Sunday 27 April 2014


I am aware I kind of did a review on 2x01 back when it first aired, but it was only on the Rumbelle kiss and technically I started the format I normally do in 2x04, but now I do it chronologically like a recap and I'm more analytical with my thoughts on each episode. So what did I think of this one? I loved it! It was a nice way to open the second season after the cliffhanger that magic had been brought back to Storybrooke by Mr Gold. Now that everyone has their memories back, it's gonna be interesting with how they merge them together considering how different most of them are to their fairy tale counterparts. I also liked the new storytelling with the 'flashbacks' actually taking place during the Storybrooke scenes and are used to explain how the Wraith was brought back into the Enchanted Forest after Mr Gold summoned it to kill Regina for revenge. I may not like Aurora for being the pretty princess archetype, and it may be strange incorporating a Chinese legend into the mix, but hopefully it'll somehow work. The development with Rumbelle was cute as Belle is willing to stay with Gold to help him become a better man and so she can be a good influence on him. It'll be interesting to see Emma & how she'll interact with people in the Enchanted Forest as well as being forced to work together with her mother, so hopefully we'll see some nice interaction (yes, I know season 2 ended a long time ago, but I'm pretending I just watched it!) By the way, it'll be interesting to see this mystery man at the beginning & whether or not he has any connections to any from the Enchanted Forest or Storybrooke! Overall, a solid start to Season 2 (Unfortunately, Season 2 would be pretty lackluster for me at the end of it all!)
Who is this hot guy...(I know it's Neal/Bae, but pretend I just watched it)
Who ever could have sent that?(I know, it's August, but again, pretend I just watched it!)
Another True Love's Kiss! Aww!
I like that they showed immediately after 1x22!
Is it me or does Belle's hair look darker than in 1x22?
AWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! Perfect reunion kiss!
Why is there a Dementor in OUAT (Not a Harry Potter fan, but I know what Dementors are!) 
Oh, the irony of Dr Whale leading a mob!
Haha! Pretty epic fail Regina! 
Wow! Mulan looks really pretty!
Ooh! That's gotta hurt!
So it looks like they've both been marked...!
Much prefer Mulan's hair down!
HAHA! 'Maybe I don't need answers. Maybe I just need to punch you in the face!
There's the Rumple we love!
Nice dress!
'I thought you changed!' 'What? In the hour you've known me?'...What an asshole!
That's the creepy!
Nice to see Jefferson's hat make an appearance!
HAHA! 'Torches. They may be old fashioned but so am I!' 
Pretty extreme mesures of avoiding the Dement- I mean Wraith!
Leave David alone!
Ugh, why do you have to butt in Henry? This has nothing to do with you!
AWWW!!!!! Sorry, I love the way he looks at Belle!
Sweet photo!

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