Tuesday 8 October 2013

Lost Girl

I have to say, I loved this episode and even if we're only 2 episodes in, this is a huge upgrade from season 2 with the fairytale tone and the dark tones being more balanced and how much more character driven it is rather than plot driven. I actually liked Emma realizing who she is while paralleling with the flashbacks involving Snow having to believe in herself and that she can fight against Regina (by the way, so glad we got to see Giancarlo as the Magic Mirror after an entire season of not seeing him). Although it's not the best Snowing flashback, at least it had more of a purpose than Lady of the Lake and it was fun seeing Rumple interacting with Snow and Charming. Speaking of Rumple, loved the kind of reunion between him and Belle which I found beautiful and of course, adorable. I don't think it was as good as it was built up to be, but I still loved it and I like how it showed Rumple's psyche and how the only person he can open up to about his past is Belle. The only problems I have are that I think it's too early for a major conflict with David possibly dying from the poison, we don't see Henry and I don't think it was as good as the press built it up to be. Still, overall, I loved this episode and the theme of belief.
OK, this is creepy...and that that's gotta hurt ripping off his own shadow!
Why does the title card have Excalibur...
Nice view of the Neverland jungle!
LOVE Regina's dress!
OK, is that one better?
Bambi photobombing!
LOL 'I thought you didn't dress like that anymore'
Stupid TV Line for lying to us...better than the almost kiss in 2x11!
YAY! Rumple! By the way, love Charming's hair! Am I the only one who noticed Rumple is doing his magic in Belle's library?
Gotta love Regina's sass!
AWW!!! I just love how they bicker like an old married couple, it's so cute!
Wait, Snow is King Arthur?
Storybrookers assemble (sorry, I know, lame pun)
Or that one...to hell with it, all of Regina's dresses look amazing!
I have to admit, this scene made me well up!
Why the hell didn't this win the Emmy for Best Costume Designs...?
HAHAHA! 'How nauseatingly romantic' Sorry, I find it funny how rude Rumple can be!
I may not be a Captain Swan shipper, but I liked this scene.
That doll is really creepy...
There's the Peter we remember! (the outfit, I mean)
OK, I may not like Charming as much as the other characters but oh my God...

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