Monday 29 October 2012

The Doctor!

Well, there was no Belle, but there was plenty of Rumpel and a bit of Gold at the end! I wasn't that surprised about Whale being Victor Frankenstein, but I was quite surprised at how they portrayed him compared to the archetypal mad scientist we know him as!Still, he was rather eccentric looking for a magic heart for his dead brother and wearing them rose tinted spectacles (A'la Rocky Horror?? 'Rose tint my world...??) Even though we're supposed to hate her, I was crying when Regina and Daniel reunited at the stables and he told her to let him go so she could carry on.
She looks so happy, bless her!
Poor Daniel, bless him!
He certainly looks rather eccentric!
IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!
That face just screams 'Photo op!'
OK, I don't know why but I think it would've been better if they left him naked like Snow did with that guard in Heart of Darkness!
Fairytale Jefferson's back & looking sexy as ever! Jennifer Morrison is SO lucky to be dating him in real life!

Monday 22 October 2012

The Crocodile!

I LOVED this Rumbelle episode! Thank God for Belle asserting her independence when her own father kidnapped her (well, sent Smee to kidnap her!). Not exactly Father of the Year! Thank God for Gold saving her in the mines though! This episode just showed how much he cares for and loves her and I was crying my eyes out when Gold was opening up to Belle about his devotion to his son and admitting his cowardice, and now because of them, whenever I eat a hamburger, all I'll be thinking about is them! Oh yeah, found it quite interesting Rumple's also the crocodile who chopped Hook's hand off! LOVED Hook though, a very interesting look on him!
This confirms they were having sex!
This scene was PERFECT! If only they kissed...

I have to admit, I do like Milah's pirate outfit!
Must've been strange for Robert, basically being Rumple's head and voice and Gold's body! I did get the feeling Belle would have a nightmare of Rumple turning back into the Dark One, but not when he's on the verge of murdering Leroy!
OK, now I don't like Moe! Kidnapping his daughter and disapproving of her and Rumple! 

Bless his face when Belle asks him out on a date involving hamburgers!
Killian looks so sexy here!
I wonder how long he was waiting for....
Gold looks like he's ready for action!
I just think she looks so pretty here and I love that nightdress!
OK, I know she was kind of a bitch, but killing her's a bit low!

Saturday 20 October 2012

Friday 19 October 2012

Skin Deep Behind the scenes video

I love these two so much! So sweet they have a friendship offscreen! I HATE they had to delete that amazing scene! Robert Carlyle said on Twitter the director's cut of the episode was 60 minutes long! I hate they cut a load for the girls night out scene even though they cut out bits of Archie and David in the same bar!

Sunday 7 October 2012

Oh yeah, one other thing from my Disney references post!
When Belle curtseys & Rumpel bows after he gives her the rose, it mirrors Belle curtseying & the Beast bowing at the beginning of the title song!

Also, the way Belle rests her head on Gold in Broken mirrors that of Belle resting her head on the Beast while dancing with him!

Saturday 6 October 2012

Disney References in Skin Deep!

1) Obviously, the characters's names!
-Sir Maurice, quite different from his Disney counterpart as a wacky inventor! Still, they both care for their daughter, Belle! His Storybrooke counterpart's name Moe French references the Disney movie being set in France!

-Gaston, he appears to be as superficial as his Disney counterpart. Think about it when he says 'The young lady is engaged, to me'.

-Of course, who can forget Belle?! As well as her gold & blue dresses resembling the ones from the film, she's seen holding a blue book against her chest, referencing her love for reading & her favourite book which has a blue cover in the Disney film! Also she calls her father Papa like in the film!

2) One word: Chip! The chipped cup which symbolises Belle's & Rumpel's love is of course a reference to Chip, the cute tea cup from the Disney movie!

3) There's clearly a candelabra & a clock which references Lumiere & Cogsworth in Rumpel's castle behind him when he talks to Belle about her old life & Gaston!

4) Gaston in his rose form is a reference to the Beast's enchanted rose which would bloom until he was 21!

5) Rumpelstiltskin's bad temper mirrors that of the Beast's.

6) Rumplestiltskin's mirror may be a reference to the one which can show anything as the Magic Mirror is implied to be able to look through any mirror.

7) Rumpel even references the song Belle my calling Maurice's land 'a little town', as well as referencing the beggar woman in the prologue of the film, by saying the person at the door who was really Gaston was 'just an old woman selling flowers'.
8) The kiss from Broken could be considered similar to the one at the end of the film!

9)The shot of Belle & Rumpelstiltskin in the dungeon when she gives him her'empty heart' speech is similar to the one when Belle takes Maurice's place as the Beast's prisoner!

Monday 1 October 2012

Rumbelle Broken Kiss!

Here's a better version of the Broken kiss!
I think Belle looks so pretty here!

Broken Kiss!

Sorry about the play icon, I was watching it online & it showed that whenever it paused! Still, it was worth it!
That chipped cup moment was so sweet! And when Mr Gold said it was his most treasured possession, I nearly fainted of fangirlness! I'm glad it did show a little conflict after she overheard him talking to Emma because not every rrealtionship just has their up moments, but also their down moments. Still I'm glad she came to her senses & decided to stay with him!