Tuesday 29 April 2014

A Curious Thing

This episode follows Bleeding Through as the group now decide to find a way to stop Zelena from casting the new time travel curse possibly linked to Henry's belief!
In the flashbacks, Snow, Regina & Charming try to find a way to stop Zelena, with a little help from a now crazy Rumple, they realize they have to meet Glinda The Good Witch (Sunny Mabrey AKA Greg Mendel's real life wife) and she tells them of a pendant Zelena wears (that green one she never takes off) and only Emma can stop her. With this, Snow realizes they have to cast the Dark Curse, this time with Snow using Charming's heart to do it. However, Zelena decides to add a memory loss ingredient into the curse, but fortunately, Snow discovers a loophole so Charming can live by having Regina rip her heart out and split it in two. And it's finally revealed that Neal was the one who sent the memory potion to Hook for Emma (I knew we wouldn't see the last of Michael Raymond James)! In Storybrooke, Emma realizes half of how to defeat Zelena is to break the new curse, so they decide to bring Henry's memories back by finding the infamous book, getting him to believe so Emma can give him another True Love's Kiss. Sounds easy right? Actually no! With Henry tired of being lied to & wanting to leave, Hook convinces him to take his ship until some flying monkeys come by and attack them, causing them to go to the cannery, be saved by the group & he finally gets his memories back! But then Zelena threatens to kill him, and Emma having a brain, uses her magic to take him off her and finally, the curse is broken. But this time not by Emma, but by Regina through her love for Henry (did I forget to mention she doesn't have a heart during all of this?) Well, everything seems good until Mary Margaret unexpectedly goes into labour!
What I loved about this episode was the emotional stakes were very high. This episode probably finally gave me respect for Snowing after constantly mocking how boring & annoying they were in season 2 for reasons, but when I saw Snow kill her own husband for the curse, I was crying. Yes, I knew he was obviously going to somehow live since they're the designated heroes & of course their true love is so so powerful, but still! It just showed that she is willing to sacrifice even her True Love to get to their daughter after the whole 'being good' & infuriating preaching in season 2. But I have one question: why is Snow considered pure of heart if she killed Cora & has some darkness in her heart? OK, that's just nitpicking, sorry!
The fact that Regina is the one who breaks the curse this time round instead of Emma has finally proven she has vindicated herself after everything she's done, and this just shows that Emma isn't the only one whose love for Henry is powerful enough to break it. By the way her interactions with Robin are so adorable! Speaking of romance, I loved seeing Belle & Rumple reunite at his castle and that she managed to calm his mind to talk to them about how to stop Regina! May not sound like much, but it did contribute quite a bit to the plot in the flashbacks and I am loving that Belle is getting more screen time, isn't being tortured (Seriously, she's only been locked up/tied up/magically tortured twice in the whole of season 3 compared to a lot more in season 2!) and feels like a part of the group this season!
Now as for Glinda the Good Witch herself, it's gonna take another viewing & the next episode for me to have a proper opinion on her due to her small screen time, but she does have potential (although Wicked's Glinda is still my favourite) She reminded me a bit too much of the Blue Fairy, but I don't want to prejudge. I'm sorry to get off track from Glinda now, but I'd like to say I am so happy that Neal made an appearance and wasn't forgotten or disregarded like I thought  he would be after his death and funeral 4 episodes ago. I take back my complaints about that in 3x17 (although it's still my worst S3 episode so far!) and I am so happy Emma has finally realized how bad of an influence Hook has been and I'm glad she's doing the right thing by not trusting him! Sorry, I don't feel sorry for him in any of this! I also particularly enjoyed the fast pace this time round as there were twists, romance, action in every turn. Overall, this is a very heartwarming and emotionally groundbreaking episode and I can guarantee it'll be on my Top 10 Best S3 Episodes List when season 3 ends! Boy, now it's gonna be harder to think of 5 episodes for the Worst List!
Love Belle being a badass riding her horse!
Despite the rather unusual hairdo, love seeing her 1x07 dress again!
Am I actually seeing this? Zelena froze everyone except for Belle?
 Love seeing Belle be included at the table! Actually, this scene really reminds me of the Pilot!
HAHA! 'My name's Grumpy, not Stupid!'
AWWWW!!! Sorry, I can't help but find them adorable!
Love how pretty Regina looks smiling!
Hey! Only Rumple can give roses to people (specifically Belle!)
I wish we could've seen HOW Rumple captured Hook! Must've been satisfying for Rumple after how much he terrorised him in season 2!
1) LOVE Regina's outfit 2) Did anyone else notice Belle has a dagger?
AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! The 'heys' are back!
Woah! Never seen this side of Emma!
A 12 year old wanting to drive from Maine to New York...that doesn't sound crazy or stupid at all(!)
Haha! '...after True Love, there is no more powerful magic than footwear! It has to be protected!'
Yay! The book is back!
Love Emma's outfit!
HAHA! Love Regina's face!
When did OUAT turn into Narnia?
Interesting outfit Glinda! So all Emma has to do is destroy a pendant?
Product placement!
So Henry's a fan of Disney's Peter Pan! Oh, the irony!
Kind of horrifying to think that the monkeys could've been anyone like Aurora, Phillip, Little John...
Interesting role reversal with Emma now convincing Henry to believe!
Nice parallel with 1x22!
GO EMMA! GO EMMA! GO EMMA! Finally taking advantage of her powers!
OK, this scene did make me appreciate Snowing even more!
Come on Snow! You're the one who says there's always another way!
WHAT?! WHAT?!?!?! How is he still alive in Storybrooke?!
...I hate you Zelena!
AWWWWWWWWWW!!!! Regina is now the Saviour!
Interesting loophole!
Thank you for calling him out!
What the hell?!
NEAL!!!! I had a feeling he was the one who sent the message to Hook!
I knew this would end with her going into labour!

Sunday 27 April 2014


I am aware I kind of did a review on 2x01 back when it first aired, but it was only on the Rumbelle kiss and technically I started the format I normally do in 2x04, but now I do it chronologically like a recap and I'm more analytical with my thoughts on each episode. So what did I think of this one? I loved it! It was a nice way to open the second season after the cliffhanger that magic had been brought back to Storybrooke by Mr Gold. Now that everyone has their memories back, it's gonna be interesting with how they merge them together considering how different most of them are to their fairy tale counterparts. I also liked the new storytelling with the 'flashbacks' actually taking place during the Storybrooke scenes and are used to explain how the Wraith was brought back into the Enchanted Forest after Mr Gold summoned it to kill Regina for revenge. I may not like Aurora for being the pretty princess archetype, and it may be strange incorporating a Chinese legend into the mix, but hopefully it'll somehow work. The development with Rumbelle was cute as Belle is willing to stay with Gold to help him become a better man and so she can be a good influence on him. It'll be interesting to see Emma & how she'll interact with people in the Enchanted Forest as well as being forced to work together with her mother, so hopefully we'll see some nice interaction (yes, I know season 2 ended a long time ago, but I'm pretending I just watched it!) By the way, it'll be interesting to see this mystery man at the beginning & whether or not he has any connections to any from the Enchanted Forest or Storybrooke! Overall, a solid start to Season 2 (Unfortunately, Season 2 would be pretty lackluster for me at the end of it all!)
Who is this hot guy...(I know it's Neal/Bae, but pretend I just watched it)
Who ever could have sent that?(I know, it's August, but again, pretend I just watched it!)
Another True Love's Kiss! Aww!
I like that they showed immediately after 1x22!
Is it me or does Belle's hair look darker than in 1x22?
AWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! Perfect reunion kiss!
Why is there a Dementor in OUAT (Not a Harry Potter fan, but I know what Dementors are!) 
Oh, the irony of Dr Whale leading a mob!
Haha! Pretty epic fail Regina! 
Wow! Mulan looks really pretty!
Ooh! That's gotta hurt!
So it looks like they've both been marked...!
Much prefer Mulan's hair down!
HAHA! 'Maybe I don't need answers. Maybe I just need to punch you in the face!
There's the Rumple we love!
Nice dress!
'I thought you changed!' 'What? In the hour you've known me?'...What an asshole!
That's the creepy!
Nice to see Jefferson's hat make an appearance!
HAHA! 'Torches. They may be old fashioned but so am I!' 
Pretty extreme mesures of avoiding the Dement- I mean Wraith!
Leave David alone!
Ugh, why do you have to butt in Henry? This has nothing to do with you!
AWWW!!!!! Sorry, I love the way he looks at Belle!
Sweet photo!