Monday 30 September 2013

The Heart of the Truest Believer

I have been so excited for season 3 for a long time, and I have to say it was most definitely worth the wait! Full of action, adventure and even quite a bit of humour (the rainbow kisses and unicorn stickers line was the funniest bit) By the way, I loved how everyone addressed how overtly whimsically optimistic Mary Margaret and David are and that it doesn't work like that all the time. Loved Neal in the episode and the introduction of Robin Hood as a recurring character (now played by Sean Maguire) and I can't wait to see more of his quest to reunite with Emma. LOVED Rumple in his sexy black leather outfit which I couldn't stop staring at throughout the whole thing and he would make me smile every time he appeared onscreen. The only issues I have are the inconsistency of the CGI (I liked the backgrounds and the mermaid tails, but the pixie dust looked awful!) and that they tried to cram in a bit too much like Aurora trying to contact henry again which could've been used for a bit more character development. Still, despite them nitpicks, I loved this episode and it was a great episode for introducing both Peter Pan and Neverland which I can't wait to see more of this season!
Not really a coincidence Henry was born at 8:15!
Aww, poor Emma!
OK, I have to admit, Henry's snarks were funny!
*wolf whistles* HE LOOKS SO HOT! Sorry, too much fangirl out of me!
I bet that's Peter...
Nice hair Aurora!
Yay, Neal's a Mulan fan!
YEAH, Go Rumple, go Rumple, go Rumple! THANK YOU FOR KILLING TAMARA!
Yay! Robin's back...with a different face, voice and hair colour (in all seriousness, he is actually good!)
What a cat fight!
Not the best idea Emma...
Still think it's Peter...
Aww, poor Rumple!
Love this speech! At least it avoids all the cliches!
Called it! It's Peter!

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