Monday 26 November 2012

Into The Deep!

Where do I begin with this episode? Zombies, Aurora kidnapped, badass Emma and Mary Margaret, David and Mary Margaret reuniting finally, Henry trying to be a hero, sexy Hook, Regina having a larger role and Gold and Belle's date! Oh yeah, quite interesting mermaids were referenced by Gold, possible Ariel reference?
Yay! Hook just keeps looking sexier in each episode!
Awww! I just love these two, you can see how he's trying to change for her! So sweet Belle has an iced tea!
OK, now I can see a bit of competition for Katniss for best badass archer!
Sorry I must admit she look's really pretty here!
OK, I'm guessing she stole the raven from either Regina or Maleficent!
Rather sweet Regina/Henry moment!
Hmm, so this is the old fashioned way of enacting the Sleeping Curse!
Very bittersweet moment! At least they're finally together through sleep!
WTF?! Cora's controlling Aurora! I bet she'll somehow blow her cover by revealing something Aurora didn't know about! You could sorta see with the way she was acting and she wasn't as timid as she normally is!

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