Sunday 27 April 2014

The Jolly Roger

This episode shows more of Hook during the past year as he wants to discover what happened to his beloved ship The Jolly Roger. With the help of Ariel, who's looking for Eric after he mysteriously disappeared, he finds out it was stolen by none other than Blackbeard (Charles Mesure). After he selfishly decides to keep his ship, kill Blackbeard & potentially costing Eric's life, Ariel decides to find him herself after she discovers his location. Meanwhile, in Storybrooke, Ariel unaware of Zelena terrorising everyone or the past year, still needs Hook's help to find Eric as he's still missing. Hook, believing he's dead, decides to tell the truth as to what happened while revealing his love for Emma. But then it turns out Ariel was in fact Zelena in disguise as she curses Hooks lips so that when he kisses Emma, she'll lose her growing powers. And if he doesn't, she'll kill the people she loves. While this is going on, Emma wants Regina to teach her magic so she can defeat Zelena and David and mary Margaret try to impress Henry after they discover he finds them boring compared to Hook.
I'm just gonna start off by saying I really didn't like the way they characterised Hook in this as a good guy! Did they completely forget what he did in season 2?
1) Tried to kill Belle & Rumple
2) Double crossed Emma while working with Cora
3) Almost killed Rumple
4) Double crossed Regina by working with Greg & Tamara
5) Shot Belle at the town line & making her lose her memories
6) Stole the magic bean which would save everyone for himself (lying to Emma)
7) Tried to kill Emma at Lake Nostos
Would you call that a hero? And the Captain Swan pandering has just elevated for me!Why are they treating them like a huge love story when they've shared one meaningless kiss, Emma's feelings aren't reciporacated, and it's all just one sided. Also, why would Emma kiss him at this point? And I also really don't like that they completely disregarded Neal considering his funeral was only the day before and that he decides to flirt with her! Sorry, moving on! How was Blackbeard then? Well, he's completely wasted, appears for about 5 minutes and is a plot device to benefit Hook like Rapunzel was for Charming in The Tower. And he dies after only one appearance (some habits just can't be broken) Also, while there were some funny elements with David, Mary Margaret trying to impress Henry, it was just mostly filler & what the hell was David thinking letting a 12 year old drive on a busy street?! The only good thing would have to be the subplot with Regina teaching Emma magic: it progressed the plot, it was interesting & it was about time Emma took advantage of her powers! And I liked Regina being friendly with the Charmings after everything they've been through and I liked seeing Belle contributing more by helping 'Ariel' and using magic! And unfortunately, Rumple doesn't appear which also downgrades this episode for me!
Honestly, as of now, it's the worst Season 3 episode I've seen. It's not Dreamy or Selfless, Brave and True bad, I just don't like the characterisation of Hook in it & the constant CaptainSwan pandering!
When did Hook become a knight?! 
How nice Smee giving Hook a wench(!)
Aww! Love this scene of them building the crib! 
Isn't it sweet how Regina of all people is gonna protect Mary Margaret & David's unborn child?
Bloody hell! How much more pandering do we have to take?!
Aww! So sweet to think that Ginny & Josh are now married! And nice to see the 2x15 gloves back!
Nice to see you back in Storybrooke Ariel!
Wow! Ariel's a badass!
So Regina can read! 
Interesting magic lesson!
LOVE Belle's hair & outfit!
Nice Ursula cameo!
Pretty badass!
Why does Blackbeard look like Disney's Captain Hook & Jack Sparrow's secret half brother?
Obligatory sails down for badass shots of their shadows sword fighting!
Haha! It's funny cos someone could die!
That was my face when I first saw that scene!
And...plot device we barely know to benefit a character after one episode is now dead!
At least Ariel has common sense!
Thank you for doing what I've wanted to do for 2 seasons!
What the-?!
All right, I wasn't expecting that, I admit!
Nice reference to the Disney movie! 
HAHA! 'Can I drive?' 'NO!'
AWW! Easily my favourite bit in the episode!
Well, that's not creepy stalking Emma with a spyglass!

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