taking the whole being separated with Henry thing well! First, trying to bury her heart & now this! 
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HAHA! Love that Leroy's the one who tells everyone about Emma & Regina's plan!
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Nice to see Dr Whale again!
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OK...that was freaky!
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Loved the stakeout! It feels so nice seeing them get along after everything that's happened!
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OOH! Wicked vs Evil: sibling rivalry to a whole new level!
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HAHAHA! 'Bring it greenie!'
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Poor Regina! You can see she really wanted to hug him!
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Haha! 'The Wicked Witch of the West?...Seriously? She's real too?'
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Hmm, nice reference to the Wizard of Oz movie!
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