Monday 18 March 2013

Welcome to Storybrooke!

While this episode was good, I noticed some more flaws compared to the grand episodes which I've decided to call The Trinity, since they were very strong and followed the story and turned it into something epic! So what did I like about it? From now on I'm gonna put in the 3 things I liked and 3 things I felt could've been better as well as the screenshots, descending from best to worst!
1) Lana's acting! She was truly the highlight of this episode and you could actually feel sorry for Regina, even if she was very pushy and a bit creepy. However, my main highlight was the confrontation between MM and Regina when she ripped her heart out and showed MM the black bit in her heart!
2) Graham's return! I was so ecstatic to see my favourite Irish sheriff back, even if it was only in flashbacks!
3) Mr Gold! He is actually good with advice and I loved he protected MM at her apartment! It makes me wonder why the Charmings haven't done anything to protect Belle!
1) The pacing of the flashbacks! I'm sorry, but it was too rushed for one week of the curse, even with that montage which made it look like Groundhog Day!
2) Henry! No surprise, he annoyed me in this episode! And I find it stupid he thought up of dynamites to destroy magic, which could've killed him! Also, I didn't like that he didn't thank Regina when she destroyed that curse and he ended up hugging Emma! Also, the whole MM killing Cora was none of his business, so why did he want to be involved?
3) Mary Margaret! I'm sorry, but what happened to the brave and tough Snow we loved? All I saw was the meek and naive MM trying to find a cheap way out of dealing with the fact she murdered someone! I think she was way too cowardly and too stupid, feeling sorry for herself while everyone was trying to protect her! Even Gold, one of her enemies was trying to protect her!
I love the relationship between these two, and I actually think Owen's better than Henry as the kid character! Why? Because he's not annoying!
Lost reference!
I call that being a gentleman! Remember people, Belle is his True Love!
Getting bored, aren't ya Regina? Must be like Groundhog Day for her!
I'm glad we got to see Gold and not Rumple pretending to be Gold since the Pilot! Unicorn mobile callback!
Did she just say 'Thank you Mommy'?
Aww! Regina and Owen bonding!
Aww! Father son bonding, even if Henry gets on my nerves!
Yay! Gold being there for MM! And I loved the line 'He can't be your guard dog forever'!
BILLY! My favourite hot guy who used to be a cute little mouse! WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE LIKE GRAHAM?!
Ugh, Greg again!
SHUT UP HENRY! It's none of your business and don't you realize how manipulative you're being?
Oh my God, I feel so sorry for this kid!
Aww! Some bonding between Gold & MM! I never thought I'd say that!
Just trying to imagine how black Regina's heart is compared to MM's! Pretty interesting MM's destroying herself! And this scene was really shocking!
I swear they're so stupid at times using magic in the open while they're aware someone from the outside world is in Storybrooke!
So Greg is Owen! Now my feelings for him have changed! All he wants is his dad back!

Monday 11 March 2013

The Miller's Daughter!

This episode was amazing from start to finish! The acting was amazing and the script was consistently well written, giving us a full incite to Cora & Rumple's roles from the original Rumplestiltskin fairy tale (despite the fact it was creepy). And I liked it carried on Mary Margaret's ordeal on whether or not she should kill Cora and ended up regretting what happened! And the ending was executed perfectly, especially from Lana, now back to her Evil Queen mode! Oh yeah, and Regina ISN'T Rumple's daughter! YAY!
Wow! Rose even has Cora's scary stare!
OK, the enchanted box line was funny, I must admit!
Loving the dress, even if it looks modern and was stolen!
Ruby looking pretty as always!
Eww! *Imagine it's Belle, imagine it's Belle*
OK, I must admit, the Snow White line was funny! And is it me or did their kisses seem...awkward?
Wait a minute, I thought she had to use the candle over Gold's body!
So, Henry's dad was the one who convinced Cora to choose power?
ALL THE RUMBELLE FEELS! Robert has to win something for this role!
Such a touching scene! If you didn't cry, your heart must've been ripped out by Cora!
Smart thinking Mary Margaret!
Ladies and gentlemen, that's what I call a smart move!
YAY! CORA'S DEAD! Was I the only one who was staring at Gold looking sexy in his shirt & waistcoat? I do feel for Regina though and I find it interesting the type of magic Cora used would end up being used against her!
Ooh! Regina's back to her Evil Queen mode!

Monday 4 March 2013

The Queen is Dead!

It's for certain that as of Manhattan, the episodes will be getting better and better after some recent underwhelming episodes! I loved this episode and Ginnifer and Bailee shined as Snow and it was actually the first time I saw Mary Margaret was a real human in this and conflicting with being moral or doing what she thinks is right. Also, I loved Snow's mother Eva. She seemed like an amazing mother to Snow and it's really sad that Cora basically killed her. Now Mary Margaret knows exactly how Regina felt when Cora killed Daniel! However, there is one thing that I despise from this episode: Henry! Good fucking God, do I hate him! Being so unfair to Emma and making it clear he won't forgive her even though he saved her life and that he will forgive the man who never knew about him and has only been his dad for a few hours! Also, he didn't even seemed fazed when Gold blamed him for everything and grabbed and yelled at him! If I were him, I would've been scared and would've been questioning why it was my fault instead of doing nothing but stuffing my face with pizza and cinnabons!
That dress looks so pretty! And who would've thought Snow was such a bitch?!
Hey, it's Mrs Patmore from Downton Abbey!
Wow! Eva's illness was so...sudden!
OK, I want Mary Margaret's coat!
Oh God! Gold's smile! Just, I can't!
SHUT UP HENRY! How dare he be so disrespectful to his mother!
I don't care if his face looks like a sociopath's in this bit but I'm glad of 2 things: 1) he grabbed Henry violently and 2) WE CAN SEE A BIT OF HIS CHEST *SQUEALS IN A FANGIRLY WAY!*
YEAH MOTHER SUPERIOR! I'm glad she has more screen time!
I love Snow's cape! Gotta give props to the wardrobe department!
This scene left me in bits! Bailee and Rena were just so incredible and believable in this scene!
Woah! A very difficult first I thought Johanna was gonna be a bad guy!
Such a beautiful funeral dress! Also, I'm thinking where the hell is Leopold, shouldn't he be there mourning his WIFE'S DEATH!
Cora- just- just leave! You've pretty much fucked everyone's live from the very start!
RIP Mrs Pat-I mean Johanna!
Why do I get the feeling Tamara will be Tiger Lilly or Tinkerbell? She looks like an interesting character!
Wow! A pretty huge announcement! I think it's the case of the moral person using violence to protect her family/murder for revenge scenario!