Monday 16 March 2015

Enter The Dragon

In this episode, we get to see Maleficent's backstory along with some insight to the Sleeping Beauty story (finally) & her & Regina's friendship origins as it's revealed that Maleficent (who's pretty much a parallel of a retired washed up celebrity in this episode) actually cursed Aurora in adulthood before her wedding to Philip for revenge against her mother Briar Rose thanks to some motivation from Regina (who's growing impatient at Rumple for not teaching her how to stop Snow White) despite King Stefan (played by Sebastian Roche) trying to stop them.

In Storybrooke, the Charmings get Regina to successfully go undercover by pretending she's evil again to Maleficent, Cruella & Ursula, during which it turns out Maleficent wants Pinocchio as he's a clue to find out who the author is. But then Rumple reveals himself to Regina & end up turning Pinocchio back into August in order to force him to tell them who & where the author is! Oh yeah, and Hook gets Belle to do a favour by giving him Rumple's dagger, only for it to be revealed that Hook really was Rumple in disguise all along. (Well, at least it's a start for his quest to win her back!)
Honestly, out of all the season 4 episodes so far, this is definitely the weakest next to White Out & it's mostly for the same reasons, in particular when it comes to the flashbacks. Although it was more interesting to know about Regina & Maleficent's friendship origins, the problem is that we don't know why & how Maleficent became a recluse despite previously being the evil ruler we know her as along with the fact that the Regina wanting to destroy Snow formula returning (even if she does nothing & it's mostly to learn a lesson about patience). And King Stefan was severely underused & wasted (well, at least they didn't turn him into a one dimensional villain like the Maleficent movie) & the way they dealt with cursing Aurora felt anticlimactic given that she apparently did it for sacrifice in season 2 when in here she was cursed just like that! And I'll take it that her mother Briar Rose (an admittedly clever way of bringing Aurora's alias into the mix) was the original Sleeping Beauty if Aurora knew she was a princess the whole time, wasn't cursed as a baby & no fairies were involved!
The Storybrooke scenes definitely fared better thanks to the interactions between Regina, Maleficent, Ursula & Cruella even if the last 2 had more of a back-seat compared to the other two and we don't follow on from Snow & Charming's dark secret or that Emma has the potential to be dark. It was nice to see Emma & Regina interacting & for the former to finally have suspicions about everyone keeping things from her while the latter was going undercover. As for Belle & Rumple's subplot, it was enjoyable to see even if it was a bit weird one minute she says that she's afraid of him & may need the dagger for protection & the next she says that she's not over him...well, at least Rumple's one step closer to winning her back despite using Hook's body (which won't be a smart idea later on if Belle talks to the real Hook about it)!
As for August returning, I am so so happy they decided to bring him back because he has remained one of my favourite characters since season 1 & I was so so upset when they decided to retcon his very interesting story in season 2 (yeah, still haven't forgiven them for some of the dumb decisions they made during season 2) but for them to fix that problem I have always had was very delightful to see.
Overall, so far this is a weak edition with the flashbacks being mostly pointless & unengaging despite some good Storybrooke scenes with Regina & Maleficent and it's refreshing to see some old faces again (which shall be the same for next week as Ariel's returning)
Interesting wardrobe choice, Maleficent!
Am I the only one who finds it strange blue ribbons exist in the Enchanted Forest?
Hmm, why would Cora of all people have Maleficent's spellbook?
Uh, what does that burning tree have to do with anything?
For once I agree with Emma, getting Regina to go undercover has it's flaws!
You mean to tell me they're risking their lives just to see if Regina is still evil?!
Aww, can't help but love seeing Henry & Belle interacting!
Did you really expect them to reveal their plan just like that to Regina?!
Well, Maleficent looks...different!
Oh yeah, almost forgot Gold had his cabin in the woods!
Bit weird he doesn't recognise King Leopold's wife AKA the queen!
Rather strange the wedding invitations are engraved on metal plates!
OK, this is not the Maleficent I know just giving up!
Hmm, I wonder what lead they have that Regina doesn't know yet other than Rumple helping them...
HAHA! 'Now I see you brought the entire Charming softball team and their pirate mascot!'
Hmm, nice seeing Emma being a more open minded person sticking by Regina!
Hmm, I wonder why it's just them two...
Pretty awkward given that Hook beat Will up yet he's acting like that never happened...
Rather unusual he suddenly wants Rumple's dagger...something doesn't feel right here.
OK, why do they want Pinocchio despite him saying he doesn't remember any of his August memories...?
So her horns aren't real...nice way of explaining the costume change compared to season 1!
Well, that was easy given that she hadn't used her spells in years!
Well, Stefan looks different compared to the long hair & beard! At least he isn't a crazy one dimensional tyrant! 
What the hell are his guards wearing?!
Aww, love seeing them bonding!
Hmm, nice of Emma to check up on Regina!
Pretty epic fail if they can't get themselves out of rope!
Just when I thought the CGI was getting good...
Uh...what is she doing?!
Nice to see you again Aurora!
'I have my own special curse in mind for your Prince Philip.' Must say, I'm surprised they remembered she turned him into the Yaoguai in 2x11!
Hmm, bit weird she's saying she's afraid he's already in town...
'Dark One if you're here, come and face me.' Bit weird Hook turned to face her the moment she said that...
I KNEW Hook was really Rumple in disguise!
OK, this bit felt rather hot knowing that it's really Rumple & why do I get the feeling he got Belle the rose?
Still can't help but feel sorry for him!
Uh..what was the point of cursing the horse?
Well, someone was going to find out sooner or later that he's back!
Nice to see you again August! You have NO idea how much I've missed him!

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