Sunday 26 April 2015


After the shocking events of the last episode (Emma killing Cruella), Maleficent enlists Emma's help to find her daughter Lily, which quickly turns into a road trip for her & Regina as she plans on going to New York to save Robin from Zelena.

They manage to find Lily (now played by Agnes Bruckner) at a gas station diner, where she continues to lie about her life & they discover she knew about her origins with what Snow & Charming did & Emma's connection in all of this, wanting revenge on them. But Emma will have none of that & is on the verge of killing her former friend, but Regina manages to stop her & convince her that she doesn't need to kill again. In Storybrooke, now that Belle has no heart, Rumple ironically ends up enlisting Will's help to get it back as Regina had set her office up with a protection spell to avoid him getting it. And Rumple makes a selfless choice & sacrifices his chance to be with Belle to make up for all of his deceiving he did to her and for Will to protect her heart, leaving it on a rather ambiguous note from her perspective. The flashbacks also reveal that Lily & Emma had met again as she was crashing in her next foster home, where it's revealed Lily was involved in a robbery with her boyfriend & wanted to get her necklace (the only thing she has left of her birth mother) back before she planned on leaving again. However, it turns out Lily wanted a way to get Emma out as she stole the money intended for her foster family's holiday & she ends up running away from her family after they found out everything about Lily & that she was lying to them the whole time. And Emma refuses Lily's offer of running away again as she ruined her chance to be with a happy & loving family, but then it turns out the reason Lily knew everything about her past was because the Sorcerer's Apprentice had told her on a bus to Pittsburgh. And Regina & Robin finally reunite in New York with Emma & Lily in tow, but after Zelena reveals herself, we get another shocking twist to this story: she's pregnant with Robin's child!
Ever since Breaking Glass, I had been really intrigued with the character Lily & whether or not she would return because her friendship with Emma was really nice & interesting to watch despite the very short timespan. But ever since Best Laid Plans with the revelation that she not only was Maleficent's daughter, but also the person to be given the darkness that was taken out of Emma, that was when I really wanted to know how her life was led with that darkness in mind given how nice she seemed in Breaking Glass! Well, given she was in modern times, clearly that was a knack for convincingly lying on the spot along with crime, but given that we didn't know much about her in Breaking Glass other than that she's a compulsive liar & was adopted, none of her actions in the present or flashback scenes felt out of character & it was pretty interesting along with the explanations as to how she knew about Storybrooke & her real identity. Speaking of, I enjoyed seeing more flashbacks involving Emma & Lily as it was pretty sad Emma had lost the chance to be with a loving family thanks to Lily's actions & was right to not trust her, even if it's kinda hard to not sympathize with Lily given how bad her life has been without Emma! No wonder she has trust issues now! Although there was quite a bit going on, the pacing was oddly fine! They tried to even everything out the best they could, and it was good that it was fast plot progression, especially now that they've found Lily & that Regina has found Robin despite Zelena interfering yet again somehow!
With Rumple & Will's subplot, while it does annoy me that he & Belle are together (especially when Will pretty much made Belle a prize to be won), seeing Rumple make such a selfless choice to let Belle go after all of the deceiving he's done to her was heartbreaking, but also strangely nice because it's finally a piece of development which makes me sympathize with him again after all of the dark ways he's been going to get his happy ending by corrupting Emma. And it was so nice to see him acknowledge everything he did in 4A was wrong & what he really should have been doing & is doing his best to atone his mistakes despite his blackened heart. I do have hope for them given Belle's reaction after he left the shop, and we do have 3 episodes left! Although, is it me or have there been many eerily scary Skin Deep/Beauty and the Beast parallels with them in this half...?
As for Zelena being pregnant...'WHAT! THE? HELL?!' is all I can say about this! And honestly, I still can't comprehend it now! I can't believe that they've somehow managed to make a twist even more crazy than Zelena really being alive in the first place now that she has a bun in the oven baked by her sister's true love! I mean, this makes Rumple & Cora/Rumple & Zelena seem tame in comparison! Boy, those Mills girls really like to keep it in the family & I can't believe Robin still wants to stay with her despite knowing she's really Zelena!
Anyway, despite all the twists and craziness, I still really enjoyed this episode thanks to the pacing, flashbacks, acting, plot progression & finally seeing more development from the core characters. I'm rather intrigued for next week now that they'll all be heading back to Storybrooke with Lily (understandably) out for revenge on Snow & Charming with her mother & that Cora (yep, I'm talking about Barbara Hershey's Cora) will be returning for the flashbacks!
So the Sorcerer is a load of blue smoke in a cauldron!
Aww! Rather sad he still had feelings for Cruella even after everything!
Interesting Rumple's there of all people given that he set her death up!
Emma, your vengeance face is scaring me!
I can understand being angry over what she did, but isn't that exactly what Rumple wants out of her?!
Rather fitting since Emma has a knack for finding people!
Pretty coincidental Maleficent's daughter was her best friend!
Sweet seeing another one of Emma's foster families!
Nice choice of weapon to defend yourself!
Nice to see you again Lily!

Haha! 'Aint fake a bitch?'
Good idea killing two birds with one stone by going on a road trip!
Ugh, get them off my screen (I mean, together! I like them separately)!
Aww! And nice preparation with the scrolls!
Bit coincidental Emma & Lily lived close by as adults!
Nice Lost reference!
Interesting set of rules...
Well, seems Lily is still a compulsive liar!
Oh God...seems lying is only a small part of her darkness!
Eek! Wouldn't wanna live around there!
Remind me again why we're supposed to find them 'compelling'...
'When you walk into a man's home, you should ask if you're been invited!' couldn't have said it better myself!
'You're a thief and I need something stolen.' 'What might that be?' 'Belle's heart' 'Already in the process of doing that. Sorry mate!' OOH! Do NOT mess with an angry husband/Dark One, Will!
Interesting Pilot parallel!
Haha! 'Unless fate wants you to go to the Coffee Mug diner for help, chalk it up to accidents will happen!'
Wow, fate really is a bitch!
Seems she's still lying her way through life!
Interesting reunion!
OK, now she's lying she has a kid?!
Well, Mal's got a point that the person they should apologise to is Lily!
Thank God her lie detector still works!
Man, seems Lily hasn't been lucky in the real estate department!
Nice necklace! Goes with Lily's birthmark!
'She broke into my desk and stole our vacation money.' WHAT?! That's just low using her friend & betraying her (again!)
Poor Emma (again!)
Come on, even the Dark One is smart enough to figure out what Regina did to prepare herself!
HAHA! 'Tell me, Your Majesty, what are your plans for Zelena?! A nice chat over tea?!'
How the hell could she show her face to Emma after what she did?!
Well, it's pretty hard not to feel a bit sorry for her after knowing how crap her life has been!
Rather intense car chase!
Ooh! Catfight!

Emma, don't do it again!
'If you pull that trigger, you'll be the one who ruins your life this time!And Henry! And your parents, and everyone else's!' LISTEN TO HER!
'I'm going to return your heart now. But he's the one who's going to protect it. Because I've proven unworthy.' Rumple, what are you doing?! Wait a minute...I'm sensing a Beauty and the Beast theme with what's been happening with them in 4B so far...
Aww, sweet to see them reunited finally!
Well, at least he knows the truth now!
'Do you want to tell her, or should I?' 'Tell me what? Robin?! 'She's pregnant.' WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?

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