Sunday 4 May 2014

Heart of Darkness

 This episode follows the events of 7:15AM in the flashbacks as Snow has no memory of her Prince after and is unaware of the fact the wedding between Charming and Abigail was called off. Filled with revenge, she decides to kill Regina using a bow and arrow which never misses it's target (revealed to be Robin Hood's in 2x19) given to her by Rumplestiltskin. Charming attempts to find Snow and bring her memories back by True Love's Kiss. After failing and getting tied up, he manages to stop Snow from killing Regina by taking the arrow for her, therefore realizing. meanwhile, in Storybrooke, the evidence against Mary Margaret for Kathryn's murder is piling up by the minute up to the point where David thinks that she did it. Mr Gold manages to convince Mary Margaret & Emma to become the latter's lawyer to prove she didn't kill Kathryn and so they can have the upper hand against Regina.
I liked how the flashbacks were easy to follow as the events leading up to them ocurred 6 episodes ago and that we got to see an...interesting side to the Snow White we know and love thanks to the potion given to her by Rumplestiltskin. Again, Ginnifer and Josh's chemistry benefited the characters and it made them believable and got me invested even if it was pretty predictable that Snow would regain her memories. I also enjoyed Rumplestiltskin's/Mr Gold's roles in both the Enchanted Forest and Storybrooke as it is pretty evident that he's manipulating the events going on to get what he wants (making the True Love potion in FTL & becoming Mary Magaret's lawyer to go against Regina). Another thing I enjoyed was the parallels between the events in each setting and how they both have nice contrasts and comparisons to look at.
If I did have a few issues, it would be that the flashbacks were pretty predictable and again, Henry annoyed me being involved in situations that he doesn't be in. Also, I thought David was horrible to Mary Margaret, and honestly quite stupid (the infamous therapy session anybody?). Why are we supposed to like him in any of this? Just because he's Charming's counterpart? Sorry, I can't stand cursed David Nolan! Despite this, I actually enjoyed it, partly thanks to Goodwin & Dallas' chemistry as well as the nice paralells between the Enchanted Forest and Storybrooke scenes
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 Looks like Red can finally control her wolf powers!
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 So Mary Margaret is about 5 ft 7!

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Nice reference to the Disney movie! By the way for those who don't know, she was humming With A Smile And A Song also from the movie!
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Oh, the irony from Mary Margaret's last comment: 'I would hurt anyone!'
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HAHAHA! 'You broke my mug!' 'You're lucky it wasn't that mug you call a face!'
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AH! So that was her jewellery box!
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What the?!
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Hi August! Could he be from the Enchanted Forest...? Hmm!
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I don't really think Mr Gold is the best of people to trust & let him be your lawyer Mary Margaret!
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Nice to see Robin Hood's bow & arrow (as revealed in 2x19!)
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Love the roses! Maybe a callback to Belle?
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Well that really failed! Poor Charming!
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SERIOUSLY DAVID?! SERIOUSLY?! You thought the long haired woman in medieval clothing was Mary Margaret?! YOU ARE FILLED WITH STUPID!
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Liking the outfit Regina!
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Pretty big sacrifice considering she doesn't remember you! But hey, it's True Love, of course you can do something crazy once in a while!
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Of course it works! OK, Ginny & Josh's chemistry does make it better!
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Pretty harsh, hitting a woman! (OK some context: one of King George's guards hit Snow & took Charming)
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The more I see you David, the more I don't like you! Even Charming didn't like him in season 2!
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Aww! Nothing better than a group hug!
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Interesting design for a jail cell key!
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AH! So that explains why he wanted strands of their hair!
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Why am I not surprised she escaped?

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