Monday 2 March 2015

Darkness On The Edge of Town

Finally, after nearly 3 months, we are finally back & this was definitely worth the very long wait! After the events of the midseason finale, Rumple & Ursula go off to find Cruella in Long Island so they can convince her to team up with them to find the author of the book so they can all get happy endings. The flashbacks reveal that Rumple had sent for Maleficent, Ursula & Cruella & promises them their happy endings if they can obtain the Dark Curse from a number of obstacles, including the Chernabog from Fantasia. In Storybrooke, Emma, Regina & Henry also begin their quest to find the author, but first have to find a way to save the fairies from the hat they were entrapped in along with Belle & Hook, only to accidentally release Chernabog in the process. However, when Emma & Regina fight him off with their magic, it only manages to drive him away instead of destroying him as it's revealed that he's after someone whose heart can contain much darkness, initially believed to be Regina, but instead turns out to be Emma according to Mr Gold (and it's revealed he was the professor from Oxford that sent Belle a translation to get everyone out of the hat). Once the former head towards the town line, Cruella & Ursula manage to make a deal with Regina & Emma under the pretense that they have redeemed themselves, as they plan to use scrolls like the one Ingrid used in order to cross through, also making a deal with Rumple for him to cross with another scroll (which they do) & they plan to resurrect Maleficent from her zombie form from back in season 2. Oh yeah & it's revealed that Mary Margaret & David know Cruella & Ursula & are keeping a very dark secret up to the point that Mary Margaret threatens to crush both of their hearts.

After some admittedly initial hesitation, I actually really enjoyed this episode! It felt nice to see how much has changed in Storybrooke over the last 6 weeks, including Emma & Regina's friendship, finding the author & Rumple trying to get back to Storybrooke. The addition of Chernabog from the Night on Bald Mountain segment in was surprisingly interesting & I liked that he actually had a purpose in the story (guarding the Dark Curse & revealing Emma has darkest potential) & it was rather cool to see Rumple use his smarts throughout, including posing as a linguistics professor in order to release everyone from the hat including Chernabog, & miraculously getting into town with none of his magic whatsoever. He may still be on the manipulative side, but at least his goal is more legitimate this time round with wanting a happy ending & winning his wife back! One thing I also liked seeing was the origins of how Rumple managed to obtain the Dark Curse in the flashbacks which was very interesting & the Chernabog as mentioned before was tied very well into it. I also very enjoyed the funny moments throughout thanks to the dynamic between Rumple, Ursula & Cruella throughout & I loved the acting from all of them! And another thing, I like that Mary Margaret & David will be more in the spotlight now given that the Frozen arc in the last half made them feel a bit pushed to the side in terms of the story.
If I did have a problem, it'd be the fact that the whole consequence of crossing the town line & not being able to return to Storybrooke was resolved too quickly (kinda similar to last year with Emma immediately getting her memories back after all the build up in 3x11), but at least it is nice to see them use something already established with the scrolls instead of something completely new to get Rumple, Cruella & Ursula in town! And I still question Cruella's existence in the Enchanted Forest & how odd it is that she, Ursula & Maleficent teamed up & the formula of a new villain(s) taking over the town & everyone having to stop them is getting pretty repetetive now! Still, the execution of the episode is what saved it for me mostly & I am very intrigued with Snow & Charming's dark secret (which shall be revealed next week)!
Anyway, for a midseason premiere, this one is pretty good with fun moments, action & acting along with some interesting twists! As for next week, I'm very intrigued to see more of Snow & Charming (given that we haven't seen Snow White at all in season 4 so far) & I can't wait to see more of how Emma may be corrupted!
HAHA! 'I don't take orders from fish!'
So Cruella has dogs for minions that she magically controls...OK, I'll take that piece of irony!
Nice to see Mary Margaret teaching again!
Hmm, looks like Regina is back to being mayor again!
So they've now made Belle befriend the man who tortured her & her husband, tried to kill her twice, made her lose her memories, blackmailed him & hasn't apologised for any of it...WHAT THE HELL?! Well, I am surprised even he knew Rumple genuinely loved her despite blackmailing him!
Well, never expected Rumple to end up in that type of wardrobe eating microwavable noodles in Ursula's apartment!
 Hmm, fancy house! Seems Cruella was doing well for herself in our world!
 HAHA! 'Cruella De Vil!' 'No one calls me that here.' 'Well, I'm sorry dearie but Cruella Feinberg doesn't have quite the same ring'
 Must say, that's a very awesome car!
AH! It's about time that we see some sort of origin with the Dark Curse!
HAHAHAHA! And fun fact, Daniel Dae Kim (Jin from Lost) is the voice of the drive thru guy!
 Love seeing Emma & Regina being friends!
Aww, poor Regina!
Interesting spell...
That can't be good!
OK...I'd be scared out of my mind by that!
 That is pretty awesome!
Hmm, interesting that they brought in Chernabourg from Fantasia...not gonna lie, that's pretty cool!
Nice way of knowing where the town line is if he ever went back! 
Yeah, for once you should trust him! And by the way, 'his little maid' happens to be his wife!
Hmm, she's acting very fishy to me about the author & sorcerer!
Oh crap...
Go Emma & Regina even if it only drove him away!
 Just a small note, LOVE Belle's outfit!
 HAHA! 'Regina, who is it?' 'The sea bitch!' 
 Not so sure if they should trust them...
Well, I guess Ursula has something called a heart if she didn't leave Maleficent to die!
What's their problem with Cruella & Ursula?!
Oh God...
OK, that was awesome!
About bloody time he was back in town!
Wait, HE posed as the Oxford professor & sent the translation of the spell to Belle in order to release the Chernabog so they could get back into town without any magic whatsoever...that is many levels of awesome right there & that is saying a lot!
 Looks like Henry's the perceptive sort like his grandpa!
'No one must know what happened between us in the Enchanted Forest. And if you say one single word to anyone, especially Emma, you won't even have to worry about the Evil Queen. I'll rip out your hearts myself!' OK...that was scary & looks like there's always been a bit of darkness in Snow even before she killed Cora!

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