Saturday 26 April 2014

Red Handed

Now I'm back reviewing the season 1 episodes during the hiatus and eventually the Wonderland spin-off, let's continue with Red Handed, the first episode to focus on Red and Ruby, and I have to say, I love it! I've always been interested in Red's character and how she became friends with Snow White, and it's surprisingly handled really well and you can see from the start they'd be best friends. Jane Espenson's writing was great, especially as we get to see more character development from both Ruby and Red, as Ruby starts to be more mature, responsible & kind with her grandmother thanks to Emma. The production design was also very well done, especially with Red's cottage, the snowy forests and Red & Snow's wintery outfits. The twist that Red was the wolf was handled well since I never expected it when I first watched it, but now it made sense why Granny was so strict with her wearing her red cape (which looks gorgeous). And we finally saw a progression with the Kathryn murder plot as her heart is found in a box buried near the toll bridge, revealed to be Mary Margaret's. Better compared to the last episode anyway! Overall, I love this episode and always has replay value when I watch my S1 DVD!
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OK, no lemurs live in Nepal, August! Maybe a little white lie to impress Ruby?
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Love the look of the cottage, it looks so cute!
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WOW! He looks hot!
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OK, that was pretty funny! 'And you dress like Norman Bates when he dresses like Norman Bates' mother!'
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Funny way of meeting! By the way, what a coincidence she said 'Mary' and 'Margaret' as pseudonyms!
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Ooh, that's gotta hurt!
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Loving the design of Red's bedroom!
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WTF is going on with David?!
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Interesting jobs in Storybrooke...
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Now you're pushing it Henry...!
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Love the cinematography & the forests remind me of Narnia!
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Love this scene!
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Interesting that she still has her wolf smelling!
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Hi Dr Whale! Nice to see you not oggling Ruby!
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Nice design for the box!
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Whatever could be in it to scare Ruby like that?
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No, I think it looks better on Red!
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I did not see that coming when I first saw this!
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Never thought I'd see an elderly woman be badass with a crossbow!
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RIP Peter!
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Feels nice to see Red without all the heavy make up and provocative clothes!
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So Mary Margaret's fingerprints were on the box...I wonder why!

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