Monday 12 November 2012

Child of the Moon!

I loved this episode and not just because Belle and Gold appeared (even though they were in separate scenes!) but because of its focus on Red/Ruby who I love! Yeah, I'm just gonna pretend Belle called Mr Gold after it turned out she was still chained up after everything that happened!
NO WAY! BILLY WAS GUS?! RIP Billy/Gus forever eating cheese!
I love their budding friendship! Belle is such a good advisor with love!
Wow! Quinn looks so sexy!
Yay, it's Mr Gold! Quite interesting about the side effects of the sleeping curse!
I can actually see a resemblance between them!
And Ruby looks so pretty locked up!
And Snow always looks pretty! All the women in this show are pretty!
I love how Belle does this to someone she cares about! Actually, I do something pretty similar to her when I worry or care about someone!
Poor David/Charming! I'd feel exactly the same if I knew I'd never see my family again!
It;s almost as if this was made for a photo shoot!
Well, the graphics look improved compared to last week's episode and Aurora just looks pretty here!

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