Monday 18 November 2013

Think Lovely Thoughts

Overall, I LOVED this episode and I can't believe we have to wait 2 weeks for the next episode!
Stephen Lord was amazing as Rumple's father Malcolm, his acting and little quips his son would pick up later like the giggle, even if he sounded high throughout the episode! I also loved the entire group working together to try and get Henry back, even trying to trust Rumple after discovering the prophecy and he can help find a way for David to live in Storybrooke despite the poison. Now, as for the factor of (MAJOR SPOILER) Pan revealing to be Rumple's dad...I liked it! Yes, the family tree may be even more fucked up than it was in season 2, but it made sense that the person even Rumple would fear would be his own father and I can clearly see why! He manipulates his great grandson into sacrificing his life so he could selfishly live, even manipulates his own son into leaving Neverland and endangering his grandson's life and leaves his son as a child so he can live young and not be reminded of the responsibilities of being a father! Seriously, all of this Actually, I blame  those spinsters for giving him the magic bean because if they didn't, none of this would've happened! My only complaint would have to be Henry, because of the stupid choice he made to sacrifice his life to 'save magic' despite the fact he hated what magic did to his family in season 2, and doesn't even listen to his own parents who are telling the truth! It doesn't help Jared's voice is starting to crack, so it looks like he can't get away with Henry being 11 soon! By the way, loved Marilyn Manson as the Shadow, he was just so creepy and an ideal casting choice!
Wow! The resemblance it striking between Rumple and Malcolm!
AWW young Rumple looks so cute!
Ooh! The doll!
OK, I can understand why they're pissed off with him about wanting to kill Henry!
And that's where his spinning days started!
IT WAS HISTORY REWRITTEN IN 1X19! Now I get why Rumple didn't want to jump in the portal!
Wait, Malcolm created Neverland?
Hmm, odd for him to do the right thing!

HAHA! 'I'm not walking in there with nothing but my good looks!' nice one Rumple having a bit of vanity!

Aww, such a sweet reunion!
Poor Rumple finding out Bae lied that he was dead to Wendy!
Clearly that's where Rumple got his Dark One giggle from! And I swear he looks high whenever he's onscreen, he makes Mad Hatter Jefferson look sane!
Looks like Rumple's always had a sweet tooth!
Hmm, Skull Rock looks pretty cool!
Aww, sweet Charming Daddy moment!
So this is where pixie dust comes from!
MARILYN MANSON SHADOW! Seriously, loved how creepy he sounded!
Nice seeing all of Henry's parents (and grandfather) working together!
Good on Regina not taking any of Rumple's shit if he fails!
                                                            Still has that Dark One smug!
Nice to see Regina and Emma using their magic together!
...what an asshole!
OMG I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING! So all this time, Peter has been taunting his own son?!
Hmm, nice hourglass!
And you blew it!

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