Monday 14 October 2013

Quite a Common Fairy!

This episode finally introduces the fairy we all know and love Tinker Bell (played by Rose McIver) and I have to say I love what they've done with her character. Yes, she may not be the sassy bitch we all remember, but I liked her personality and that she was willing to break the rules in order to help Regina find happiness, even if unsurprisingly, things don't end well. By the way, don't like the Blue Fairy, she just seems manipulative in that she claims she's benevolent, but then she helps with ruining people's lives all while thinking she's a good person! This episode really shows one of the biggest strengths of the show: the relationships between the characters. From Regina and Tink, Peter and Henry, Robin and Neal, Hook and Charming, and perhaps the most surprising one of all: Mulan and Aurora. I find it interesting the show tackles an issue like this, but it is done very subtly and you can really feel for Mulan when she's heartbroken to leave her to join Robin Hood's merry men after she discovers Aurora's pregnancy! Speaking of Robin, I found it adorable seeing him with his son and (MAJOR SPOILERS) he is Regina's soulmate. It is sad Marian died, but I guess it showed he didn't pay his price quite yet after he healed her. I know people have been divided by the Regina/Robin pairing because 1) they seem an odd choice and 2) Regina doesn't need a man to be happy, but I think it'll be interesting when they finally appear together onscreen. There are only a couple of flaws, like the CGI in I think what is supposed to be Pixie Hollow, and I didn't like Neal using Robin's young son to summon the shadow and potentially putting him in danger, even if it worked. I'm so glad Neal is finally in Neverland and I can't wait to see him next week with his father (who unfortunately isn't in this episode, but oh well).
Haha! Love Rumple's face with how offended he was by Regina's comment! By the way, nice foreshadowing with the swan!
TINKER BELL!!! I love her little green dress!
Love how pretty young Regina looks!
Aww! Robin's son looks so cute!
Love Regina and Emma in this scene!
Hmm, Henry being William Tell!
Pixie Hollow...I'll admit I like how colourful it is!
Loved this scene with Robin asking why he should risk his son's life for Neal's sake!
Hmm, nice tattoo!

Can I just say I love the set design of the pub!
That treehouse looks so cosy! 
Ooh! Evil Tink...
OK, now I hate the Blue Fairy! Poor Tink!
Second star to the right and straight on til morning...
OK, I used to think this ship was ridiculous (I still find it a bit odd), but I absolutely loved this scene!
LOL 'Who are you?' 'A pissed off mother, where is she?'
Finally! Neal's in Neverland! At least we didn't have to wait for half a season...
I have to admit, I thought Hook looked hot in this scene! 
Robin Hood and his Merry Men...and woman!

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