Friday 16 May 2014


Sorry, I know I'm overdue with the reviews since Season 3 has ended, but I've been busy with exams & will continue to be for the next month, so this & the finale reviews will be quckies & I'll also be doing a Top 10 Best & Top 5 Worst Season 3 Episodes post (yes, that's how much I love season 3!)
Anyway, this episode follows 3x19 as Mary Margaret has gone into labour and Zelena is after the baby for her time travel curse, finally explaining why she wants him/her. She does take HIM (yes, the baby is a boy) unsurprisingly, but not before forcing Emma to lip lock with Hook to get rid of her powers. But Regina manages to save the day with light magic as she chooses to be a hero and save everyone from the clutches of her sister, setting Rumple free in the process but not letting him kill her for revenge. And...wait for it...RUMPLE ASKS BELLE TO MARRY HIM! Finally I am so so SO happy that he popped the question after so much angst between them for three seasons. And does it looks like it'll carry on into season 4...yeah! Why? Well he does possibly the stupidest thing by immediately lying to her and killing Zelena because he can't get over his revenge for his son's death. I understand where he's coming from, but to lie to his future wife was what annoyed me! Anyway, in Oz, we see the classic Wizard of Oz story featuring Dorothy (Matreya Scarrwener) but with a twist in that there's no Scarecrow, Tin Man or Cowardly Lion, but rather Dorothy makes friends with the witches which makes Zelena jealous again after she thinks Dorothy will fulfill a prophecy meant for her! So she pretends to melt and drives her away by giving her the slippers to take her back to Kansas, also banishing Glinda to the Enchanted Forest.
So what did I think? Well, the flashbacks were disappointing for me as we barely got to see Oz, the pacing was slow, Dorothy barely had any character and honestly, they was just lackluster & boring! . Also, I felt like they slowed down the fast paced action packed Storybrooke scenes, which I felt were more interesting & heartwarming. Also, the cliffhanger at the end was pretty good, if a smidge predictable as there's a 2 hour finale to go and we got to see nice resolutions to some plots like the baby being born, Rumple getting his revenge, the Wizard of Oz story ending and Regina fully redeeming herlsef! Overall, it's a mixed bag, but not as mixed as episodes like 3x02 or 3x10 where there were more apparent flaws. So...will Belle & Rumple be the lucky couple having the splashy wedding, will the time travel curse go back to when Zelena had hoped, will they discover Zelena's murder & will Emma & Hook just get on with being a couple even though I hate them? Well...I know the answers to them since season 3 has ended, but join me in my review of Snow Drifts/There's No Place Like Home!
Interesting symbol of Rumple's brain... 
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Thank you Emma for calling Hook out again!
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Liking the detail on the ads! By the way, nice that one apartment is described as 'charming!'
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Who wants to bet Zelena tries to drown Hook to get Emma to kiss him & get rid of her powers?
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Thought so!
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Interesting version of Oz in that the witches aren't evil!
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I don't call that a kiss, I call that CPR!
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About time that Zelena let go of her jealousy! Who wants to bet it won't last long?
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Interesting that Dr Whale is the one delivering the baby AKA who they should've trusted in the first place instead of trusting a random woman claiming to be a midwife!
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Hey! Leave Belle alone! 
Well, at least Rumple's there to catch her! 
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'Your taste in women really has gone downhil!'....he never even liked you!
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Hmm! A tornado! Possibly carrying a certain gingham wearing brown haired girl from Kansas?
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Wow! That's a lot of least it didn't kill the Wicked Witch of the East this time round!
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Interesting version of Dorothy! May not resemble Judy Garland, but must've been artistic licence!
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Nice parallel with 3x01 with the lights flashing during Emma/Mary Margaret's final push!
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Aww! It's a boy!
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Poor Mary Margaret losing her child again shortly after their birth!
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OK...pretty big mis-step not showing any of Dorothy's journey through Oz!
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What did Dorothy ever to do to make Zelena this jealous again?
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Why are you standing there talking? YOU'VE GOT A BABY TO SAVE & A WITCH TO DEFEAT!
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OK, that was pretty freaky...but how is she still alive?
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Of course it was a trick!
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OK, that is a pretty cool design for the curse!
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Yay! It's about time that Regina saved the day!
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WHAT?! She killed his son, made him her slave, mentally tortured him & you're letting her live?!
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'You can't be serious!' My sentiments exactly!
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OK, those slippers are not silver!
Click to view full size image exactly did this benefit her if she's now the greatest evil in all of Oz?
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AWW! My OTP reunited at last! 
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'I am now and for all the future yours'...please let this go where I think it's going!
'Will you marry me?' AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!
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Aww! So sweet that Mary Margaret can finally meet her child properly!
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So sweet that they look like a family!
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Number 1 rule on what not to do in an engagement courtsey of Rumple: lie to your fiance!
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Interesting parallel with 2x19
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