Sunday 24 November 2013


I'm aware I haven't reviewed all the season 2 episodes, so I'll be reviewing the rest so it can feel more finished and I'll be acting like I've just seen them. The episodes are: Tiny, The Evil Queen, Second Star to the Right and Straight on Til Morning! So, I'm starting with Tiny!
In my opinion, I think this the equivalent to Dreamy from season, except not as disgusting or annoying. The problem I have with it is it's not as interesting and the flashbacks were rather pointless, as well as the new characters like Jack and the giants being underdeveloped and uninteresting. Also, the Storybrooke scenes didn't progress the plot at all as all they do if try to convince Anton that they're good and not do anything about Cora being in town! As for David wanting to go back to the Enchanted Forest, I think he was selfish with being fine if Emma stayed in Storybrooke even though he hasn't seen her for 28 years! The only redeeming aspect I can think of is the subplot involving Emma, Mr Gold and Henry going to Logan International Airport which was surprisingly funny because of Gold's annoyance at Henry (well, Henry was stupid mentioning magic out in the open) and Emma having to pretend Gold is her father, which did actually progress the plot, albeit slowly.

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I don't really blame Gold not wanting Henry to go with them!
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Wait a minute, shouldn't Hook be in jail for shooting Belle and trying to kill Gold?!
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Nice CGI backgrounds(!)
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Poor Belle, still being mistreated this season!
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Woah, this isn't Game of Thrones, ABC!
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Why is no one screaming in terror?
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I don't really blame Gold for being annoyed at Henry! By the way, a bit of a stupid question about whether or not he's left Storybrooke if he's fully established what happens when people try to leave!
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'How terribly uncivilized' only Robert can make the funniest of lines sound serious!
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Haha! Gotta love his face when Emma calls him her father!
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Interesting way to take out your anger Gold...
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Haha, love this scene!
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Why do those pipes look so fake?
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And another pointless, forgettable character who died after one episode!
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Oh, the irony!
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Ugh, not you again!
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...what an asshole David! And why aren't they concerned about Cora being in town?
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Aww, poor Gold!

Monday 18 November 2013

Think Lovely Thoughts

Overall, I LOVED this episode and I can't believe we have to wait 2 weeks for the next episode!
Stephen Lord was amazing as Rumple's father Malcolm, his acting and little quips his son would pick up later like the giggle, even if he sounded high throughout the episode! I also loved the entire group working together to try and get Henry back, even trying to trust Rumple after discovering the prophecy and he can help find a way for David to live in Storybrooke despite the poison. Now, as for the factor of (MAJOR SPOILER) Pan revealing to be Rumple's dad...I liked it! Yes, the family tree may be even more fucked up than it was in season 2, but it made sense that the person even Rumple would fear would be his own father and I can clearly see why! He manipulates his great grandson into sacrificing his life so he could selfishly live, even manipulates his own son into leaving Neverland and endangering his grandson's life and leaves his son as a child so he can live young and not be reminded of the responsibilities of being a father! Seriously, all of this Actually, I blame  those spinsters for giving him the magic bean because if they didn't, none of this would've happened! My only complaint would have to be Henry, because of the stupid choice he made to sacrifice his life to 'save magic' despite the fact he hated what magic did to his family in season 2, and doesn't even listen to his own parents who are telling the truth! It doesn't help Jared's voice is starting to crack, so it looks like he can't get away with Henry being 11 soon! By the way, loved Marilyn Manson as the Shadow, he was just so creepy and an ideal casting choice!
Wow! The resemblance it striking between Rumple and Malcolm!
AWW young Rumple looks so cute!
Ooh! The doll!
OK, I can understand why they're pissed off with him about wanting to kill Henry!
And that's where his spinning days started!
IT WAS HISTORY REWRITTEN IN 1X19! Now I get why Rumple didn't want to jump in the portal!
Wait, Malcolm created Neverland?
Hmm, odd for him to do the right thing!

HAHA! 'I'm not walking in there with nothing but my good looks!' nice one Rumple having a bit of vanity!

Aww, such a sweet reunion!
Poor Rumple finding out Bae lied that he was dead to Wendy!
Clearly that's where Rumple got his Dark One giggle from! And I swear he looks high whenever he's onscreen, he makes Mad Hatter Jefferson look sane!
Looks like Rumple's always had a sweet tooth!
Hmm, Skull Rock looks pretty cool!
Aww, sweet Charming Daddy moment!
So this is where pixie dust comes from!
MARILYN MANSON SHADOW! Seriously, loved how creepy he sounded!
Nice seeing all of Henry's parents (and grandfather) working together!
Good on Regina not taking any of Rumple's shit if he fails!
                                                            Still has that Dark One smug!
Nice to see Regina and Emma using their magic together!
...what an asshole!
OMG I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING! So all this time, Peter has been taunting his own son?!
Hmm, nice hourglass!
And you blew it!

Monday 11 November 2013

Dark Hollow!

Finally, after seven weeks, we're back in Storybrooke and I have to say, I'm so relieved! The acting was great, the pacing was great, the transitions to each scene were great, seeing Storybrooke was great, just loved it and I love how this season is getting better and better! Even if Rumbelle aren't actually onscreen together, they somehow gave me tons of feels with the way they talked about their love to other people. Belle is finally appreciated by everyone else after everything she's been through in season 2 and manages to help Gold with Ariel by finding Pandora's Box with the help of beloved Chip! I also liked Ariel, she's just so sweet and immediately a memorable character and a great addition to the group! And I really liked that John and Michael weren't portrayed as villains like Greg and Tamara, in that have a purpose and actually know what they're doing, since all they want their sister back! The subplot with Hook, Neal and Emma, while not as interesting as the main plot of this episode, was pretty funny with the two men quarrelling and trying to impress Emma like a group of schoolboys and that Emma put them in their place to avoid a love triangle! And I'm starting to appreciate Mary Margaret more since I didn't really like her in season 2 going all dark and killing Cora and feeling sorry for herself afterwards (still glad Cora's dead though) and I understood where she was coming from about being angry that David lied to her and that he was worried she wouldn't want to stay in Neverland with them. By the way, love that Ruby was finally mentioned after not having been seen since Welcome To Storybrooke!
Why are they replaying this sad, sad scene again?!
Can't help but admire how beautiful Belle looks even when she's crying!

Nice forshadowing...
Love how pretty Ariel looks!
Ooh, new hot guy alert!
Aww, poor Belle missing her love and refusing burgers! (by the way, expect much more awws in this one cos trust me, there are loads of feels!)
Aww, her face when she finds out Rumple's alive!
AWW, bless her trying to touch his hologram hair!
Stop being a douche, Hook!
Love Ariel's outfit! Ooh, she found a thingamabob!

AWWW!!! CHIP! 'No matter how much it's been through, but it survived like our love!' :')
Haha! 'I'm not afraid of you or your gun, and not just because I don't know what it is!'
OK, I have to admit, I liked Mary Margaret in this scene!
Haha! Gotta love Neal and Hook bickering!
Despite the CGI, I rather liked this scene!
Looks like Belle seeing good in people is really paying off!
Didn't think I'd see you back, Wendy!
Haha! Gotta love Gold!
Ooh, jealous that the Dark One has someone to love, hmm? Well, maybe you'll meet Robin after the midseason finale!
AWWW!!!!!!!! 'When you return, tell Belle I love her, and that she was right. I will her again!' I had to pause this it made me that happy!
Go Emma, putting Neal and Hook in their place!
Nice to see you again Tinker Bell!
Skull Rock! Gotta say, nice design!