Monday 11 November 2013

Dark Hollow!

Finally, after seven weeks, we're back in Storybrooke and I have to say, I'm so relieved! The acting was great, the pacing was great, the transitions to each scene were great, seeing Storybrooke was great, just loved it and I love how this season is getting better and better! Even if Rumbelle aren't actually onscreen together, they somehow gave me tons of feels with the way they talked about their love to other people. Belle is finally appreciated by everyone else after everything she's been through in season 2 and manages to help Gold with Ariel by finding Pandora's Box with the help of beloved Chip! I also liked Ariel, she's just so sweet and immediately a memorable character and a great addition to the group! And I really liked that John and Michael weren't portrayed as villains like Greg and Tamara, in that have a purpose and actually know what they're doing, since all they want their sister back! The subplot with Hook, Neal and Emma, while not as interesting as the main plot of this episode, was pretty funny with the two men quarrelling and trying to impress Emma like a group of schoolboys and that Emma put them in their place to avoid a love triangle! And I'm starting to appreciate Mary Margaret more since I didn't really like her in season 2 going all dark and killing Cora and feeling sorry for herself afterwards (still glad Cora's dead though) and I understood where she was coming from about being angry that David lied to her and that he was worried she wouldn't want to stay in Neverland with them. By the way, love that Ruby was finally mentioned after not having been seen since Welcome To Storybrooke!
Why are they replaying this sad, sad scene again?!
Can't help but admire how beautiful Belle looks even when she's crying!

Nice forshadowing...
Love how pretty Ariel looks!
Ooh, new hot guy alert!
Aww, poor Belle missing her love and refusing burgers! (by the way, expect much more awws in this one cos trust me, there are loads of feels!)
Aww, her face when she finds out Rumple's alive!
AWW, bless her trying to touch his hologram hair!
Stop being a douche, Hook!
Love Ariel's outfit! Ooh, she found a thingamabob!

AWWW!!! CHIP! 'No matter how much it's been through, but it survived like our love!' :')
Haha! 'I'm not afraid of you or your gun, and not just because I don't know what it is!'
OK, I have to admit, I liked Mary Margaret in this scene!
Haha! Gotta love Neal and Hook bickering!
Despite the CGI, I rather liked this scene!
Looks like Belle seeing good in people is really paying off!
Didn't think I'd see you back, Wendy!
Haha! Gotta love Gold!
Ooh, jealous that the Dark One has someone to love, hmm? Well, maybe you'll meet Robin after the midseason finale!
AWWW!!!!!!!! 'When you return, tell Belle I love her, and that she was right. I will her again!' I had to pause this it made me that happy!
Go Emma, putting Neal and Hook in their place!
Nice to see you again Tinker Bell!
Skull Rock! Gotta say, nice design!

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