Friday 16 May 2014

There's No Place Like Home

Like I said, this follows immediately after 3x21 as Emma has to find a way to get out of prison, give the ring to Snow and go to the troll bridge. However, as Snow tries to use the dust on Regina, she ties her up and burns her at the stake...or so she thinks. Using a bit of the dust, Snow manages to turn herself into a ladybug and calls out for the Blue Fairy to change her back. With the ring in tow and the only way to get to the docks is through the troll bridge, this time round Snow tricks them by using sand and pretending it's dust and giving her money. Giving him the ring back, Emma witnesses her parents falling in love and realizes Storybrooke is her home. Rumplestiltskin put them in his vault when she manages to wield magic to get back, but not before revealing to Rumple his son dies and telling him to drink a memory loss potion so he can't let his sacrifice be in vain. Back home, Emma reunites with her family at the party where they announce their son's name is Neal, obviously named after Henry's father/Rumple's son. And a happiness montage occurs with Emma & Hook getting together, Mary Margaret & David with their newborn son, Regina, Robin & Roland spending time together and.....RUMBELLE GETTING MARRIED! After everything that has happened between them I am so glad they're the ones to tie the knot! And it was well executed, the vows were beautifully written and I loved how intimate and private it was! And Belle's wedding outfit was beautiful! Unfortunately, Regina's happiness doesn't last long as Robin & Marian reunite thanks to Emma bringing her to the present to save her life without knowing who she was. Looks like the Regina & Emma war will start again! And to make matters worse, an urn Hook touched in the vault is with them and releases none other than...Queen Elsa of Arendelle from Frozen!
This finale was amazing! The acting was amazing, the writing was amazing, the attention to detail was amazing, the emotional stakes were high and it just gave me that warm feeling, especially during the wedding, which made me bawl like a baby! Yes, it was obvious in some bits Ginny was pregnant & they used a body double as they reused scenes from Snow Falls, but oddly enough, they were well integrated! And I loved Emma has fully embraced her family and that Storybrooke is her home after so long of seeing her tough exterior & I surprisingly liked that Hook was the one to stop it and grow up, even if I still don't like CaptainSwan! I felt so sorry for Regina when her happiness was gone unintentionally thanks to Emma. But I can't really blame her, if anything I blame Robin because he immediately ignored Regina for his now alive wife, without even thinking of her feelings!
That! I just want to say I adore Frozen and I can understand why Adam and Eddy want to add it into the show! Now, I was very surprised they added Elsa as the movie is only 6 months old (as of May anyway!). But do I think it's a bad idea? Absolutely not! If anything, the character fits perfectly in the OUAT universe being a misunderstood young woman, but by the looks of it, she's in the Let It Go stage judging her sassy walk & the way she takes her gloves off & destroys her former prison. I can't wait to see what direction they'll take and this finale was a very satisfying way of ending such an amazing season and I cannot wait more than ever for season 4!
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Oh my God, I've missed Neal so much! 
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Hey it's Marian again!
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I'm surprised with how well they integrated this scene with 1x03 bits, even if Ginny's pregnancy is obvious! 
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Love they use the same dialogue from 1x03 when Charming & Snow talk about the dust & Regina!
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RED!!!!!!!!! GOD you have no idea how much I've missed you!
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Poor Emma! At least she's finally realizing how much her family means to her!
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Nice that something taught from Neal has saved them!
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Love that wolf Red is also back!
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'The only one who saves me is me!' GO EMMA! I'm sure Marian living will have bad consequences!
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Loving Regina's hair!
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Poor Emma! :(
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AH! Smart thinking Snow (the ladybug!)
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Hi Blue Fairy!
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AWW! Love Emma's smile!
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Haha! Love Snow's WTF look!
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HAHA! Sorry, I found this bit funny! And I guess this means OQ are toast if she goes with them.
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Aww! Love her face when she sees her parents falling in love!
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Nice to see my favourite season 1 dress on Regina again!
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Why do I get the feeling that urn will be of great importance later?
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Love Jennifer's acting here when Emma tells Rumple Neal sacrificed his life for everyone!
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HAHAHAHAHAHA! 'What the hell am I doing in here?!'
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So Emma's in the book now!
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Hey, Aurora! But where are Philip & her baby? In 3x21, it was mentioned she gave birth the day after she turned back to human from a flying monkey!
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AWWW! Come on, admit it you awwed when they revealed their baby's name is Neal!
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Love Rumple's reaction bless him!
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Great...CS are canon! I guess I'm gonna have to learn to tolerate them!
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HELL YEAH! Called it Moe would appear to give her away!
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Love his face when he sees his bride! Nice suit! Wearing blue to match her beautiful blue eyes?
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And Archie's officating it! Definitely a Rumbelle shipper!
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'Rumplestiltskin, this thing we have has never been easy. I've lost you so many times. I lost you to darkness. To weakness. And finally, to death. But now I realize. I realize I have not spent my life losing you. I've spent my life finding you.' :')
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Oh my God, the way he looks at her just makes me melt!
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'Belle, when we met I wasn't just unloved & unloving. I was an enemy of love. Love had only brought me pain. My walls were up, but you brought them down. You brought me home. You brought light to my life & chased away all the darkness. And I vow to you I will never forget the distance between what I was & what I am.' :')
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'Sometimes the best book has the dustiest jacket. And sometimes, the best teacup is chipped!' <3
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Oh my God! That face just proves his love for her is so genuine!
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AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY OTP ARE MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I knew this would happen! I just don't like how Robin tosses Regina aside!
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Poor Regina! Poor poor Regina! :'(
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WOAH! Looks like Storybrooke is about to get frozen!

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