Monday 29 October 2012

The Doctor!

Well, there was no Belle, but there was plenty of Rumpel and a bit of Gold at the end! I wasn't that surprised about Whale being Victor Frankenstein, but I was quite surprised at how they portrayed him compared to the archetypal mad scientist we know him as!Still, he was rather eccentric looking for a magic heart for his dead brother and wearing them rose tinted spectacles (A'la Rocky Horror?? 'Rose tint my world...??) Even though we're supposed to hate her, I was crying when Regina and Daniel reunited at the stables and he told her to let him go so she could carry on.
She looks so happy, bless her!
Poor Daniel, bless him!
He certainly looks rather eccentric!
IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!
That face just screams 'Photo op!'
OK, I don't know why but I think it would've been better if they left him naked like Snow did with that guard in Heart of Darkness!
Fairytale Jefferson's back & looking sexy as ever! Jennifer Morrison is SO lucky to be dating him in real life!

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